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Project Collaborators. Office of Learning TechnologiesOffice of Undergraduate EducationOffice of Educational AssessmentClassroom Support ServicesComputing
1. Results from the 2005 Educational Technology Surveys Cara Lane
Research Scientist
Catalyst Research and DevelopmentOffice of Learning Technologies
2. Project Collaborators Office of Learning Technologies
Office of Undergraduate Education
Office of Educational Assessment
Classroom Support Services
Computing & Communication
UW Libraries
Office of Educational Outreach
Student Technology Fee Committee
3. Report Full report: http://catalyst.washington.edu/projects
Conclusions and recommendations
4. Response Details Instructor survey
Sample size: 4,390
Response Rate: 34.4%
Student survey
Sample size: 3,500
Response rate: 28.2%
Focus groups
40 instructors and 25 students
5. Faculty Demographics Respondents
Average Age
61% male
39% female
6. Undergraduate Demographics Respondents
Average Age
39% male
61% female
7. Finding Support for technology facilities and services is high
8. Faculty Quote “Labs are everywhere, they’re all over the place, they’re readily available, and they’re economical to use. So I can freely give assignments and have projects and homework that require a computer now and students can go and do them.”
9. Finding Strong interest in Web-based tools
10. Online Portfolios Which of the following educational technologies would like instructors to use in your courses?
50% Online Portfolios
46% Computer simulations
38% Streaming Videos
26% Instant messaging
14% Video Conferencing
11. Finding Wireless in classrooms will increase laptop use during class sessions
12. Laptop Ownership
13. Laptops in Classrooms
14. Undergraduate Quote “The things that will make wireless really powerful will be new applications that begin to use that connectivity to do new things”
15. Finding Correlation between gender and tech skills
16. Expertise by Group
17. Expertise by Gender
18. Finding Undergraduates use more types of technology for academic purposes than faculty do
19. Academic Use of IM
20. Finding Faculty want better access to technology in classrooms
21. Opportunities to Use Technology The UW should provide more opportunities to use educational technologies
73% agree
#1: Improve access to technology in classrooms
22. Faculty Quote “Most lecture halls are equipped with the appropriate technology, but most smaller classrooms are not. If you invest the time to use technology in a 50-person class and don’t know if you are going to get the same classroom every year, the significant cost of transformation may not pay off in the event that you do not get an equipped classroom again.”
23. Finding Undergraduates want course materials available online
24. The UW Should Require all Courses to have Web Sites
25. Undergraduate Quote “Something that would help support my learning would be having more information about a course online, especially requiring professors to put a syllabus on a Web site. It would be nice to look on the teacher’s Web site and see all the assignments. That would be fantastic.”
26. Finding Teaching assistants and graduate students that do not teach have different attitudes towards technology
27. Demographics Graduate Students
Average Age
39% male
61% female
Teaching Assistants
Average Age
44% male
56% female
28. The UW should Provide Guidance in Building Online Portfolios
29. Laptops for Students
30. Next Steps Current
Partners are using survey results to inform decisions
ECAR survey
Repeating surveys every 3 years
Next survey in spring 2008