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Here K = 2. Already read value at B is 4. old = LL(&A) if (B == 4) // compare

Using LL/SC to Simplify Word-based Software Transactional Memory by Virendra J. Marathe and Michael L. Scott Department of Computer Science University of Rochester. LL/SC as a restricted KCSS (K-Compare-Single-Swap). Here K = 2. Already read value at B is 4. old = LL(&A)

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Here K = 2. Already read value at B is 4. old = LL(&A) if (B == 4) // compare

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using LL/SC to Simplify Word-based Software Transactional MemorybyVirendra J. Marathe and Michael L. ScottDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of Rochester

  2. LL/SC as a restricted KCSS (K-Compare-Single-Swap) Here K = 2. Already read value at B is 4. old = LL(&A) if (B == 4) // compare if (SC(A,new) == false) // compare & swap return false else return true else return false

  3. Software Transactional Memory • A nonblocking synchronization construct • Makes concurrent programming as simple as sequential programming • Gives “true” (disjoint access parallel) concurrency

  4. Word-based Software Transactional Memory (WSTM) • by Harris and Fraser OOPSLA’03 • API for accessing shared memory • STMStart • STMRead(addr), STMWrite(addr,value) • STMCommit(), STMAbort() • STMValidate()

  5. WSTM Data Structures Shared Memory Ownership Records Transaction Descriptor Hash table Status: Active 10 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a3: (100,7) -> (300,8) 100 Version 15 a2: (10,15) -> (10,15) : : : : : : Transaction T

  6. WSTM Transactions Shared Memory Ownership Records Transaction Descriptor Hash table Transaction 1 Status: Committed Status: Active 10 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a3: (100,7) -> (300,8) Version 15 Version 15 a1: (10,7) -> (11,8) 300 100 : : : Version 11 Version 7 merge CAS (steal) Version 1 0 Transaction 2 Status: Active a3: (300,8) -> (101,9) a4: (0,11) -> (0,11) a1: (11,8) -> (11,9) Ref Count To avoid stale updates

  7. WSTM Drawback • Bounded memory blow-up problem – due to merging and false conflicts, • Complexity – merging, stealing, redo, reference counts • False merging – merge even when not necessary

  8. 2CSS Application in Atomic Copyback old = orec LL(addr) if (orec == old) // compare if (SC(addr,newval)) // compare and swap return true else return false

  9. Proposed Simplification Transaction 1 Status: Active Status: Committed 10 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a3: (100,7) -> (300,8) Version 15 Version 15 a1: (10,15) -> (10,15) 300 100 : : : Version 11 Version 7 LL(a3), Verify orec, SC(a3,300), Steal Version 1 0 Transaction 2 Status: Active a3: (300,8) -> (101,9) a4: (0,11) -> (0,11)

  10. Tradeoffs of Proposed Simplification • Simplicity – No merging, no stealing, no redo, just selective helping • No reference counts • No false merging • Too many LL/SCs (equal to number of locations updated) • Future Work – Empirical evaluation of proposed simplification

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