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EPACK Prefab provides the high quality Glass Wool Panels that are used in studios, rehearsal rooms, offices, or reception halls. For more info kindly visit- https://www.epack.in/glasswool-panel
GLASSWOOLPANELS EPACKGLASSWOOLPanel comprisesofpre-fabricatedcomposite sandwich panels with high density Glass Woolinsulation as core and profiled / plain color coated Galvanized steel / Galvalume steel sheet facing on both sides, complete withjointsealantsandfixingancillaries. EPACKGlassWoolPanelsystemprovides onestop solution intheform of insulatedWall’sandRoofing'sforeasy andquickconstructionofvarious structureslike: • ProductionHallsForElectronicsProducts. • Turbine-GeneratorBuildings. • Drivers&OvensInsulation. • PowerProjectBuildings. • IndustrialBuildings. • CompressorRooms. • AcousticRooms. BENEFITS: FIRESAFETY: Itismadeofnon-combustible fiberglass. So it prevents the spread offireandalsodonotmakeharmful toxicgasinfire. SOUNDABSORPTION: It absorb the sound inside of glass wool.Soitisthebestoftheinsulation materials. DURABILITY: Glass Wool Panel product.So,it INSULATION: It gives high performance of insulation because there is no other fiber,accumulated tight and water repellentcoatingtreated. isamineral isalmost never change shape and corrosion after a period of time. Insulation is strong with pressure,vibration and impact.
GLASSWOOLPANELS GLASS WOOL 50-120mm 50-120mm GLASS WOOL 50-120mm 50-120mm EPACKPolymersPvt.Ltd. +91-8130444466/77