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Detailed progress report of the NETCENG project's first year activities and achievements led by project coordinator N.V. Kuleshov and other experts from Belarusian National Technical University. The report covers legal framework, doctoral programs, training plans, and upcoming activities.
Progress report of the«NETCENG» project(1st year) Project coordinator – N.V. Kuleshov, Head of "Laser Devices and Technology" Department Belarusian National Technical University
F.I. Panteleenko, First Vice-Rector- Head of the project. N.V. Kuleshov, Head of the «Laser Devices and Technology» Department– project coordinator from BNTU. K.N. Gorbachenya, PhD student of the «Laser Devices and Technology» Department – project secretary. O.V. Biruk, 1st class accountant – project accountant. F.A. Romanyuk, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activity – expert. V.L. Solomaho, Head of the RIIT BNTU – expert. V.G. Gorbash, Head of the Center for International Programs, Ranking and Information Systems – expert. A.M. Malyarevich, Dean of the «Instrumentation Engineering» Faculty- expert. G.N. Zdor, Head of the «Robotic Systems» Department- эксперт. I.E. Zuikov, Head of the «Information and Measuring Technology» Department - expert. V.G.Bashtovoi, Head of the «Energy Efficient Technologies and Renewable Energy (UNESCO)» Department - expert. R.V. Fedortsev, Ass. professor of the «Laser Devices and Technology» Department – expert. A.A. Kustenko, Chief tutor of the «Organization of Automobile Transportations and Road Traffic» Department - эксперт. A.A. Kologrivko, Head of Department for training of the highest qualification scientific manpower - expert. A.V.Skalaban, Head of library- эксперт. P.V. ProkoshinVice-Head of the Center for International Programs, Ranking and Information Systems - expert. P.A. Ermolovich, part-programming engineerof the Center for International Programs, Ranking and Information Systems – expert. Approved by the order №583 from 14.04.2014 Working group on project progress
1. Legal framework in the field of 3rd level programs (Doctoral Programs). • Belarus education code (National register of legal acts in Belarus, 2011, № 13, 2/1795). • Regulations about the training of the highest qualification scientific manpower in Belarus (approved by the presidential decree №561 from01.12.2011г.). • 011-2009 Belarus State Classifier «Specialities and и qualifications». • 2. Specialities in the training of the post-graduate students and doctors of sciences at the BNTU. • - Training of post-graduate students covers 55specialtiesof the following 7 science branches: physical and mathematical; biological; engineering; economic; pedagogical, architecture and natural sciences. • Training of doctors of sciences covers 55specialties. • 3. Arrangement of the post-graduate students training. The individual plan performance. • 4. The PhD dissertation requirements, the procedure of consideration and defense. • The PhD dissertation requirements, the procedure of consideration and defense are given in the state of graduation in Belarus, approved by the presidential decree №561 from 17.11.2004 (in the wording of the presidential decree № 561 from 01.12.2011). Analysis of structure and content of current Doctoral Programs at the BNTU
- The program duration: 3-4 years (full-time), 4-5 years (part-time). • - Academiс content: doctoral students attend trainings of the academiс disciplines. It involves «common», «special» and dissertation subject area disciplines. The disciplines are divided into obligatory and «at student opinion». • - Laboriousness of the student workload is evaluated by ECTS credits. • - Subject area of the training is associated with market requirements. The part of training can be carried out in non-academic partners of the university. • - Mobility of doctoral students: it is recommended to participate in the international summer schools. • - The presence of relationships between university, supervisor and students. • Scientific supervising: it is recommended to carry our supervisor trainings and give them certification. • The usage of on-line sources for training doctoral students and monitoring training quality. The university possibility in the adoption of an own experimental 3rd cycle program
Meetings of project participants 12.03.2014 Organizational issues. Preparation for the order for creation working group. 16.04.2014 Compiling of the project calendar activities.Distribution of planned duties for participants of working group. 14.05.2014. Meeting of project participants for preparation of the progress report after 6 months. 11.06.2014. Distribution of the doctoral students trainings for departments and teachers. 15.10.2014. Development of teachers and supervisors selection criteria for attending trainings in the EU Universities in 2015. Development of doctoral students selection criteria for attending summer schools. 12.11.2014. Meeting of project participants for preparation of the progress report after 1st year. 03.12.2014. Informing of project participants about the meeting of project coordinators in Minsk in November 2014.
Presentation of project information Presentation of project information during local coordinators meeting with Vice-Rector for Academic and International Cooperation, Prof. Tsyganov A.R.10.04.2014
Meetings devoted to distribution of the project information 03.04.2014Presentation of project information during working group meeting devoted to project activities of TEMPUS NETCENG in BNTU. 10.04.2014Presentation of project information during local coordinators meeting with Vice-Rector for Academic and International Cooperation Prof. Tsyganov A.R. 24.04.2014 Presentation of project information during the 7th International student scientific and technical conference «New trends in the instrument engineering development» 21.10.2014 Presentation of project information during certification commission of PhD students meeting. 20.11.204 Presentation of project information during the 7th International conference «Instrumentation engineering - 2014» Project publications 1. «Innovative trends in the training of doctoral students», 17.02.2015, newspaper «Nastaunitskaya». 2. «New prospects in the training of doctoral students», 05.03.2015, newspaper «Vesti BNTU» Project information in Internet 1. http://www.bntu.by/ 2. http://www.bsu.by/main.aspx?guid=1161&detail=624033 3. http://www.psu.by/index.php/component/content/article/278-sotrudnichestvo/8342-proekt-netceng.html
Presentation of project information Project presentation during the 7th International student scientific and technical conference «New trends in the instrument engineering development», Minsk, BNTU. 24.04.2014.
Printed output of the NETCENG project Number of copies – 100 pcs.
Core curricula / Module Systems modelling and simulation Navigation in transport systems Sensoric in research Power Electronics & Systems Environmental Mathematic Modelling Satellite Image processing techniques Robotic systems Materials Science and Solidification Processing Transferable Skills / Module Effective communication with groups Theory and Practice in Research Survival in Labor Market Preparation for publishing of tutorial and methodological aids
Project results will be implemented in the following target departments : • Instrumentation Engineering Faculty • «Information and Measuring Technology» Department; • «Laser Devices and Technology» Department; • Information Technologies and Robotics Faculty • «Robotic Systems» Department; • Mining Engineering and Engineering Ecology Faculty • «Ecology» Department; • Management Technologies and Humanitarization Faculty • «Organization of Packaging Production» Department.
Doc Colloquium Room Room preparation for creation of new infrastructure Y. Kolas str. 22, building №17 BNTU, «Laser devices and technology» department, room 608, 6th floor. Room major overhaul was finished, new furniture was mounted, burglar alarm was installed. Responsible for the room – Fedortsev R.V.
Room preparation for creation of new infrastructure:room 608, building 17, BNTU
The regulation about DLM office development in BNTU is in the stage of adjustment by BNTU Rector. • The calendar of DLM office activities in 2015 will be developed after adjustment. DLM office development
Selection criteria Position at the target department of TEMPUS NETCENG project . Teaching of the discipline, that will be implemented in the frames of TEMPUS NETCENG project. Academic degree. Fluent English/ certificate of English courses attendance Teachers and supervisors selection for attending trainings in the EU Universities in 2015 Doctoral students and supervisors selection for attending summer school trainings Selection criteria Training at the target department of TEMPUS NETCENG project . Successful mastering of academic curriculum. List of supervisor recommendation. Fluent English/ certificate of English courses attendance
1. Development of the questionnaires for doctoral students and teachers. • May, 2014. • 2. The interview of doctoral students was carried out (November 2014). • - there are 25 persons were interviewed ; • - 7 persons have found project information from Internet, 12 – from teachers or other doctoral students, 6 – during project presentation; • - 17 persons have detailed project information; • 16 persons have desire to participate in the project. • 3. Next interview will be held in November 2015. The questuionnaires for doctoral students and teachers in 2014