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Status of WP5- The H ydrogen I ncident and A ccident D atabase Update October 2005. Christian Kirchsteiger, EC – DG JRC christian.kirchsteiger@jrc.nl. Ana Vetere, EC – DG JRC ana.vetere@jrc.nl. Espen Funnemark, DNV (N) espen.funnemark@dnv.com. Scope.
Status of WP5- The Hydrogen Incident and Accident DatabaseUpdate October 2005 Christian Kirchsteiger, EC – DG JRC christian.kirchsteiger@jrc.nl Ana Vetere, EC – DG JRC ana.vetere@jrc.nl Espen Funnemark, DNV (N) espen.funnemark@dnv.com
Scope • Kick-off meeting: 28+29 September 2005, JRC Petten (DNV+JRC) • Software development: • JRC: development of application for recording, storage, retrieval and analysis of hydrogen event data • located on JRC server with direct link to HySafe website • application available on www.jrc.nl by 1 May 2006 • Initial Populating of HIAD: • DNV and JRC will provide first sets of event records from open source data • HySafe partners and actual "risk owners"(e.g. industry) can make their own versions of the same events "unbiased" reports • New event entries by HySafe partners always welcome • Initial populating completed by 1 September 2006
Task Deliverable Responsibility Deadline Develop HIAD application Draft software, incl. backup/documentation management system JRC-DMD Before 1 May 2006 ß test (Data Entry) JRC-DMD October 2005 Verification of ß version (Data Entry) JRC Depending on when data will start arriving (ideally end of November) ß test (Data Retrieval) JRC-DMD End January 2006 Verification ß version (Data Retrieval) JRC/DNV Early March 2006 1st HIAD release to wider audience (HYSAFE + DOE?) JRC-DMD 1 May 2006 Project plan
Task Prepare and agree a maintenance (bug fixing, upgrading, etc.) plan with developer Maintenance plan Deliverable DNV, JRC Responsibility Deadline t.b.d. (for phase after 1 September 2006) Develop user feedback system Log system on user experience & feedback JRC-DMD t.b.d. (for phase after 1 September 2006) Prepare necessary documentation to assure proper operation and use and consistency in the data User Manual, integrated in HIAD application DNV Continuous until 1 September 2006 User Support List of contact points with names and responsibilities published in HIAD portal JRC-DMD (access & sw), DNV/JRC (techn) Before 1 September 2006 Develop news service Popup on website + email alert to user-group JRC t.b.d. (for phase after 1 September 2006) Develop mechanism for periodical evaluation of contents Statistical reports, technical papers DNV, JRC - 1st statistical report by 1 September 2006; - long term / periods t.b.d. Maintenance / update of website contents (apart from data as such) Continuously updated website JRC, DNV Continuous Project plan
HIAD Characteristics Data retrieval The HIAD system stores its data in a relational database. JRC[1] will now (October 2005) start implementing the database structure in an Oracle RDBMS. Figure 1 portrays the JRC hard- and software infrastructure used to operate HIAD. [1]The database implementation has been carried out by the JRC-Data Management and Dissemination Team. JRC will implement a web-enabled user interface for the retrieval of HIAD records based on Java server technology (J2EE), which retrieves requested data from the DB server, processes the data as required and then transfers data in HTML format to the browser of the end user. . HIAD – development & operation (1)
Data entry The first beta version of the HIAD structure Data Entry part has now been finalised. Figure 2 provides an insight of the HIAD Process for this version. This is an important step, as it is needed to start the COLLECTION OF DATA that will be inserted into HIAD to validate the HIAD Methodology and Process described in Deliverable 22 - HIAD Specification and definition of its contents, operation and structure. In February 2005, the first beta version will be launched. HIAD – development & operation (2)
What we need from our HySafe partners Please provide us any information you may have regarding hydrogen incidents and accidents HIAD – development & operation (3) We need you to help us validating the HIAD process!!
Future collaboration with US Department of Energy (DOE) • DOE is currently starting to develop a similar reporting system like HIAD, which will become completely open to public access • DOE interested in HIAD concept • Intention is to develop a cooperation under the existing DOE-EC Framework Agreement & IPHE • Discussions ongoing