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An Asia Pacific Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities Atlas http://atlas.pdc.org. Chris Chiesa Director, Data and Information Resources Division Pacific Disaster Center cchiesa@pdc.org. Pacific Disaster Center. 590 Lipoa Parkway, Suite 259 Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753
An Asia Pacific Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities Atlas • http://atlas.pdc.org • Chris Chiesa • Director, Data and Information Resources Division • Pacific Disaster Center • cchiesa@pdc.org Pacific Disaster Center 590 Lipoa Parkway, Suite 259 Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753 http://www.pdc.org - Contact@pdc.org 1-808-891-7939 - 1-808-891-0526 (Fax)
Web-based, Geospatial Information Application Supporting Regional Hazard and Vulnerability Assessments Asia Pacific Natural Hazards Atlas • Natural Hazards • Tropical Storms • Wildfires • Earthquakes • Tsunamis • Volcanoes • Floods • Risk Exposure • People • Infrastructure http://atlas.pdc.org
Atlas Applications • What hazards are likely to occur in this region, and with what frequency and intensity? • Where are current hazard events and what is their extent? • How many people can be, or are, affected? • What will be the impacts on the infrastructure of the region?
Hazard Intensity Zones Tropical Storms Earthquakes Volcanoes Vulnerable Resources Population Density Transportation Networks Roads Railroads Airports Baseline Cartography Topography/Bathymetry Populated Places Administrative Geography Land Cover Other Critical Information Layers http://atlas.pdc.org
Active Current tropical storms in the Pacific and Indian Oceans National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS) Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) Storm positions (current / forecast) updated every 6 hours Historical 1945-2004 for the Western, Eastern, and Southern Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean regions JTWC Unisys Corp. University of Hawaii (UH) Only storms that were classified above a tropical depression in strength (wind speeds > 30mph) for 2 or more 6 hour periods Tropical Storms
Recent Location, magnitude, depth and date of the last 48 hours of worldwide earthquakes (Richter magnitude > 2.0) US Geological Survey's (USGS) National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) Updated approximately every 15 minutes. Historical Date and magnitude of more than 5,000 destructive earthquakes NOAA’s National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Catalog of Significant Earthquakes 2150 B.C. to the present - moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more) - 10 or more deaths - magnitude 7.5 or greater Database for Instrumentally Recorded Earthquakes - 1962 to present - Richter magnitude > 4.5 Earthquakes
Active Location and status of approximately 124 active volcanoes around the world Southwest Volcano Research Center Level 1 = Volcano is restless, eruption may occur Level 2 – 4 = Volcano is in eruption or eruption may occur at any time Level 5 = Significant eruption is occurring or explosive eruption isexpected at any time. Updated twice a day. Historical Location of approximately 1500 active volcanoes and their eruptions within past 10,000 years Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program Volcanoes of the World, Simkin and Siebert. Volcanoes
Recent Hotspots Location, duration, size and intensity of “thermal anomalies” including: wildfires, oil/gas refineries and volcanic activity 1-km Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) at the University of Hawaii (UH) Additional spectral processing and spatial clustering Weekly summary; Updated every six hours. Historical Large Wildfires Location, duration, size and intensity of historically large wildfires Large wildfires (>2000 acres in size) from March 2000 – October 2004 Derived from UH’s HIGP MODIS thermal anomalies database Wildfires
Hawaii Hazards and Vulnerabilities Atlas • Local level data: • Hawaii natural hazards and R & V data including: • Lava flows, FEMA flood zones, hazardous dams • Emergency services including: • Police and fire stations, hospitals, shelters • Public facilities including: • Schools, hotels, banks • Transportation networks including: • Airports, seaports, bridges • Elevation data including: • Shaded reliefs, 500 foot contours • Imagery including: • Cloud-free Landsat, aerial photography
Still to come in Atlas 2.0 Analysis & Functional Enhancements • Regional Reporter Tool using Spatial Query Server • Provides one-click “drill down” of multiple data layers • Additional hazard query tools • Additional Map Services • SE Asia in collaboration with ADPC
Tsunami Response Map Viewer http://www.pdc.org/tsunami