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Opinions on it vary from person to person. Opinions are divided.

Opinions on it vary from person to person. Opinions are divided. Different people hold different attitudes toward this issue. As is shown in the chart/graph,. Some are for it./ while some are against it. Some people agree with it./ some people hold the opposite view that….

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Opinions on it vary from person to person. Opinions are divided.

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  1. Opinions on it vary from person to person. Opinions are divided. Different people hold different attitudes toward this issue. As is shown in the chart/graph, Some are for it./ while some are against it. Some people agree with it./ some people hold the opposite view that…. Some are in favour of it. Reasons can be listed as follow. 6o% of them think… 30% believe that 10%/ the rest of them hold the view that/ consider/argue that

  2. On the contrary, in contrast(with), …; However, there are still some people who… For one thing, for another(thing)… ;On the one hand, on the other hand… Three fourths of them…. ,Others are worried that (Li Ting) In my opinion, As far as I am concerned,Personally, I hold the view that… Taking all these factors into consideration/account, I think…(Zhou Yingyi,Zhong jie 1) From my point of view./From my perspective, …

  3. As the proverb goes, as the old saying goes,…/ well goes the saying that… Each coin has its two sides./ No garden without its weeds.(没有不长草的园子---事物总有缺点) Admittedly(不可否认),there may be some inconvenience. I think highly of this restriction. There is no denying that/ There is no doubt that… To some extent/ degree, in some ways, attach great importance to…

  4. 错误用词和句式; I agree this announce.— agree with./-announcement./this restriction. Some one against. Some one for it. Sixty percentage--- Improve air quantity— There are many people don’t like the restriction(zhou binjie) There are many people were opposed to it.(Chen Di) . -----------+ who are for it percent/60% quality

  5. 25%of them are worried that some people will buy a sencond car, making the traffic heavier,(zhou zenglong) ,which makes …/which finally lead to heavier traffic . Anyway, Rome is not built in a day. What we need to do is to …(Dai nabo) Only in this way can we save more energy in the long run.(Zhong jie2) Having weighed up its two sides, I find its benefits far outweigh its disadvantages. .(Zhong jie2) Having weighed up the pros and cons, I believe… There is no denying that the restriction will really make a difference.(Zhou Binjie,Yan Mianmian) People are supposed to develop the awareness of environmental protection.(Tang kaina)

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