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Are Animals Only Animals?

Are Animals Only Animals?. 蛟龙镇小学教研室 胡秀荣. Let's start!. Fuwa Huanhuan. Fire: It means passion. Fuwa Beibei --- a fish It means prosperousness. Fuwa Jingjing --- a panda It means happiness. Fuwa Yingying --- a Tibetan antelope It means health. Fuwa Nini --- a swallow

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Are Animals Only Animals?

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  1. Are Animals Only Animals? 蛟龙镇小学教研室 胡秀荣

  2. Let's start!

  3. Fuwa Huanhuan Fire: It means passion.

  4. Fuwa Beibei --- a fish It means prosperousness. Fuwa Jingjing --- a panda It means happiness.

  5. Fuwa Yingying --- a Tibetan antelope It means health. Fuwa Nini --- a swallow It means good luck.

  6. panda

  7. 汇报要求: 1、讲明本小组的研究内容是什么? 2、是如何获取材料的? 3、各小组推选一位组员到台前汇报。 语言要简洁、明确。 Let's show!

  8. eagle

  9. kangaroo koala

  10. beaver

  11. kiwi

  12. Different animals, different meanings. 1. 同一动物含义相似 Donkey: 愚蠢,固执的人 Fox: 奸诈狡猾的人 Parrot: 只会模仿别人而没有自己的见解 Snake: 圆滑并且对其他人构成威胁的人 Sheep: 胆小怯懦的人 Monkey: 淘气的人

  13. 2. 中文褒义英文贬义

  14. 3. 中文贬义英文褒义

  15. 4. 含义相同,但是动物不同 万兽之王: Lion: the British lion the lion in the way Tiger: 虎口拔牙=beard the lion in his den 勤劳能干身体强壮: Horse: talk horse Ox: 壮得像头牛=as strong as a horse

  16. 和动物有关的英语谚语 • Who lets the cat out of the bag? • When the cat is away, the mouse will play. • It rains cats and dogs. • Who will bell the cat? • Every dog has its day. • One swallow does not make a spring.

  17. Let's share!

  18. 一句话短剧表演 Let's act!

  19. 制作要求: 制作wish card. 你可以选择送给自己、同学或者现场的听课教师。如果你选择了送给现场的教师,那么,请你先教会他/她说会一句英文谚语,或者一个简单的英文表达,然后再制作祝福卡。

  20. wish card Wish you a lucky dog. Wish you a smart dog. Be as strong as a horse. Wish you a bear at math/Chinese/art….

  21. Let's do!

  22. 1. 本节课,你有哪些收获? 2. 请选用一种动物命名自 己的小组。 Let's sum up!

  23. Let's go on practising! 拓展延伸: 含有动物的谚语都是有一定的来源的,有的来自神话,有的来自文学作品,不一而足。 课下请小组进行专题探索:收集英文谚语中关于动物的有趣故事,把我们的综合实践拓展开去。 要求: 通过多种途径广泛收集资料并做好记录; 按照一定的类别整理资料; 形成汇报材料,以文本、图片、专题手抄报等形式呈现。全班共享您的研究成果。

  24. Thank you!

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