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WP5 Status

WP5 Status. John Gordon GridPP5 - ICSTM September 2002. Summary. Introduction Staffing Status of TB1.2 Near future Status of TB2 Future developments Issues. Introduction. WP5 is producing the Storage Element Management Service. UK Staff Changes. Tim Eves left August

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WP5 Status

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  1. WP5 Status John Gordon GridPP5 - ICSTM September 2002

  2. Summary • Introduction • Staffing • Status of TB1.2 • Near future • Status of TB2 • Future developments • Issues

  3. Introduction • WP5 is producing the Storage Element Management Service

  4. UK Staff Changes • Tim Eves left August • Owen Synge – contract extended • Tara Shah – working as consultant for ~months • Michael George – WP4->WP5 • Shared post with WP3 (under offer)

  5. Status of TB1.2 • GDMP staging to MSS - CERN, Lyon, RAL, (NIKHEF/SARA) • manual staging to MSS - CERN, Lyon, RAL, (NIKHEF/SARA) • local direct MSS access – CERN, Lyon, (RAL, NIKHEF/SARA) • Grid authorisation for local direct MSS access – CERN, Lyon • Command line interface to SE metadata • User can interrogate total free space on SE, not per VO • On an SE with multiple partitions, user cannot find free space • RB cannot schedule to CE near SE with a certain amount of free space

  6. Near future (ie pre TB2.0) • GLUE • SE schemas drafted based on existing EDG one • Chance to add improvements • Need more discussion with other m/w WPs • SE disk space management • Housekeeping to keep disk space available on TB1.2 SE • GetSECosts • File access time estimates for Optor (WP2) • TB1.3 exists. To be integrated with Optor.

  7. Summary of SE service • Release 1.0 (demo end Sept, quality end Oct) • Control Interface to handle registration, pinning, reservation(*), staging MSS->disk, ACLs • Implemented on disk and at least Castor • Release 2.0 (end Nov) • More MSS support - Lyon, RAL, SARA, (WP9, WP10) • Tarballs – allows writing large number of small files to MSS in efficient manner • Disk Cache management • Direct GridFTP access to Castor (omit SE disk cache) • Release 3.0 (end Dec) • GridFTP done through SE • Supporting arbitrary MSS • ACLs applied to transfers too • Date less certain – still investigating several server solutions • RFIO through SE • Posix I/O through SE • should remove need for NFS with subsequent increased robustness, efficiency and allow true space reservation

  8. SE Release 1.0 1. SE ‘service manager’ will provide basic subset of SRM functionality • Get and Put, possibly Copy • For MSS, Get results in file being staged to disk 2. Hierarchical directory structure possible even if MSS is flat 3. SE filenames can be longer than underlying MSS 4. Remote access to staged files using GridFTP • Thus provides GridFTP access to MSS (in Castor at least) 5. ACL control of access through SE using GACL Combination of 1 and 4 above used by RLS and/or users

  9. SE Example in Release 1.0 • User has LFN existing in SE • User pins file • SE (brings it on to disk and) returns URL where it can be found • User uses GridFTP to transfer file (to any site) • OR user accesses file directly (eg by NFS from local job only)

  10. Migration Plan • Timing Driven by WP2 • SE 1.0 will allow ReplicaLocationService to transfer files between SEs including MSS (at least Castor) • Register existing files in SE, PFN in RC/RLS unchanged • GDMP can stop staging files to MSS • SE has choice of staying as disk-only SE or becoming cache for MSS • Can then move SE files to MSS and register MSS files in RLS

  11. Future developments • R-GMA information provider • Quotas • OGSA • Further SRM functionality • slashGrid

  12. Questions/Problems (1) • Space reservation • API for reservation exists… • …but cannot be honoured unless all access is via SE • this requires Posix I/O to be supported in future. • SE-only access may never be acceptable to local site • Current solution is best-efforts reservation – SE will not allow reservation if space does not exist. Could return ‘quality of reservation’ (eg fraction of freespace reserved)

  13. Questions/Problems (2) • Authorisation • Is VOMS sufficient? • SE can use LCAS functions in similar way to EDG gatekeeper • We allow ACLs and can set up a standard set for standard roles but who applies them and how are they managed externally? • Replicas seem clear enough but not other files • How does our model of different software at different sites fit with the EDG Software Release Model

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