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We all know that English is a universal language. It is understood and spoken in almost every corner of the world. We cannot expect anyone, particularly in a working environment, to not know this universal language. And, to prepare for the cut-throat working environment one needs to start early. Learning English during student life is a part of this preparation.English is the most essential language in the field of education.<br>There are many countries where English is learned as a second language.<br><br>It wonu2019t be wrong if we say that English dominates the learning and research field. Not just this field, English has become a basic language of communication.Here are a few reasons why English is important for students
ss INTRODUCTION We all know that English is a universal language. It is understood and spoken in almost every corner of the world. We cannot expect anyone, particularly in a working environment, to not know this universal language. And, to prepare for the cut-throat working environmentoneneedstostartearly.LearningEnglish duringstudentlifeisapartofthispreparation.Englishis themostessentiallanguageinthefieldofeducation. TherearemanycountrieswhereEnglishislearnedasa secondlanguage. Itwon’tbewrongifwesaythatEnglishdominatesthe learning and research field. Not just this field, English has become a basic language of communication.Here areafewreasonswhyEnglishisimportantforstudents:
It makes communicationeasy Astudentmeetsthousandsofpeoplefromeverywalkof life. A good command on English helps them to communicatewithothersinthemostimpactfulmanner. It boosts theconfidence AstudentorworkingprofessionalwhoknowsEnglish brimswithconfidence.Itaddsuptothepersonality.
It helps in grabbing lifetimeopportunities No company would ever hire a person who lacks English communicationskills.Athoroughknowledgeofthislanguageis considered as the basic requirement for any post. Hence, in ordertograbagoodopportunity,astudentmustknowEnglish. It helps in enhancing theeducational skills OnceastudentbecomesadroitinEnglish,thereisnobarrierthat could stop him from learning more and becoming more educated.EverytypeofcoursesandclassesaretaughtinEnglish.
Studentswhowanttopursuehighereducationina foreigncountrymustlearnEnglish.Astudentwho knows English well can travel to any corner of the worldtogainhighereducation. It makes traveling for educationeasy
How to Improve English Effectively? Trustyourself If you are struggling to learn English and you lack confidence, you must first work on boosting your confidence.Donotgetscaredofbeingthebuttofjokes or being judged. If you are confident, no one could ever try to make fun of you.Have faith in yourself and speak withconfidence.
ListenEnglish Make it a habit to listen to English. Watch English movies,TVshows,News,andMusic.Thiswillintroduce youtomanynewwordsandclearbasicconceptswhile boostingyourgrabbingandlearning capacity. Usemirror Standinfrontofthemirrorandtryspeaking English.Thiswillboostyourconfidence.
Learngrammar At the initial stages, you should not worry about making grammatical errors while speaking. But, you mustkeepworkingonyourgrammarthroughout.You must aim at reaching a stage where you could speak Englishfluentlywithoutmakinggrammaticalerrors. Use newwords Onceyoulearnanewword,don’thesitateitfrom bringinginuse.Usingitwillboostyourconfidence.
Usewebsiteandapp There are many websites and apps that help English learners to improve their English learning skills. One of the best apps to improve your spoken English and boost your confidence is EngVarta: English Practice App. EngVarta is the best interactive app to learn English. It is ranked among the best English learning apps. This app is a great way of boosting English communication skills, particularly for those who understand the basics of the language but feel shy to communicate in English. Many English experts help the learners to gain a grip at English conversation. The app, which is compatible with both, iOs and Android, helps in boosting the confidence.
U S E E N G V A R T A You can use this best rated English practice app and join the plethora of English learners to practice English with live English experts. With this app you can learn and improve your fluency. Want to learn more about how this app can help you learn and improve your communication skills? Visit the official website of EngVarta: https://engvarta.com/ Or talk to customer support: +91-7570085666 Or you can download the app now and win a free trial session to start your practice with an expert this minute. English speaking practice app for Android: https://goo.gl/F6Jw6g For iPhone: https://goo.gl/yMAjmB