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Hydroacoustic Monitoring and Reporting for Aquatic Biology Program

This document provides training and communication protocols for hydroacoustic monitoring in aquatic biology programs. It includes specifications, attenuation, research, and monitoring reports.

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Hydroacoustic Monitoring and Reporting for Aquatic Biology Program

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  1. HydroacousticsKen Cannon, ODOT Aquatic Biology ProgramESA Document Training, May 26, 2010

  2. ODOT HAWG Agreement on Thresholds Hydroacoustic Specs Attenuation Monitoring and Reporting Information needs for BA

  3. ODOT HAWG • Members- ODOT, NMFS, USFWS, ODFW, Hamilton Construction • Training • Communication with stakeholders • Monitoring protocol • Specifications • Attenuation • Monitoring • Research • Information pool • Website

  4. Hydroacoustic info on ODOT FTP site • Biological Opinions • HAWG Meeting Notes • May 14, 2009 Hydroacoustic Training • Monitoring Reports • NMFS Calculator • ODOT Research • Hammer Blow Counts • Project Photos • References • Specifications • Underwater Noise Monitoring Plan

  5. Time History of Pile Driving Events Illingworth and Rodkin, Inc.

  6. NMFS Pile Driving Calculator

  7. 00290.34 (c) Specifications • (7) Hydroacoustic • General: • (b) Noise Attenuation System: • (c) Underwater Noise Monitoring Plan, Monitoring, and Reporting:

  8. Attenuation

  9. Effect of Bubble Curtain on Pressure 30000 20000 10000 Pressure (Pa) 0 -10000 -20000 -30000 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Time (sec)

  10. Confined Bubble Curtain • Must extend • above surface Pile Sleeve Bubble Ring • Must contact bottom

  11. Monitoring and Reporting Which projects need monitoring? WSDOT Protocol ODOT Protocol Reporting

  12. Information needs for the BA • Vibratory hammer and/or impact hammer detail. • Type of pile (coal-tar/zinc coated pile need to be sealed) • Size of pile <24”>. • Number of piles (in-water/out of water). • Estimated number of pile strikes per day. • Life-history stages present in the Action Area. • Monitoring data from previous projects with similar site conditions? • Aquatic habitat types where piles will be driven (scour pools, riffles, estuary, etc.). • Substrate data from geo-tech report. • Pile driving plan. • Monitoring plan/report, if needed. Template in the works. • In-water work timing (variance may be needed).

  13. From WSDOT

  14. From WSDOT

  15. Information Needs for a Monitoring Report…. • Size and type of piles. • A detailed description of the bubble curtain, including design specifications. • The impact hammer force used to drive the piles. • A description of the monitoring equipment. • The distance between hydrophone and pile. • The depth of the hydrophone. • The distance from the pile to the wetted perimeter. • The depth of water in which the pile was driven. • The depth into the substrate that the pile was driven. • The physical characteristics of the bottom substrate into which the piles were driven. • The ranges and means for peak, RMS, and SEL’s for each pile. • The results of the hydroacoustic monitoring, including the frequency spectrum, peak and RMS SPL’s, and single-strike and cumulative SEL with and without the attenuation system. • A description of any observable fish or bird behavior in the immediate area will and, if possible, correlation to underwater sound levels occurring at that time.

  16. Web links: ODOT hydroacoustic website: ftp://ftp.odot.state.or.us/techserv/geo-environmental/Biology/Hydroacoustic/ WSDOT hydroacoustic information: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Environment/Biology/BA/BAguidance.htm Illustrations courtesy of: Bud Abbot, Environ Corporation John Stadler, NMFS Jim Laughlin, WSDOT

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