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Nearly all b2b inbound marketing experts know that learning how to manage and adapt to the unexpected trends and changes is part of their job. In 2020, social media marketers have to shift their original digital marketing strategies to handle both a pandemic and countrywide protests. Read more here
5 Stats to Enhance your B2B Inbound Marketing Strategy in 2021 Nearly all b2b inbound marketingexpertsknow that learning how to manage and adapt to the unexpected trends and changes is part of their job. In 2020, social media marketers have to shift their original digital marketing strategies to handle both a pandemic and countrywide protests. While there are a couple of months left in 2020, its better that digital marketers begin thinking about the right approaches to improve your b2b inbound marketingstrategy for 2021. And though digital marketers cannot forecast what will happen in 2021, they can use what they have learnt in 2020 to improve their digital marketing strategy for the coming year. Through analyzing your social media data of 2020, you can find what kind of content will resonate with their target audience and areas that needs improvement while delivering social customer service. You must find out what you need for making a bigger business impact with your digital marketing strategies. Below mentioned are important stats that you need consider when making b2b inbound marketing strategies in 2021. This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net
Explore the 5 Stats to Enhance your B2B Inbound Marketing Strategy in 2021: 1. Customers Follow Online Brands On Social Media Channels To Stay Updated On New Products And Services:While a few customers follow online brands for humor or motivation, around 57% of customers are trying to learn more about new products and services from an online brand’s social media feed. This was probably the major reason customers why they choose to follow those brands, which means that no products and services are too big or small to share on social. Additionally, when it comes to product launches, consider what sort of updates is very precious to your social media audience while planning your social media content. For online brands, your social media audience is probably in search for social media posts with relevant and right information about your products and services. While you think about the sort of content you need to share in 2021, do not forget to make room for the timely updates your social media audience requirements. This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net
2. Bad Customer Service Will Dispel Your Social Media Followers:If social customer service is not a top priority for b2b inbound marketingexperts already then, it must be on your priority in 2021. With around 49% of customers believe that they will unfollow online brands due to bad customer service, digital marketers cannot afford to overlook any questions they get from followers online. While you think on the right approaches to improve your digital marketing plans in 2021, take some time to assess how customer inquiries are being dealt with and where exactly your team can give best support. Find opportunities to answer easy questions directly and leverage tools such as social listening to make sure no message is left over. Directing somebody towards the right direction goes a really long way. Equally important is accelerating the time of your online brand’s response, since around 79% of consumers expect online brands to reply within 24 hours of reaching out the brands. Quick response assist not just resolve the issues faster, but can also increase customer loyalty. Customers are more love to stick with online brands for long-term if their service expectations are fulfilled. This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net
3. Look for New Accounts to Like and Follow to Help Your Potential Customers Reach You:B2B inbound marketingprofessionals know that establishing a strong audience base online is very difficult. Not just are you competing with your nearest and biggest competitors, but you are also struggling to gain attention of your potential audience and thinking about approaches to make your content noticed. Seeking more attention on your social media profiles begins with understanding how consumers find accounts to follow online. As digital marketers think about b2b inbound marketing in 2021, try considering targeting customers that shows an interest in niches divergent to your own niche. Keeping this in mind, digital marketers can change their social media content to speak directly to customers that clearly have an enthusiasm for their products and services, but don’t have any idea know where to start. This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net
4. Images and Videos are Mandatory to Engage Social Media Followers:The subject of your content must be relevant to your target audience and in what ways you deliver content on social media is equally important. Around 68% of customers like to engage with images and around 50% customers love to engage with video content. While you evaluate all the content you have created in the previous year, consider flagging the text posts that got high engagement and think how you can convert those topics into image or video content. This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net
5. Short Supply of Time and Bandwidth:The entire hard work on creating right and effective b2b inbound marketing strategy is of no use, if digital marketers don’t have adequate time to actually implement it. Around 41% of digital marketers say that they lack the bandwidth they must make the biggest business impact with their digital marketing strategies, so you must find tools to increase your bandwidth every day. Advanced tools can assist you automate everyday tasks such as content scheduling and simplify workflows to make sure that the messages get approved by the right people speedily! This gives you a lot of free time to concentrate on more important and productive work. By making any big investment, stay ready to validate why a social media management platform is valuable to explore and what all opportunities it opens up for your business while you do not require worrying about the more routine tasks. • However, digital marketers cannot fully predict what will emerge in 2021, but b2b inbound marketing professionals can apply what they have learnt from 2020 in their prospective strategies. Rather than indulging into the guessing game what your followers would like or dislike, you must get access to data on current consumer behaviors and choices to assist lead their b2b inbound marketingstrategies. • With a comprehensive understanding of your target audience, b2b inbound marketing experts can tailor their digital marketing strategies to reinforce their online brand’s relationship with customers and kick-start 2021 with right and effective strategies. This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net
Andyalagappan • B2B Inbound Marketing by Andyalagappanoffer powerful and unique B2B inbound marketing solutions in Houston to strengthen clients’ overall productivity through amplifying profits, trimming down costs, enhancing brand awareness online and maximizing website’s performance & online visibility. • Services Offered: • PPC • SEO • Inbound Marketing • CustomBlog/WebDesign • SocialMediaMarketing • WebVideoMarketing This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net
Contact Andy Alagappan SEO Houston Web COO & VP marketing & business development USA 12454 Briar Forest Dr Houston, Texas- 77077, USA. Office : 281-556-8319 Cell : 281-570-5804 Skype : Smbhouston Gtalk : getseen@gmail.com Official website: https://www.b2binboundmarketing.net/ Personal website: https://www.andyalagappan.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AndyAlagappancom https://plus.google.com/116729398054996295192/about https://www.linkedin.com/in/seoppcguru https://twitter.com/seoppcguru https://www.pinterest.com/andyalagappan/ http://www.seohoustonblog.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/epromotionz1 This presentation is brought to you by B2binboundmarketing.net