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Enlightened. Shadows. Morgan Quinn Kiki Ziva Daniela Salvoni Savvas Andronikou Antonia Pavlidou Margarida Ribeiro Cecilia Runesson Anastasia chasoura Eleni Kolokouri Alexandra Ameladioti. Goals.
Enlightened Shadows MorganQuinn KikiZiva Daniela Salvoni • SavvasAndronikou AntoniaPavlidou Margarida Ribeiro • CeciliaRunesson Anastasiachasoura • EleniKolokouri Alexandra Ameladioti
Goals Childrenhave to developobservationskillsinorder to compare thesizeofanobjectwithitsshadow; Childrenmust realize andunderstandthatobjectscanhavedifferentshadowsaccording to theanglethatthesunhitstheobject; Children observe thatifobjects are in a certainproportion, thentheirshadows are inthesameproportion; Children observe thatthedistancefromthelightsource to theobjectmay cause parallellinesontheobject to becomenonparallellinesintheshadow.
FirstActivity Age: 6/7 yearsold Materials: paper, pencil, lamp Grouping: Pairs Duration: 40 minutes Takechildren to theclassroomandtellthem to manipulatedifferentobjectsand to seetheeffectontheirshadows; Try to relate theresultswith real lifesituations; Teacheraskonechild to stand infrontofthesourceoflight. Thechild’spartnerlaysdown a pieceofpaperand traces theirshadow. Then, thechildren compare theirshadow to theirownbody; Discusstheresults.
SecondActivity (part 1) Age: 10/11 yearsold Materials: 4 videocameras, flowerpots, A3 cards Grouping: Groupsof 5 children Duration: 1 hour (15 + 5 + 25 minutes) Put a stickin a flowerpotinthemorning. Putthestickthroughthe A3 card. Setup a videocameraandrecordtheactivity. Attheendofthedaywatchthevideoand observe anddiscusstheresults.
SecondActivity (part 2) Age: 10/11 yearsold Materials: 3 chalksofdifferentcolor Grouping: Groupsof 4 children Duration: 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 minutes Inthemorning, middayandintheafternoonchildren are asked to gooutside. Nextthechildrenwill trace eachother’sshadowsontheground. Attheendoftheday, thechildren observe anddiscussthe 3 differentshadows.
ThirdActivity Age: 10/11 yearsold Materials: square frames, rulers, lamps Grouping: Groupsof 4 children Duration: 40 to 45 minutes Children are broughtoutside. Theteacherholds a square frame at a varietyofangles. Thechildren use a ruler to show thatthesidesonsquare’sshadow are alsoparallel. Thechildren do thesameinsidewithan artificial light; Thechildren observe anddiscussthedifferencebetweenthetwoobservations.
FourthActivity Age: 12 yearsold Materials: meter sticksandhalf meter sticks Grouping: Groupsof 4 children Duration: 40 minutes Children are broughtoutside. Theyholdupthetwotypesofsticksand trace theshadowonthegroundwith some chalk. Thechildrenmeasuretheshadowsandrecordtheresults. Thechildrenaren’ttoldthattheshadows are inproportionandmustprovidetheirownconclusions.