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Branislav Vrana Water Research Institute, Slovakia branovrana@gmail

Chemical Monitoring On Site (CM Onsite) organised by NORMAN Association and JRC in support of CIS WFD NORMAN Interlaboratory study (ILS) on passive sampling of emerging pollutants. Branislav Vrana Water Research Institute, Slovakia branovrana@gmail.com.

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Branislav Vrana Water Research Institute, Slovakia branovrana@gmail

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  1. Chemical Monitoring On Site (CM Onsite) organised by NORMAN Association and JRC in support of CIS WFDNORMAN Interlaboratory study (ILS) on passive sampling of emerging pollutants Branislav Vrana Water Research Institute, Slovakia branovrana@gmail.com

  2. Activities of NORMAN network in passive sampling 2009-2011 An expert group meeting in 2009 A position paper “Passive sampling of emerging pollutants in the aquatic environment: state of the art and perspectives” in 2010 An interlaboratory calibrationstudy in 2011 www.norman-network.net

  3. Interlaboratory calibration study in 2011 present variability in data by comparing results from various passive samplers sent by participating laboratories exposed to water at a single (reference) site Target substances: polar pesticides - 19 participants Pharmaceuticals – 17 participants steroid hormones – 15 participants Triclosan - 8 participants bisphenol A - 11 participants PFOA, PFOS - 8 participants PBDE -16 participants 30 participants from commercial, academic and regulatory laboratories Silicone strips CONTACT: branovrana@gmail.com

  4. Interlaboratory studyDESIGN a sampler comparison exercise extended to cover individual aspects in the passive sampling process analytical comparability comparison with spot sampling

  5. Study design 1. Passive samplers from participants Sampler 3 Sampler 3 Sampler 1 Sampler 1 Sampler 2 Sampler 4 Sampler 4 Sampler 2 for selected analyte/analytes Participant 1 Participant 2 Coordinator Participant 3 Sampling site - sampler exposure Participant 4 Report to database ng/sampler of compound A ng/cm2 sampler of compound A ng/L water of compound A calculation procedure for compound A Quasimeme

  6. Study design2. Standard solution S Standard solution for selected analyte/analytes Participant 1 S S S S S Participant 2 S Central laboratory Coordinator send to coordinator S distribute standards Participant 3 purchase standard prepare a QC solution prepare multiple vials (according to participant registration) check homogeneity send to coordinator S Participant 4 Report to database ng/ml of substance A Quasimeme

  7. Study design3. Provided passive samplers Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler for selected analyte/analytes 3. Central laboratory Participant 1 3. 3. 2. Participant 2 Coordinator 3. Participant 3 Buy or prepare 1. Sampling site - sampler exposure 3. Participant 4 Report to database ng/sampler of compound A ng/cm2 sampler of compound A ng/L water of compound A calculation procedure Report to database ng/sampler of compound A ng/cm2 sampler of compound A ng/L water of compound A calculation procedure Quasimeme

  8. Study design4. Water samples Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Provided sampler Sampler 3 Sampler 4 Sampler 1 Sampler 2 W water sample for selected analyte/analytes W W Central laboratory Coordinator W W W W collect water sample send to central laboratory analyse water samples Sampling site - sampler exposure Report to database ng/L water of compound A Quasimeme NOT APPLICABLE FOR HYDROPHOBIC COMPOUNDSPBDE…

  9. Interlaboratory study Steering group

  10. Interlaboratory study Steering group

  11. Target compounds Pesticides and their degradation products: Terbutylazine Desethylatrazine Desethylterbutylazine Atrazine Carbendazim S-metolachlor Diuron Pharmaceuticals: Carbamazepine Diclofenac Ibuprofen Naproxen Diazepam Alprazolam Ketoprofen Atenolol Steroid hormones: 17-alpha-Estradiol 17-alpha-Ethinylestradiol 17-beta-Estradiol Estriol Estrone Bisphenol A Triclosan Brominated flame retardants BDE 28, 47, 99, 100, 153 and 154 Fluorinated surfactants PFOA, PFOS

  12. Campaign timing: passive sampler deployment

  13. Continuous water sampling

  14. Sampler preparation for deployment

  15. Sampler deployment

  16. Sampler deployment

  17. Sampler recovery

  18. Sampler recovery

  19. Sampler recovery

  20. Onsite sampler cleaning and preparation

  21. Laboratory preparation of provided samplers

  22. Dissemination of results 3 rounds, May-August 2011 2012 – a workshop will be organised to disseminate results.

  23. Study results Statistics: 30 participating laboratories from Europe, North America and Australia 292 reference samplers for polar compounds distributed 80 reference samplers for PBDE 268 participant samplers for pesticides and pharmaceuticals 285 participant samplers for PFOS, steroids, bisphenol A and triclosan 132 participant samplers for PBDE Total: cca. 1057 samplers were deployed at the reference site and distributed for analysis The reporting deadline for laboratories has been set to 15th December A dissemination workshop will be organised in 2012 organised by NORMAN + DG JRC

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