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Agricultural Outlook. Iowa Chapter of the ASFMRA Annual Meeting Ames, Iowa February 5, 2009 Chad Hart Assistant Professor/Grain Markets Specialist chart@iastate.edu 515-294-9911. U.S. Corn Supply and Use. +81. -50. -100. -50. +316. $4.00. -0.10. $3.90. Source: USDA-WAOB, Jan. 2009.
Agricultural Outlook Iowa Chapter of the ASFMRA Annual Meeting Ames, Iowa February 5, 2009 Chad Hart Assistant Professor/Grain Markets Specialist chart@iastate.edu 515-294-9911
U.S. Corn Supply and Use +81 -50 -100 -50 +316 $4.00 -0.10 $3.90 Source: USDA-WAOB, Jan. 2009
U.S. Soybean Supply and Use +38 -30 +50 $9.00 NC $9.00 Source: USDA-WAOB, Jan. 2009
Drought in South America Source: USDA-WAOB, Dec. 2008
Argentine Drought Impacts (Early Reports) 2007 Production Corn 20.9 million tons Soybeans 46.2 million tons Current USDA Estimates Corn 16.5 million tons -21% Soybeans 49.5 million tons +7% Estimates from Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange Corn 12.3 to 13.7 million tons -35 to -41% Soybeans 34.5 to 38.2 million tons -17 to -25% Source: Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese Corn Production Source: USDA-WAOB, Jan. 2009
Soybeans in China Source: USDA-PSD, Jan. 2009
Livestock Adjustments Sows farrowing: Sept-Nov 2008 2.99 million, down 6% from last year Dec-Feb 2009 2.97 million, down 3% from last year Mar-May 2009 3.01 million, down 2% from last year Broiler-type eggs set: 203 million, down 7% from last year Broiler chicks placed: 166 million, down 6% from last year Feedlot placements: 2.02 million, down 5% from last year Sources: Various USDA-NASS reports
Ethanol Margins Source: ISU, CARD
Biodiesel Margins Source: ISU, CARD
U.S. Blended Motor Gasoline Consumption Source: Energy Information Administration
Corn & Soybean Area Growth rate of 1.55 million acres per year
CRP Expiring Contracts Source: USDA-FSA
Input Costs Source: USDA, Agricultural Prices, Dec. 2008
The Rise and Fall of Fertilizer Prices Source: http://www.fertilizerworks.com/html/market/ TheMarket.pdf
Ammonia Prices Source: http://www.fertilizerworks.com/html/market/ TheMarket.pdf
Iowa Corn Prices vs. Costs Source: USDA-NASS and Duffy and Smith, http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/crops/pdf/a1-21.pdf
Iowa Soybean Prices vs. Costs Source: USDA-NASS and Duffy and Smith, http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/crops/pdf/a1-21.pdf
Estimates for 2009 Iowa Costs December 2009 Corn Futures = $4.16 (2/2/09) November 2009 Soy Futures = $9.25 (2/2/09) Source: Duffy and Smith, http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/crops/pdf/a1-20.pdf
Crop Exports Source: USDA, PSD
Exchange Rates (Jan. 2003 = 1) Source: USDA, ERS
Exchange Rates (Jan. 2003 = 1) Source: USDA, ERS
2007 World Corn Exports Drought issues for 2008 crops Source: USDA, FAS
2007 World Soybean Exports Drought issues for 2008 crops Source: USDA, FAS
Pace of Corn Export Sales Source: USDA, FAS
2008 U.S. Corn Exports Source: USDA, FAS
Pace of Soybean Export Sales Source: USDA, FAS
2008 U.S. Soybean Exports Source: USDA, FAS
Finishing Out the 2008 Crop Year • General economic conditions • A lot of recent market trade has been tied to reaction to the financial crisis and the world’s response • Economic slowdown raises concern about export and energy demand • Most important ag. statistic: Exchange rates or South American production • Current futures are indicating 2008 season-average prices of $3.75-4.25 for corn and $9.25-9.75 for soybeans • Stress on South American crops has provided some support for prices
Thoughts for 2009 and Beyond • Many of the storylines from 2008 will continue • Tight stocks for corn (worldwide) and soybeans (U.S.) • The competition for acreage • Ethanol’s buildout & livestock’s adjustment • Energy price & general economy concerns • Market volatility will remain high • Link to the energy markets • More market players with different trading objectives • Given current factors, the 2009 outlook is for crop prices around $4.00 for corn and $8.50-8.75 for soybeans • Key factor: Economic growth returns by early 2010
Hog and Cattle Outlook 2009 and Beyond John D. Lawrence Extension Livestock Economist Iowa State University
Total production and competing meats Hog liquidation underway, but slowing? Tighter beef supplies and contracting MCOOL Feed costs and risks Overview
Supply side favorable Reduction underway Demand side a concern Smaller supplies of competing meats Exports below 2008 record levels Consumer income Breakeven year expected Liquidation slowing Hog Overview
Smaller supplies Exports below 2008, but second largest Domestic demand steady to weaker Watch feed costs Profitable summer, breakeven year Contraction slowing Hog Summary
Demand concern looms Herd reduction underway Lower supplies of competing meats Feed cost implications Cattle Overview