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Data Gaps Update

Data Gaps Update. I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. Tom Luther NA S&PF GIS Team Leader FRPC Meeting, Portsmouth, NH June 8, 2011. …Data Gaps Update.

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Data Gaps Update

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  1. Data Gaps Update I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. Tom Luther NA S&PF GIS Team Leader FRPC Meeting, Portsmouth, NH June 8, 2011

  2. …Data Gaps Update Spatial and non-spatial data that would have been useful in conducting analyses and identifying priority areas but were not available at the time Assessments were being developed.

  3. …Data Gaps Update • 15 of 20 NA states responded • Identified 75+ unique data gaps (1 state had 35!) • Some represent the need for updates to existing datasets, others require major development efforts • Some can be addressed regionally, others are quite state-specific

  4. …Data Gaps Update • Land Use and Land Cover (Tom L.) • Forest Health (Frank S.) • Forest Productivity / Soils (Liz L.) • Development Pressure / Frag(Tom L.) • Protected Areas (Tom L.) • Urban / WUI (Tom L.) • Carbon / Biomass (Liz L.) • Forest Inventory & Analysis (Liz L.) • Habitat Classification (Tom L.) • Recreation • Parcel Data • Non-traditional Forest Products

  5. National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) http://www.mrlc.gov/

  6. NLCD 2006 for conterminous U.S. • NLCD 2001 version 2.0 • NLCD 2001/2006 Land Cover Change • NLCD 2001/2006 From – To Change Index • NLCD 2006 % Developed Imperviousness • NLCD 2001/2006 % Developed Impervious Change • No NLCD 2006 Canopy Cover product…. , ,  National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD)

  7. http://soils.usda.gov/survey/geography/ssurgo/ Forest Productivity / Soils

  8. Theobald (CSU): Housing Density Projections updated with 2010 census (end of summer 2011) Development Pressure / Fragmentation

  9. Development Pressure / Fragmentation Riemann’s (FIA) urbanization / fragmentation datasets updated with NLCD 2006 • Forest by interior / edge status • Forest patch size class • Distance to nearest road

  10. PADUS / Conservation Easement DB PADUS 1.1 (CBI & USGS editions published in May 2010) www.protectedlands.net/padus/ www.conservationeasement.us

  11. Urban Forest Health Information Center (UFORHIC) • Web-based DB to store, display, and report urban tree inventory data at multiple spatial and temporal scales • FS-sponsored, under development by Davey Tree and Purdue University • Time frame ~ 6 months Urban / WUI

  12. Urban / WUI

  13. Extension of the existing Northeastern Terrestrial Habitat Classification System (NETHCS) through the Midwest Habitat Classification Project

  14. Webinars to introduce new datasets? • Hosted by NA • 1 hour presentation, questions & discussion • Regularly scheduled or ad hoc? • Habitat classification • NLCD products • National Insect and Disease Risk Map • etc.

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