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L. 5 Daily Activities and Making Suggestions . Grammar . Denwa Bangoo Telephone numbers. 4= yon, 7 = nana, 9=kyuu. 951-0326 362-4519 691-4235 852-1032. 423-8765 546-7023 248-0489 702-8612. Denwabangoo. Tanaka 951-0326 Taanaa 362-4519 Kim 691-4236 Lee 852-1032
Denwa BangooTelephone numbers 4= yon, 7 = nana, 9=kyuu 951-0326 362-4519 691-4235 852-1032 423-8765 546-7023 248-0489 702-8612
Denwabangoo • Tanaka 951-0326 • Taanaa 362-4519 • Kim 691-4236 • Lee 852-1032 • Rosasu 283-9547
Present / Future Tense Verb-masu Shi-masu Tabe-masu Nomi-masu Kaeri-masu Past Tense Verb- mashita Shi-mashita Tabe-mashita Nomi-mashita Kaeri-mashita Tense - Present/Future vs. Past
Tabe-masu Nomi-masu Shi-masu Tabe-masen Nomi-masen Shi-masen Affirmative - Negative
Movement VerbsIku, Kuru, Kaeru • The following verbs (Movement Verbs) take the goals toward which people/things move, marked by the particle NI • Goal NI Ikimasu (to go to ~ ) • Goal NI Kimasu (to come to ~ ) • Goal NI Kaerimasu (to return to ~ )
A wa (receiver) NI Verb • The following verbs take a recipient marked by the particle NI. e.g. • (Person) NIdenwa-shimasu. (to make a phone call to someone) • (Person) NIiimeeru-shimasu. (to write an e-mail to someone)
Kiite kudasai. • Toyota-san no otoo-san ga nihon kara kimasu. • Tomodachi ga Tookyoo kara Rosanzerusu ni kimasu. • Honda-san wa daigaku kara uchi ni denwa -shimasu.
A: V-masen ka.B: Hai, V-masen. / Iie, V-masu. • If Speaker A has negative assumption (almost an equivalent of “V-masen ne”), Speaker B should agree with the assumption with Hai, or disagree using Iie. A: Watashi wa bejitarian desu. B: Jaa, hanbaagaa wa tabemasen ka. A: Hai, tabemasen. (Yes, you are right. I don’t eat it.)
A: V-masen ka.B: Hai, V-masu./ Iie, V-masen. • If Speaker A’s assumption is affirmative, but A uses a negative question, B should still agree with the assumption using “ Hai, V-masu” or disagree using “iie, V-masen.” At work, it is 10 min. past 5pm. A: (I know that it is about time for you to go home, so…) kaerimasen ka. B: Hai, Kaerimasu yo. (Yes, I will.) / Iie, mada kaerimasen. (No, I won’t go home yet.)
A: V-masen ka.B: Hai, V-mashoo. Invitation to do something / Suggestions • V-masen ka. (Would you like to….?/ What do you say to …ing?) • V-mashoo (Let’s ……..) A: Koohii o nomimasenka. B: Ee, nomimashoo.
Make suggestions e.g. Koohii/ nomimasu Issho ni koohii o nomimasen ka. • Eiga/ mimasu • Uchi / kimasu • Tenisu / shimasu • Piza / tabemasu • Issho ni / Benkyoo-shimasu • Koora / Kaimasu • Nihon no resutoran / ikimasu • Watashi no keitai / tsukaimasu • Uchi / Kaerimasu • Deeto / Shimasu
Make suggestions e.g. Drink coffee issho ni koohii o nomimasen ka. • See a movie • Come to my house • Play tennis • Eat pizza • Study together • Get (buy) some cola • Go to a Japanese restaurant • Use my cell phone • Go home • have a date
A: Eiga o mimasen ka.B: Ii desu na. Mimashoo. / Anoo, chotto…..
Shall we….? e.g. Drink coffee koohii o nomimashoo ka. • See a movie • Play tennis • Eat pizza • Study together • Get (buy) some cola • Go to a Japanese restaurant • Go home
Nani o V-mashoo ka.Doko ni V-mashoo ka. • Go Doko ni ikimashoo ka. • Do Nani o shimashoo ka. • Eat • Go • Drink • Buy • Call • Use • Watch • Study
Kyoo Ashita Ima Mai-nichi Mai-shuu Shuu-mastu Today Tomorrow Now Every day Every week Weekend Time expressions
Word Order Movement Verbs Other Action Verbs
(____ wa) (Time) (object)o verb(____ wa) (Time) (place)ni verb