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Your Voice. What are vocal cords ?. Vocal cords. Vocal cords are muscles , which are made of very delicate tissue When relax , healthy vocal cords form a V-shaped opening that allow air to pass freely through to the trachea . The cords open when you you breath
Vocal cords • Vocal cords are muscles , which are made of very delicate tissue • When relax , healthy vocal cords form a V-shaped opening that allow air to pass freely through to the trachea . • The cords open when you you breath • The cords close during speech or when swallowing
Damage you could inflict on your vocal cords Damage , causes, symptoms , therapy
Polyps Polyp on vocal cord . After removing polyp. .
Polyps Polyps: are noncancerous benign growths that cause They are usually only found on one of the two vocal cords . Symptoms: • Chronic hoarseness and breathy voice Cause: • They are the result of an acute injury . Treatment : • Most need to be surgically removed for full restoration of normal voice. • If caught at an early stage the damage can be reversed with cortisone • Rest • Avoid abusing the vocal cords • Speech therapy
Nodules • Nodules are noncancerous benign growths . They occurrence on both vocal cords. Symptoms: • Chronic coarseness and breathy voice. Cause: • Mainly the result of abusing the vocal cords • Habitual yelling • singing • shouting, Therapy: • Voice therapy conducted by a speech therapist may be needed to teach you how not to strain your voice while speaking or singing
Contact Ulcers • Contact ulcers are raw sores on the mucous membrane covering the cartilage to which the vocal cords are attached. They most often accurse in singers, teachers, preachers, sales representatives lawyers- occupations that requires them to talk or otherwise use their voice a lot. Symptoms: • Mild pain while speaking or swallowing and varying degrees of hoarseness Cause: • Caused by abusing the voice with forceful speech particularly as a person starts to speak. • Gastroesophageal reflux may also cause contact ulcers . Therapy : If gastroesophageal reflux is the cause of the ulcers then • Taking anti- acids • Avoid eating within two hours before sleeping • Antibiotics also may be administered to help prevent bacterial infection while the ulcers heal. • Sleeping on your back with your head elevated on two pillows .
Contact Ulcers Therapy : if misuse of the voice is the cause of ulcers • Vocal rest • Talking as little as possible for a minimal of six weeks so the ulcers can heal • To avoid recurrence, voice therapy is needed. Sometimes a small tissue sample is removed & examined under a microscope to make sure its not cancerous and is not the result of tuberculosis.
Paralysis( one side or both sides) Paralysis( one side or both sides) : • The inability to move the muscles that control the vocal cords . • Females are more sensitive to vocal cord paralysis. Cause: • It could be the result of brain disorders, such as: • Brain tumors • strokes • Demyelinating diseases • Damage to the nerve that lead to the larynx. Symptoms : • May affect speaking , breathing and swallowing • Paralysis may allow food and fluid to be inhaled into windpipe and lunges Symptoms in one side paralysis: • Voice is hoarse and breathy • Usually the airway is not obstructed because the normal vocal cord on the other side opens sufficiently
Paralysis( one side or both sides) Symptoms of two side Paralysis: • The voice is reduced in strength but otherwise sounds normal. • The space between the cords is very small and the airway is inadequate making even moderate exercise causes difficulty in breathing . Treatment ( one-side Paralysis) : • Operation to move the paralyzed vocal cord to the best position for more normal speech • This may involve inserting an adjustable spacer near the paralyzed cord • Injecting a substance into the paralyzed cord to move the cords closer together. Treatment ( two-side Paralysis) : • A tracheostomy may need to be performed . • A Arytenoidectomy may need to be performed. • Laser removal of part of one or both cords. If done correctly laser removal can preserve satisfactory voice quality and eliminate the need for a tracheostomy.
Laryngitis Laryngitis: Is the inflamation of the larynx ( the voice box ) Symptoms : • Raspy voice • Hoarseness • Your voice will have a lower pitch than usual
Vocal Hemorrhage • Vocal hemorrhage: A blood vessel within the vocal cord fluctuates in size due to whether it is irritated from phono-trauma or even hormones. • Such fluctuation in size causes the voice to change in pitch and quality on an hour to hour basis depending on how much swelling occurs. For a singer, it makes the voice unpredictable. • When the blood vessel becomes engorged and traumatized, it may even rupture leading to a vocal cord hemorrhage. Especially in a woman, the blood vessel may be more prone to hemorrhage during her menstrual cycle. • Treatment: Initially during an acute vocal cord hemorrhage, strict voice rest is mandatory • Such treatment may resolve the hemorrhage, it will typically not get rid of the culprit blood vessel. • For that, surgical intervention is required. • One option is to precisely cut it out. • The other option is use of a laser which which is recommend. It is relatively non-invasive and the risk of scarring is more likely to be less compared with excision.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Quit smoking & avoid inhaling second hand smoke. Consequences : • Causes redness of the vocal cords • Increases mucous production making it harder to reach the higher notes of your range • Thickening and even damage of the mucosa • Vocal cords become swollen, fatigued and stiff • Reflux laryngitis • Cancer of the throat or larynx and impaired lung function • Impaired lung functions will lead to you not having controlled breathing resulting in difficulty reaching the higher notes of your range • Will deepen your voice and decrease your vocal range • Dehydrates your vocal cords almost instantly.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Alcohol : • Avoid drinking alcohol before singing as it dehydrates your vocal cords. • If you adamant about consuming alcohol before singing drink enough water to compensate for the dehydration . • Alcohol doesn’t damage your voice but it does cause impaired control of your vocal coordination's and depletes the body's water. • Alcohol will numb the vocal cords so any existing damage or irritations wont be apparent whilst singing . This could be dangerous since you will not feel pain if you strain your voice until the affects of the alcohol wears of.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Drugs: • Marijuana, cocaine, heroin ecstasy , even aspirin will affect your voice . • Marijuanna: it will irritate the vocal cords and damage the lungs 10x more then cigarettes . • Cocaine: Damages your sinus and nasal passages which can jeopardize your voice. • Heroin & Ecstasy: inflicts great amount of stress on the voice with its endorphin effects. • Aspirin: Thins out the blood witch can cause tinnitus and vocal cord hemorrhage.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Hormones: • Steroids ( testosterone) will excessively enlarge the vocal cords which will result in: • having very deep voice. • Decrease in vocal range. • Cause breaks within the voice • Progestin ( can be found in certain birth control pills, and is released in thought the body during a woman's menstrual cycle ) : • Deepens the voice. • Decreases vocal range. • Causes breaks within the voice.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Speech habits : • The way you use your voice on a daily basis will affect your singing voice • You are more likely to damage your voice whilst speaking rather then sighing • Speak at a moderate speed. • After speaking for a long period of time it is recommended you take at leas 20 minute break of silence. • Its important to warm down your voice after speaking or singing . The muscle that controls your voice needs to cool down and stretch before before being rested. If you do not warm down your voice will be thence later . • Warm down: Start from the very top of your range and slowly slide down until you reach your lowest note with the vowel “A” . Do this for 7-10
Tips to keep your voice healthy Vocal hydrations : • Water intake is extremely important. • Your vocal cords need to be hydrated to vibrate efficiently • Drink room temperature water • Minimal daily intake : 8-10 glasses of water. • Your cords need time to absorb the water so its essential you drink water through out the day . Water goes down the esophagus into your stomach, not down the opening that leads t your vocal cords and trachea. The only way water affects your cords is being carried to them through the bloodstream. • Doctors claim that 80% of vocal cord damage could have been avoid if the patient had drank more water.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Stress: • Will cause your voice to tense up and stiffen • It depletes your energy levels which is needed to sing • Many causes of stress can be as simple as : • Not enough sleep • Empty stomach • Unhealthy diet • If your vocal cords have already been damaged or irritated , stress will only debilitate their health even more.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Diet: • Avoid dairy products ( milk, ice cream , chocolate) for at least 2-3 hours prior to singing – it cases mucous to build up which makes it harder for the vocal cords to close thus making it harder to reach your higher notes in your range. • Orange juice and other citrus juices can affect the lubrication of the vocal cords. • Coffee dehydrates the vocal cords and even makes you more tired after singing which can cause swollen vocal cords. • Energy drink ( high in caffeine ) • Junk food, refind sugars, salts • Its best eating 2-3 hours prior to singing . This will stop food from straining your diaphragm as much and it will be easier to control your breathing. Digestion takes energy levels.
Tips to keep your voice healthy Environment: • Humidity can make the air very heavy to breath in , even harder to sing in . • Air-conditioning can cause dryness • Heating can cause dryness • Air pollution • Dust
Tips to keep your voice healthy Colds and Viral infections : • Don’t attempted to sing when your sick , have a soar throat or have a cold • Try avoiding coughing since it only irritates the cords • Stay hydrated • Take vitamin C, Zinc • Don’t take over the counter cough medicines they just numb your vocal cords and suppress them from coughing