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Research and Innovation Participant Portal Improvements in the next release

Research and Innovation Participant Portal Improvements in the next release. Webstreaming : http:// scic.ec.europa.eu/streaming/index.php?es=2 & sessionno =a8166da05c5a094f7dc03724b41886e5 Webforum : https:// webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/forums/research/ participants/portal/ viewforum.php?f =24.

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Research and Innovation Participant Portal Improvements in the next release

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  1. Research and InnovationParticipant PortalImprovements in the next release • Webstreaming:http://scic.ec.europa.eu/streaming/index.php?es=2&sessionno=a8166da05c5a094f7dc03724b41886e5 • Webforum:https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/forums/research/participants/portal/viewforum.php?f=24

  2. Research and InnovationParticipant PortalImprovements in the next release Peter HÄRTWICH peter.haertwich@ec.europa.eu eFP7 Communication Office RTD M3.1

  3. Upcoming changes Electronic-only signature of forms C: Abolition of parallel paper version of FP7 financial statements (forms C) (January 2013) Extended calls service: Inclusion of CIP calls and links to other types of calls (185, JTIs…) New ergonomics: Same logic and options, but presented in a more coherent and intuitive layout Funding Guide: guidance on the processes and the related IT services

  4. Electronic-only submissionofFP7 financial statements (Forms C)

  5. CoCo Task M. Task M. PaCo LEAR A.Admin A.Admin A.Admin A.Admin A.Admin A.Admin PaCo CoCo LEAR CoCo Task M. Team Mb Task M. Team Mb Team Mb Team Mb Team Mb Task M. Task M. Team Mb PaCo 1 1 The current version of IAM (since February 2012) Coordinating Participant Participant A CoordinatorContacts ParticipantContacts Project TaskManagers TeamMembers LEAR Organisation AccountAdministrator

  6. New role in the identity and access management New role in the identity and access management: persons authorised to sign forms C for their organisation (FSIGN) Nominations for this new role by LEARs (or their account administrators) – under the “organisation roles” function Unlimitednumber of FSIGNs can be nominated LEARs can add comments to each FSIGN (e.g. which part of the forms C of the organisation they can sign) Comments are visible to the persons having project roles in the organisation (Participant Contacts (PaCos) etc.)

  7. CoCo LEAR A.Admin A.Admin A.Admin A.Admin LEAR A.Admin PaCo Team Mb Team Mb PaCo CoCo A.Admin CoCo Task M. Task M. Task M. Task M. Task M. Task M. PaCo Team Mb Team Mb Team Mb Team Mb 1 1 The new version of IAM Participant A Coordinating Participant CoordinatorContacts FSIGN ParticipantContacts Project TaskManagers TeamMembers LEAR AccountAdministrator Organisation Financial Statement Authorised Signatory FSIGN FSIGN FSIGN

  8. Process of electronic-only submission Participant contact assigns an FSIGN to the project (from the list nominated by the LEAR) Participant contact or task manager prepares form C (as today) If applicable, participant contact or task manager uploads scanned copy of certificate on financial statement (signed by the auditor), original to be kept in the files of the beneficiary When ready, participant contact identifiesform C as “ready for signature”, triggering a notification to the FSIGN FSIGN electronically signs and submits form C to the coordinator After submission by the coordinator of the forms C package to the Commission, a digitally signed eReceipt is issued for each form C No more paper signature of forms C, no more paper sending of certificates on financial statements

  9. CoCo FSIGN CoCo Task M. PaCo Task M. Drafting of form C Upload of scanned copies of certificates (if applicable) Identify Form Cas “ready for signature” Notification to FSIGN Reject Electronic signature of form C& Submission of signed form C (+ certificates) Reception of form C Approve Preparation of the periodic report package: scientific part, all signed forms C (+ certificates where applicable) Sending of electronic proof of receipt for each form C+ 1 for the periodic report Single submission of periodic report PARTICIPANT COORDINATOR COMMISSION

  10. Retroactiveness? New regime is obligatory for all grants signed after 1.1.2013 (changed model grant agreement) Consequence: nomination of LEARs will become obligatory For grants signed before 1.1.2013, the current parallel paper and electronic submission will remain available as an option However: consortia are encouraged to go for the electronic-only also for existing grants Pre-requisite: signature of a simple amendment (accepting the new stipulations of the revised model grant agreement) Template for requesting this amendment will be made available

  11. New ergonomics

  12. Thank you!Time for discussion Peter HÄRTWICH peter.haertwich@ec.europa.eu eFP7 Communication Office RTD M3.1

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