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Struthers City High School Library. PTO Presentation. Objectives. Requesting $800.00 to update 970 section of the Library Collection.
Struthers City High School Library PTO Presentation
Objectives • Requesting $800.00 to update 970 section of the Library Collection. • Provide better and current resources for teachers and students to meet standards while the same time increasing Social Studies Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) Scores.
Current Collection Status Nine Hundreds Divisions Age Items % of Collection 900 Geography and History 1977 23 0.36% 910 Geography and Travel 1970 104 1.62% 920 Biography, Genealogy, Insignia 1973 13 0 .20% 930 History of Ancient World 1958 20 0.31% 940 General History of Europe 1979 151 2.35% 950 General History of Asia 1988 59 0.92% 960 General History of Africa 1979 5 0.08% 970 General History of N.A. 1970 277 4.31% 980 General History of S.A: 1976 6 0.09% 990 General History of Other Areas n/a 0 0.00% Geography and History Totals 1974 658 10.23% (Zanni, Robert Collection Analysis)
Student Expenditure Guidelines The PDE Guidelines for School Libraries state that school librarians following district budget procedure will divide that which can be spent between the various items that a library selects (Pennsylvania 32). Total budget expenditure per High School student should represent:: $ 50.00 per student for a high school library Struthers High School:
Average Cost of Materials Proposed Expenditure = $800.00 Items to be added to selection = 19 Print Materials = 12 A/V materials = 5 Magazine Subscriptions = 2 $42.10 = Average cost per item
Statewide Studies Show That... “Resource-rich school libraries and credentialed school librarians play key roles in promoting information literacy and reading for information and inspiration” (School 1). “Across the United States, research has shown that students in schools with good libraries learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized tests scores than their peers without school libraries” (School 4). “As a result of the Illinois research study, it is recommended that: School libraries should be funded to maintain their traditional collections as well as to expand their reach beyond the library’s walls via educational technology” (School 21).
Works Cited Farmer, Lesley, and Marilyn Shontz. "School Library Journal's Spending Survey." School Library Journal 55.4 (2009). Web. 21 November 2012. Ohio Department of Education Testing. Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT) Assessment Results. Ohio Department of Education. Web. 23 November 2012 Pennsylvania Department of Education. PDE Guidelines for School Libraries. Pennsylvania Department of Education. Web. 21 November 2012. “School Libraries Work!” Scholastic, 2008. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. <http://listbuilder.scholastic.com/content/stores/LibraryStore/pages/images/SLW3.pdf>. "Sporkforge.com" Sporkforge.com. Sporkman, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2012 Zanni, Robert. Collection Analysis Report Struthers High School. 12 September 2012. PDF.