Sheriff Jimmy McDuffie
Our Mission The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office is committed to protect the lives, property and rights of all people, to maintain order and to enforce the laws. The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office will strive to accomplish this mission by setting goals and objectives and practicing the values of the Department. The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the professional care and custody of those confined in our jail, the security of our courts and the prompt investigation of crime when it occurs. It is our mission to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy and to ensure that our county is a safe place to live, work and visit. We are totally dedicated to the challenges of the careful management of our financial resources in this ever changing world. Sound fiscal responsibility ensures accountability to the public and focuses resources for efficiently achieving the goals of the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office.
It costs money to do business Though we are dedicated to ensuring, that our budget dollars are NOT wasted, to serve the citizens of this County in a professional and efficient manner, requires a sizable resource. There's no question that budgets are on the rise, for a number of reasons to include, Higher fuel cost Higher utility cost An increase in calls for service An ever growing jail population Repair and maintenance of an aging patrol fleet Repair and maintenance of a deteriorating Administrative building and jail The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office initiated a Humane Enforcement Unit The New Courthouse opened requiring additional security Since 2007 The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office has lost 14 enforcement positions, having less staff has caused an increase in overtime The demands on the County and this agency are great and ever changing, but the men and women of the Effingham County Sheriff's Office rise to those challenges daily through extraordinary dedication to the community they proudly serve.
How do we combat the budget MONSTER? Tightening the belt is never easy, especially in today’s financial climate. However, the Effingham County Sheriffs Office, has approached the task at hand on a division-by- division basis. Although it can be intimidating, at times, every division of the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office, has been fighting diligently to reduce our operating costs. We understand that even the smallest effort, is beneficial to the County, the Sheriffs Office, and our citizens as a whole.
Administration The Effingham County Sheriffs Office, has adopted a four day work week. This has caused a decrease in the amount of utilities used The four day work week has also reduced fuel consumption as well as wear and tear on administration vehicles. We have reduced the number of light bulbs in each fixture Began turning out all office lights when the office is not occupied We have installed motion activated light switches in all restrooms and non essential areas Recycling paper, we are now printing front to back on all reports.
Administration Cont. Utilizing more electronic media, by emailing as many forms, reports, and request to the courts and other departments, we have reduced the amount of paper used. By increasing the cost of criminal histories, fingerprints, expungements, etc….we have collected approximately $61,432.00 Probate Court began collecting the fingerprint fees for concealed weapon permits ($8.00 per customer), which has been an income of approximately $4320.00. Major Scott Lewis, when Major Lewis was reclassified from an hourly to a salaried employee, his yearly income was reduced by approximately $3,000. Mrs. Hodges handles all housekeeping in the administration area, by utilizing our inmate work force. This eliminates the need for an outside vendor. Mr. Yarley handles the majority of all maintenance issues, utilizing our inmate workforce eliminating the need for an outside vendor Timestar - upon implementing the automated time clock system, it reduced the amount of time office clerks spend on timesheets, made employees more accountable for time worked, saved time and office supplies not having to print timesheets. These simple adjustments have been very successful in saving the County and our taxpayers approximately $106,479.00 over the past year
Jail Funds generated from the inmate commissary, have supplemented the cost of…… New Stainless steel tables for inmate dorms New video recording system to assist Officers in assuring inmate safety New bunk beds to accommodate an increasing jail population Paint for inmate cells and dorm areas Replace worn and torn jumpsuits Repair damages caused by inmates New transport vehicles to replace less reliable vehicles These expenditures were incurred at no cost to the tax payers of Effingham County
Civil Division The Civil Division is responsible for serving civil process papers received from the Courts of our County, as well as other jurisdictions. In addition to process service, the Civil Division executes court orders including evictions, Writs of Possession to seize personal property, and Probate Orders to Apprehend and collect on judgments issued by the courts. The division also seizes and auctions both personal and real property when a defendant fails to voluntarily pay a judgment.. Annually, the division processes and serves more than 3,500 documents. Recently the Civil Division began using door hangers notifying citizens of impending civil service if the resident is not home. This has dramatically decreased the amount of numerous trips to one address, giving Deputies more time for other duties, and reduced fuel consumption as well as wear and tear on patrol vehicles. This gives the citizens of Effingham County a potential savings of $22,156.16 annually
Training Division The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office has several Deputies that are certified Law Enforcement instructors. The Training Division is responsible for all mandatory in-service training, to ensure our deputies are up-to-date with the latest technologies and tactical applications to perform their duties. Having certified instructors, eliminates the need for deputies to travel for training in most cases, and gives the Sheriff’s Office, the ability to save on man hours, vehicle wear and tear, and fuel consumption. We have recently begun utilizing free training courses online, being offered by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This saves the taxpayers of Effingham County approximately $37,830 annually.
Criminal Investigations The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) of the Effingham County Sheriff's Office is responsible for investigating all crimes that occur within Effingham County. Investigators within CID are tasked with providing follow-up investigation on cases where a crime has been committed, but no arrest has been made, as well as initiating new cases independently. CID has been able to greatly reduce the amount of overtime normally worked, by staggering the work hours for Investigators. This has reduced the number of times an “On Call” Investigator has to respond to a scene. Utilizing an employee that lives in Chatham County. This Investigator whether on or off duty, has been going to autopsies, dropping off or picking up from the crime lab, and responding to the hospital in reference to sex crime calls when needed. This has been very significant in reducing the times a Investigator must make the round trip from Effingham to Chatham County.
Patrol Even as calls for service are on the rise, every shift Patrol Deputies must park their patrol vehicle for one hour. During this time, deputies handle walk in reports, and assist dispatch. By doing this, we have been successful in reducing the amount of fuel consumed and wear and tear on patrol vehicles, which has amounted to a savings of approximately $48,545
Patrol Cont. Deputies that live out of County, are being utilized to transport inmates from other counties. These transports are being done as the Deputy is either on his way to work or on his way home. This has created a savings of $4,365 for Effingham County taxpayers.
Drug Unit The Effingham County Drug Unit is comprised of four Investigators, each are trained and have extensive knowledge in the detection of narcotics and methamphetamine lab cleanup. Having general Investigators crossed-trained in meth lab cleanup, has greatly reduced call outs and overtime for drug unit investigators. Methamphetamine labs often contain extremely hazardous materials. Most agencies are forced to contract with outside vendors for the cleanup. Companies that specialize in theses incidents, charge as much as $7,500 to secure and clean ONE methamphetamine lab. The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office Drug Unit often encounters areas where multiple labs are setup. The Drug Units ability to secure and cleanup the labs they discover, has saved Effingham County approximately $412,500.00 in 2012
Drug Unit Cont. To date in 2012, the Effingham County Sheriff’s Drug Unit, has generated more than ….. Fines and Fee in excess of $26,800 Drug Prevention Fund approximately $13,400 Community Service Hours which equal $15,805 Seized Assets totaling $31,610 Drug Seizures totaling $96,490 Arrested 59 Offenders
Traffic Unit The Sheriff's Office Traffic Unit is dedicated to promoting and improving traffic safety through education, analysis, and enforcement. Over the past year the Traffic Unit has emphasized it’s enforcement efforts towards school zones, areas where speeders are a problem as identified by citizens, and drivers under the influence. Over the past year, the Traffic Unit has...... Written 2,105 citations for safety violations Generated over $263,726 in fines Arrested 87 D.U.I. drivers
DispatchShould we move to the 911 Center? The Sheriff is responsible for the agencies GCIC/NCIC and certification. The 911 Center cannot become certified nor gain access to the system, unless the 911 Center becomes a division of the Sheriff’s Office. The Chief Executive for the agency (Sheriff Jimmy McDuffie), is responsible for the agencies compliance with laws, policies, and operational procedures regulating the access to the Criminal Justice Information System(CJIS). The Warrants Division, validates and maintains warrants, missing persons, and missing juvenile entries/records and protection orders which dispatch often need access to. When a deputy with the warrants division is not present, no one but dispatch has the authorization or know how, to enter, modify, clear, cancel, or validate warrants. Once we receive a “Hit” on a warrant from another agency, we have ten (10) minutes to respond. In most cases the warrant notification is the only basis a subject is being detained by an agency, or the nature of a case requires urgent confirmation. Agencies that violate the 10 minute regulation on a regular basis, can be subjected to fines and administrative sanctions by the State of Georgia. If relocated to the 911 Center, once a deputy made an arrest for an active warrant, he would be required to transport the suspect to the Effingham County Jail. He would then have to drive to the 911 Center to pickup a copy of the original warrant and return to the jail to serve the suspect with the original warrant. The deputy would the drive back to the 911 Center to return the executed original warrant. This process would grossly waste man hours, fuel, and vehicle wear and tear.
Humane Enforcement The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office takes an active approach to humanely enforce County Ordinances and State Laws as they pertain to domestic animals and the public’s health, safety and welfare. Over the past year the Humane Enforcement Unit has……. Responded to more than 1,919 calls for service Impounded more than 928 animals
Other cost saving measures being explored Train patrol deputies in basic crime scene processing to reduce overtime, when the on call crime scene technician must respond after hours. Reduce the number of air cards currently being used by patrol units. Increase fingerprint fees for concealed weapons permits from $8.00 to $10.00 Change food vendors that currently serve the jails inmate meals. We currently pay $1.75 per meal and have a quote for $1.30 per meal. This would be an annual savings of $64,057.50 Charge notary fees for non in-house documents Purchase large dog boxes for Humane Enforcement to reduce number of trips to the shelter between calls. Add a third employee to Humane Enforcement to help reduce overtime