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L-16 Part III Era of Great Reforms (2) 2. The Other Great Reforms

L-16 Part III Era of Great Reforms (2) 2. The Other Great Reforms. A. Themes. Emancipation trigger Nikolaevan prereforms as base Fundamental principles All-estate Publicity Raskreposhchenie: “Unfettering of social forces” Gradualism Politics Piecemeal Fiscal Constraints

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L-16 Part III Era of Great Reforms (2) 2. The Other Great Reforms

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  1. L-16Part III Era of Great Reforms (2)2. The Other Great Reforms

  2. A. Themes • Emancipation trigger • Nikolaevan prereforms as base • Fundamental principles • All-estate • Publicity • Raskreposhchenie: “Unfettering of social forces” • Gradualism • Politics • Piecemeal • Fiscal Constraints • Dysfunctions and disillusionment

  3. B. Why More Great Reforms? • Psychological: Crimean debacle delegitimized, mandated systemic reform • Mounting demand & prereform preparations • Vacuum created by emancipation • Glasnost’ (publicity): irreversibility

  4. C. Zemstvo: Local Self-Government • Prereform Problems • Reform process • Structure: Provincial and district zemstvo • Functions • Problems • Politics • Impact

  5. Unkovskii Speech as Tver Deputy to St. Petersburg (1859) “The entire life of the people is under government tutelage. No question, however trifling, can be dealt with by the people themselves. . . . They dare not [without official sanction] repair a miserable bridge, or hire an elementary school teacher. . . . The whole of our administration is a vast system of malfeasance raised to the dignity of government. . . . We need the emancipation not only of the peasants, but also of the whole people.”

  6. First Zemstvo Deputies: Social Composition (1865-7)

  7. Moscow Zemstvo Address and Alexander II’s Response (1865) • Zemstvo votes (270-36) for resolution “to complete the structure of the state by convoking a general assembly of elected personnel of the Russian land to consider needs common to the entire country.” • Alexander’s response: “Such deviations from the order of things established by laws in force can only make it more difficult for me to fulfill my plans; in no case can they assist in the achievement of the purpose to which they may be directed.”

  8. 1879 Moscow Zemstvo Address “All those present unanimously recognize that only a constitutional order, resting on the force of right and law, can disarm terror and limit the arbitrariness of the authorities. In view of this unanimity of outlook, it was decided to organize locally the dissemination of constitutionalist ideas and to assist all attempts to submit constitutionalist demands to the government.”

  9. Zemstvo Board Meeting

  10. Zemstvo Lunch (1872)

  11. Volost Administrative Center

  12. Volost Assembly

  13. Village Elders with State Medals

  14. D. Education • Prereform • Educational Issues • Public Debate • Policy Thaw • Crisis of 1861 • Golovnin Reforms, 1863-4 • Tolstoi’s “Reaction” 1866-81 • Impact

  15. A. V. Golovnin

  16. Dmitrii Tolstoi

  17. New Zemstvo School

  18. Zemstvo School: Class

  19. Percent of Children in School

  20. Expansion of Enrollments

  21. University: Social Composition (percent)

  22. Literacy Rates (Percent of population over Age 9)

  23. Pupils in Primary and Secondary Schools (in thousands)

  24. Pupils per 1,000 Inhabitants

  25. University Enrollments (in thousands)

  26. University Enrollments (per 10,000 inhabitants)

  27. Book and Brochure Publishing(in thousands)

  28. Newspapers

  29. 1890: Newspapers in Comparative Perspective

  30. E. Judicial Reform • Prereform Courts • Bludov Commission, 1850-61 • Jurists Take Charge • Judicial Statute of 1864 • Structure • State infringements • Impact

  31. Dmitrii Iv. Bludov

  32. Sergei Iv. Zarudnyi

  33. Judicial Breakdown: Unresolved Cases (percent)

  34. Crime and Prosecution (per 100,000 inhabitants)

  35. Categories of Crimes (annual average; in thousands)

  36. Volost court

  37. Volost Court: Corporal Punishment

  38. F. Military Reforms • Prereform problems • Obstacles to reform • Miliutin and reformers • Reforms: admin, education, tech, UMT • Politics of reform • Impact

  39. Russian Army

  40. Military Expenditures (1889)

  41. Military Per 1,000 Inhabitants

  42. G. Urban Government Reform • Prereform problems • Commission, 1862-70 • Reform statute: structure, composition, functions, and finances of new city government • Impact

  43. Moscow Street Scene 1880s

  44. Horse-drawn TramMoscow

  45. St. Petersburg “Taxis”

  46. Tula, 1900

  47. Poor Relief: Refuge for the Homeless

  48. Nizhnii Novgorod: Downtown Trade Center

  49. Father, Son: Migrant Labor

  50. Saratov and Vol’sk: Provincial and District Capitals

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