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EPIQ Infotech |Top NetSuite Implementation Partners in India<br>Source :https://epiqinfo.com/

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  2. SEOisaprocess,whichhelpustobringyour websiteonthefirstpageofGoogle,Organically. Whyyourwebsitemustbe on1stPageofGoogle?

  3. AspertheresearchfromGoogle,Googlesaidthat 95%oftheiraudiencestaysonfirstpageofGoogle, andincaseiftheydonotgetanyresultfromthat, thentheychangethesearchquery.Only5%oftheir audiencesgo to thesecondpageofGoogle. WhatismeantbyOrganic?

  4. Orangicmeansfreeofcost YoucanbringyourwebsiteonfirstpageofGoogle,in twoways:- SEO- SearchEngineOptimization SEM-SearchEngineMarketing(PaidAdvertising)/GoogleAds

  5. LetsseeHow SearchEngineWorks?

  6. GoogleSearchEngine mainlyconsistsof components:- Spiders/Crawlers/Bots Index Algorithms

  7. IRFAN DAR– SEO Expert Spiders Aspiderfollowsthelinksontheweb.Aspiderisalsocalleda crawler,robot orbot.Itgoesaroundtheinternet24/7.Youcan thinkofaspiderasalittle,curiousexplorer.Itcollectscontent suchastext,images, videos,newsitems,andanythingthat’llbe interestingforasearchenginetoshow. CRAWLABLE

  8. Index Onceitspiderscomestoawebsite,itsavestheHTMLversionofa pagein a giganticdatabase,calledtheindex.Thisindexisupdated everytimethespidercomesaroundyourwebsiteandfindsanewor revisedpageonit.DependingonhowimportantGoogledeemsyour siteandthenumberofchangesyoumakeonyourwebsite,the spidercomesaroundmoreorlessoften. INDEXABLE

  9. Algorithms Afterindexingyourwebsite,searchengines canshowyourwebsitein thesearchresults.Buthowdotheydecidewhatgoeswhere?Well, searchengines havean algorithmthatdoes this forthem. The algorithmtakesthedatafrom theindexandcalculateswhichsite theuserwouldmostlikelywanttoviewbasedontheirquery.

  10. scan store fetchdata senddata query result

  11. Typesof SearchEngineOptimization

  12. On-PageSEO Varioustypesof SearchEngineOptimization Off-PageSEO LocalSEO TechnicalSEO

  13. TheOpeningDoorof SearchEngineOptimization

  14. WhatareKeywords? Keywordsarethewordsandphrasesthatpeopletypeintosearchenginestofind whatthey'relookingfor. KeywordResearch

  15. SEOkeywordsarethewordsthatdefineyourcontenti.e.,whatyourcontentisabout. Anoptimizedwebsitewithrelevantkeywordknowswhattypeofkeywordtheirvisitors exactlyusetovisityourwebsite. TypesofSearchIntent HowkeywordsplaysanimportantroleinSEO? InformationalIntent NavigationalIntent TransactionalIntent CommercialInvestigation

  16. InformationalIntent TransactionalIntent howtomakefriedrice Buy iphoneO nline NavigationalIntent CommercialInvestigation EPIQ Infotech Bestmobile2024


  18. Information Content writing is the art of producing written material for online platforms. It encompasses various forms such as articles, blog posts, social media content, and more. The primary purpose is to engage and inform the audience. It includes creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a defined target audience. Good content involves proper research, understanding the audience, SEO optimization, and maintaining a consistent tone and style.

  19. Role of Content Writing in Website Ranking • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Content writing plays a crucial role in SEO strategies. Well-crafted content with relevant keywords helps improve a website's visibility on search engines, ultimately leading to a higher ranking. • User Engagement: Quality content keeps visitors on the website for longer durations, reducing bounce rates. Search engines interpret this as a positive signal, contributing to improved rankings. • Building Authority: Regularly updated and informative content establishes the website as an authoritative source in its industry, further enhancing its search engine ranking.

  20. Technical content helps educate the audience about complex products or services. It simplifies complex ideas into information that is readable and easily understood. • In the business world, technical content is vital for explaining product features, specifications, and benefits, helping potential customers make informed purchasing decisions. • Well-researched technical content enhances the credibility of a business by showcasing expertise in the field, fostering trust with the audience. Importance of Technical Content Writing

  21. Why AI Can't Replace Technical Content Writing • Creativity and Tone: AI lacks the human touch needed for creativity and adapting to different tones. Technical content often requires a nuanced approach, which AI may struggle to replicate. • Understanding Context: AI may misinterpret context, leading to inaccuracies and miscommunication, especially in complex technical subjects where context is crucial for clarity. • Emotional Intelligence: Technical content often involves understanding the emotions and needs of the audience, which AI, being devoid of emotions, finds challenging to address effectively. Why AI Can't Replace Technical Content Writing


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