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CEOS WGISS May 2009 Toulouse, France. International Directory Network (IDN) Progress Report. CEOS WGISS May 2009 Toulouse, France. What is a Portal?. Cumulative DIF Population. Indicates a deletion and eventual replacement of ~400 DIFs. DIF Population by Topic Keyword.
CEOS WGISS May 2009 Toulouse, France International Directory Network (IDN) Progress Report
CEOS WGISS May 2009 Toulouse, France What is a Portal?
Cumulative DIF Population Indicates a deletion and eventual replacement of ~400 DIFs.
% of CEOS DIF Fields Completed Note: CEOS DIFs populate access constraints, use constraints, and quality fields. Non-CEOS DIFs have consistently populated the citation and project fields in higher proportion.
% of CEOS SERF Fields Completed CEOS SERFs populate Publication/Reference, Access Constraints, and Platforms more.
IDN Website Usage • IDN Website had 314,289 hits in 2008. • Climate Diagnostics Portal released November 2008.
Future IDN Website Redesign • IDN website continues to use Plone Content Management System • New site uses Plone 3 for new look & feel • If you would like to send feedback, please send an email to ceos-idn-interop@lists.nasa.gov
Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER), October 2008 Massachusetts Ocean Partnership (MOP), October 2008 Census of Marine Life Projects (COML), November 2008 Antarctica and the Global Climate System (AGCS), May 2009 New Collaborative Portals(since WGISS 26)
A new Climate Diagnostics Portal, providing users direct links to visualization data developed by the CEOS IDN with guidance from Mitch Goldberg (NOAA). Web based interface for staff to track broken links and a Link Checker Tool integrated in the docBUILDER validation process. New functionality to define portal content, where content can be exclusive to a specific portal. Support for building custom email responses for metadata submissions. This allows for specific responses on a portal-basis. *A Web 2.0 Platforms/Instruments user interface providing a dynamic list of platforms and instruments.* Upgrades to the IDN (May 2009)
DIF and SERF Request for Comment (RFC) Status Background: The NASA Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Standards Process Group (SPG) was created by NASA to facilitate the development of future data systems. SPG members are drawn from the NASA Earth Science data community. The SPG welcomes submissions of potential standards that would be of value to the NASA Earth Science community. The standards are evaluated and can eventually be endorsed as ESDS standards. The GCMD was asked to submit the DIF and SERF standard to the SPG for review by the international community (including CEOS). John Scialdone (SEDAC) represents the DIF and SERF on the SPG members side. • DIF RFC: http://www.esdswg.net/spg/rfc/esds-rfc-012/ • SERF RFC: http://www.esdswg.net/spg/rfc/esds-rfc-013/
DIF RFC Status Fifteen responses were received on the DIF. Most of the responses were favorable, even though some responders indicated that they required more specialized or detailed metadata. The ESDS Working Group recommended that the DIF continue to be used and maintained as a catalog standard. The DIF RFC is finalized and has been received by NASA headquarters for final approval.
SERF RFC Status Few responses were received, despite additional, targeted requests to likely responders. The SERF is on a standards track but not endorsed at this time. The SPG indicated that the Earth Science community is far from a consensus on how to implement service metadata and discovery.
Future Plans Address comments and determine if enhancements or modifications are needed to the DIF and SERF. Consider modifying the SERF display to enhance current features (Access to Web Services, Links to Associated DIFs, etc). Continue to advertise the DIF and SERF to the international Earth Science community. Determine what the Web Service community wants to see in a future version of the SERF. Tyler Stevens (Services Coordinator) will be attending the SPG workshop during the ESIP Summer Meeting.
Direct Access to Web Services Web Service WSDL File
Service Keyword Describing Web Services EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Analysis And Visualization > Geographic Information Systems EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Archiving EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Cataloging EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Data Compression EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Data Delivery EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Data Interoperability > Data Reformatting EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Data Interoperability EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Data Mining EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Data Networking/Data Transfer Tools EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Data Search And Retrieval EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Media Transfer/Data Rescue EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Subsetting/Supersetting EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Data Management/data Handling > Transformation/Conversion EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Metadata Handling > Authoring Tools EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Metadata Handling > Data Discovery EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Metadata Handling > Metadata Transformation/Conversion EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Metadata Handling > Service Discovery EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Reference And Information Services > Gazetteer EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES > Reference And Information Services > Subscription Services
CEOS Climate Diagnostic Portal SVS: What would have happened if CFCs had not been Regulated? 1974-2006 (Projected 2006-2065)
CEOS Climate Diagnostic Portal SVS: What would have happened if CFCs had not been Regulated? 1974-2006 (Projected 2006-2065)
1. Content Status 2. Maturity Index 3. New Functionalities 4. Suggestions Received CEOS Climate Diagnostic PortalCL-06-02-14
The CD Portal can be used as a platform to promote data sets through the display of climate visualizations. Climate visualizations can be a useful tool for communicating the science of climate change with decision makers, scientists and other CEOS members. CEOS Climate Diagnostic Portal
CEOS Climate Diagnostic PortalCL-06-02-14 • Climate Diagnostic (CD) Portal released in November 2008. • Consistently among the top 10 hits on the IDN site. • Currently 150 CDs offered from the portal.
Top CDs Retrieved 2009 • January • Australian Climate Variability & Change: Trend in Annual Total Rainfall,1900-2008 (AU_TrendMap_AnnualRainFall_1990-2007_CD) • February • AusBoM TImeseries: Southern Hemisphere Annual Precipitation Anomaly 1850-2000 (AusBoM_SH_AnnPrecipAnomaly1850-2000) • March • PATMOS High Cloud from 1982 to 2005; Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct; Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) 5 analysis (PATMOS_HighCloud_8205_CD) • April • MODIS Sea Surface Temperature from 2002-2006, SVS Animation (MODIS_SST_2002-06_SVS_CD)
The Maturity Index for the Climate Diagnostics Portal is calculated in 3 parts: 1. Number of Records 2. Percent of Records with a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Reference 3. Portal Usage CD Maturity Index
CD Maturity Index: % of Records with a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Reference
Number of Records + % Peer-Reviewed Records + Portal Usage _______________________ Maturity Index Score CD Maturity Index Total
1. Data and Information Linkages 2. Document Preview Display 3. Document Validation CEOS Climate Diagnostic Portal: Functionalities
Climate Diagnostic Portal: Linking to Information about the data behind the CD 1) Populate the Related_URL metadata group. 2) Select “GET RELATED DATA SET METADATA (DIF) ” 3) Enter the URL address 4) Write a Short Description
Climate Diagnostic Portal: Linking to Visualizations 1) Populate the Related_URL metadata group. 2) Select “GET RELATED VISUALIZATION” 3) Enter the URL address. 4) Write a Short Description.
Climate Diagnostic CD Builder: Contributors are able to preview and validate their document before submitting.
1. Bulk Loader - Efficient way for contributors to add multiple entries to the portal. 2. Short URL - Easy format for users to share entries. 3. More suggestions welcome: please send an email to ceos-idn-interop@lists.nasa.gov CEOS Climate Diagnostic Portal:Suggestions Received
Recommendations for WGISS IDN Interop Proposal
Evolution of an IDN Interop Proposal Data Resolution Range Proposal 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2007 2009 2005 2006 2008 First Draft (Dec 1999) - Proposal Development and Research Submitted to IDN Interop List for Comments (Sept and Nov 2003) Approved by DIF Voting Committee • DIFs keyed with Data Resolution and Range 1,362 DIFs keyed with Resolution Range (May 2009)
Experiment with CD Portal http://idn.ceos.org/CD