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Spirochetes and Misc Bacteria

Spirochetes and Misc Bacteria. Slackers Facts by Mike Ori. Disclaimer. The information represents my understanding only so errors and omissions are probably rampant. It has not been vetted or reviewed by faculty. The source is our class notes.

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Spirochetes and Misc Bacteria

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  1. Spirochetes and Misc Bacteria Slackers Facts by Mike Ori

  2. Disclaimer The information represents my understanding only so errors and omissions are probably rampant. It has not been vetted or reviewed by faculty. The source is our class notes. The document can mostly be used forward and backward. I tried to mark questionable stuff with (?). If you want it to look pretty, steal some crayons and go to town. Finally… If you’re a gunner, buck up and do your own work.

  3. Describe the morphology and size of a spirochete

  4. Spirochetes are long but very narrow spiral shaped bacterial with internal flagella that course down the side of the bacterium essentially between the inner and outer membrane,

  5. Name the spirochete visualization technique

  6. Usually best visualized with dark-field microscopy. Antibody staining can also be used.

  7. Name three medically important spirochete species

  8. Treponema Leptospira Borrelia

  9. What disease is associated with treponema

  10. Syphilis

  11. What diseases are associated with Borrelia

  12. Recurring fevers Lyme disease

  13. What disease is associated with Leptospira

  14. Leptospirosis

  15. Name the stages of syphilis

  16. Primary Secondary (Latent) Tertiary

  17. Primary syphilis time frame

  18. 3 week incubation

  19. Primary syphilis sx

  20. Chancre at site of infection

  21. Secondary syphilis time frame

  22. Develops 2-8 weeks after chancre formation. Lasts days to weeks.

  23. Secondary syphilis sx

  24. Macular papular rash over body surface including soles and palms.

  25. Latent syphilis sx

  26. Essentially none. Low infectivity. May revert to secondary syphilis with high infectivity.

  27. Tertiary syphilis time frame

  28. Typically develops in 15-20 years

  29. Tertiary syphilis affected systems

  30. Neurosyphilis Cardiavascular syphilis

  31. Neurosyphilissx

  32. Chronic meningitis Brain degeneration Psychosis

  33. Cardiavascular syphilis sx

  34. Ascending and transverse aortic dilation due to endarteritis of the vasavasorum

  35. Congenital syphilis timeframe

  36. Active infection after the 4th month

  37. Congenital syphilis sx

  38. Macular papular rash similar to secondary syphilis in adults Bone changes (saddle nose, saber shins) Anemia, thrombocytopenia, liver failure

  39. Syphilis tests

  40. VDRL – non-treponemal Fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA)

  41. Describe VDRL sensitivity and specificity

  42. Sensitive but not specific as a number of other situations can increase cardiolipin antibody levels that form the basis of the test. Always confirm positive results.

  43. Syphilis rule of thirds

  44. 1/3 secondary 1/3 latent 1/3 chronic (~3% of original?)

  45. Borrelia staining

  46. Stains well with Geimsa or Wright stains

  47. Borreliarecurrentis and hermsii disease characteristics

  48. Up to four cycles of fever that are separated by a few days and that each last about a week.

  49. Borrelia relapse basis

  50. Limited antigenic variation allows immune escape

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