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eSafety. 92 % of secondary school children have had experience of being cyber-bullied (NFER eSafety report, 2012). eSafety. Practical tips / advice eSafety and RPS eSafety and the Law. Practical tips / advice. Nothing is private! ‘ANYTHING’ electronic considered ‘public’
eSafety 92% of secondary school children have had experience of being cyber-bullied (NFER eSafety report, 2012)
eSafety • Practical tips / advice • eSafety and RPS • eSafety and the Law
Practical tips / advice • Nothing is private! • ‘ANYTHING’ electronic considered ‘public’ • Eg. Photos, videos, posts • Permanent - what’s your ‘digital footprint’?
Practical tips / advice • History is never history – it’s always there • Remember that most of the websites you visit will make a note of your visit and may also track the websites you visit before and after their website!
Practical tips / advice • Treat your password like your toothbrush.. don’t share it with anyone and change it often!! • Always remember to logoff when you have finished with an online service. • Let an adult know if anything you read or see makes you feel worried or upset. • Make your parent a ‘friend’!
What are the potential risks? • That you do things online that you would not do offline! • Share too much information with people you don’t want to/do not know. • Put things on line that later you might regret. • Feel pressured to do things that you don’t want to do. • People lying to you online…if you can lie so can others
So Why do it? • It was a laugh • I didn’t think • I thought it was private • I thought I was anonymous • I only sent it to one person • It wasn’t me, I didn’t log out
Tamera Foster was caught bragging about her substance usage online.
Paris Brown Britain's first youth police commissioner • Her questioning by officers came after the force received more than 50 complaints from members of the public that the tweets were homophobic, racist and violent. • She was interrogated for an hour and seven minutes about material posted on her Twitter account that had been published in the media. Her phone was returned three days later.
Thoughtlessposting In Britain, hundreds of people are prosecuted each year for posts, tweets, texts and emails deemed menacing, indecent, offensive or obscene. The number is growing as our online lives expand.
Twitter, Facebook Rants • One teenager made offensive comments about a murdered child on Twitter. • Another young man wrote on Facebook that British soldiers should "go to hell." • A third posted a picture of a burning paper poppy, symbol of remembrance of war dead. All were arrested, two convicted, and one jailed
Consequences of being involved in this behaviourArrest = Charge or Restorative Justice Resolution(RJR) Reprimand/Final Warning • Malicious Communications - Communication that is grossly offensive / indecent / threatening. More than once then this will be harassment. • Grooming– Where a person pretends to be something they are not to try and make you do something you will later regret • Inappropriate Material – postingphotos / images can be very damaging
Sexting • Inappropriate Material – posing for sexual photo’s for boyfriend / girlfriend‘s viewing – these could end up on social websites, passed to friends but could also reach a ‘paedophile’ • Illegal – posting images could be accused of ‘distribution of child pornography.’ Keeping images on a computer – ‘Possession of indecent images or child pornography’ • Sexting – Same message / Same consequences as using the internet but via mobile phone. Don’t Do It!!
Sexual Offenders register • You could be put on it!! • If under 18, time on register will be halved, i.e. if sentence is less than 6 months an adult would get 10 years on the register but under 18 would get 5 years on register. • If sentence is 10 years or more then, regardless of age, they stay on the register indefinitely. • On register – have to: tell police when you move house /change name/address/job/want to go abroad. Can’t live away from their address for more than 7 days.
Just before you post….. THINK
THINK T= is it TRUE? H= Is it HELPFUL? I = is it INSPIRING? N= is it NECESSARY? K= is it KIND?