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Beautiful People! By: Chris Brown!

Beautiful People! By: Chris Brown!. *PowerPoint By: Karina Garcia! ! Date 6/7/2011! !Period#5!. Everywhere everywhere Everywhere I go Everywhere that i’ve been The only thing I see is Is beautiful people Beautiful people Beautiful people Beautiful people.

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Beautiful People! By: Chris Brown!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beautiful People!By: Chris Brown! *PowerPoint By: Karina Garcia! ! Date 6/7/2011! !Period#5!

  2. Everywhere everywhereEverywhere I goEverywhere that i’ve beenThe only thing I see isIs beautiful peopleBeautiful peopleBeautiful peopleBeautiful people

  3. Don’t you know don’t you knowYou’re beautiful don’t you knowDon’t you know don’t you knowBeautiful don’t you know know know

  4. Live your life live your lifeLet the love insideIt’s your life it’s your lifeGot to play it rightTake your time take your timeTake your sexy time

  5. Lose your head lose your headYour beauty it’s inside youInside youDon’t let ‘em bring you down noThe beauty is inside youDon’t let ‘em bring you downCos you start your life todayLive any thoughts you’ve dreamed off

  6. Everywhere everywhereEverywhere I goEverywhere that I've been The only thing I see isIs beautiful peopleBeautiful peopleBeautiful peopleBeautiful people

  7. Don’t you know don’t you knowYou’re beautiful don’t you knowDon’t you know don’t you knowBeautiful don’t you know know know

  8. Take your time take your timeTake your sexy timeLose your head lose your headYour beauty’s deep insideInside youDon’t let ‘em bring you down noYour beauty is inside youDon’t let ‘em bring you down noThe beauty is inside youDon’t let ‘em bring you down

  9. Everywhere everywhereEverywhere I goEverywhere that I've beenThe only thing I see isIs beautiful peopleBeautiful peopleBeautiful peopleBeautiful people

  10. know Don’t you know don’t you knowYou’re beautiful don’t you knowDon’t you know don’t you knowBeautiful don’t you know

  11. Biography! • Chris brown was born Tappahannock, Virginia in 1989. but Chris brown want to star singing when he was 13 years old at his dads gas station that when he was discovered by a music producer But he found his talent of singing at age 11. That's when he gave up trying to be a rapper.

  12. Test! • Chris brown live in new York Ashley he move to new York went he was young with he’s sister but now he lives buy he’s self . • Chris brown have good relationship with he’s mom. Chris brown have a relationship with karruche Tran with the model. Chris brown said the he's still remember what he's stepfather did to him and he’s mom went he used to abuse him and he’s mom about hitting.

  13. Answers! • 1.)Where did Chris Brown have his 18th birthday party? At the 40/40 club!!!!. • 2.) Where does the singer Chris Brown live? • Chris live in Richmond, Va. • 3.) What school does Chris Brown go to? • He went to school when he was younger4.) Who does Chris Brown live with? • he lives by himself.

  14. Links! • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/197283_202651783086615_134079959943798_706664_1675345_n.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.facebook.com/notes/thats-chris-brown-3/everywhere-everywhere-everywhere-i-go/202293283123726&usg=__V4O4ETZnvdxN9jcBhwnU3X23f_0=&h=326&w=580&sz=41&hl=en&start=66&zoom=1&tbnid=-BNPNG9CMWnoDM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=167&ei=L_jsTcz1HYHVgQfVl7XYCQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dthe%2Bonly%2Bthing%2Bi%2Bsee%2Bis%2Bbeautiful%2Bpeople%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1004%26bih%3D583%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=156&page=5&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:66&tx=73&ty=62.

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