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Networking the Full Preterist Community Dear Believers in Fulfilled Eschatology:
Networking the Full Preterist Community Dear Believers in Fulfilled Eschatology: Over the years I've had numerous preterists ask me if I know of anyone in their respective locations with whom they could study/fellowship; so, perhaps feeling like first-century Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah, I know many of you out there feel very isolated in your futurist-dominated community, and you’d like to know if there are others in your general areas. So, besides the preterist locator maps on the internet, I’ve developed an idea to network together as many believers of fulfilled eschatology as possible via a registry, and I hope you can/will help me with this endeavor, if not for your sake, for the sake of others. Here’s my proposed starting point(which I'm sure will work into something different/better later on). For those who desire to help me get this going, I'll take up the baton and create a file of contact information, essentially and initially for my eyes only. Unless you wish to share more information than the following (which is solely up to you), the very least I’ll need is TheName, ZipCode, and EmailAddress you wish listed in this registry. I’ll post sign-up invitations on websites and on facebook, and I’ll send out the same via emails, in magazines, and so on. You in turn are encouraged to get the word out all over the U.S. & Canada to whomever might be interested in joining the list; post a link to this ad on your facebook wall and on any website you can. After you’ve provided me with your contact info, I'll then let you know who else is signed up in your area and when others in your area sign up (usually within about 75 miles of you). Here’s an example of an email you may receive: A T. E. Denton Pret-Net Notification as Promised (11/11/11) In case you don’t already know about one another… Jon Doe of North Raleigh, NC (JonDoe@JonDoe.com) MEET Jane Payne of South Raleigh, NC (JanePayne@JanePayne.com) To keep a record of how this program is helping people, I’d love to hear back from both of you, even if it’s merely to inform me that you’re already acquainted. Thank You, ~Tony D. By proceeding in this manner, your contact info won't be posted on the web; you’ll only be contacted by me; and you get to decide when and with whom you connect. Once the list becomes large enough, I’ll likely take it to another level; however, once that level is figured out, I’ll email everyone on the list for feedback. So, for all interested in this endeavor (I know I personally would very much love to see this take off), please—right now while you're thinking about it—contact me with whatever information you'd like posted in this registry to be shared with other full preterists. Email me at tedenton64@hotmail.com or via the Let Me Know You Were Here page linked at your left, or leave a message at 623-933-8101. Thank You Very Much for Your Consideration!