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Maintaining a U.S. Leadership Position In Worldwide Operational Ocean Observations For

Maintaining a U.S. Leadership Position In Worldwide Operational Ocean Observations For Spring IOOS Meeting March 8, 2013 Helmut H. Portmann, Director National Data Buoy Center. NDBC Mission Priorities and Strategic Vision. Mission Priorities.

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Maintaining a U.S. Leadership Position In Worldwide Operational Ocean Observations For

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  1. Maintaining a U.S. Leadership Position In Worldwide Operational Ocean Observations For Spring IOOS Meeting March 8, 2013 Helmut H. Portmann, Director National Data Buoy Center

  2. NDBC Mission Priorities and Strategic Vision Mission Priorities To provide 24/7/365 real-time, end-to-end ocean observation service beginning with the collection of marine atmospheric and oceanographic data and ending with its transmission, quality control and distribution. Move toward improved systems and methods for collecting ocean observations that are more affordable to obtain, deploy, and maintain Strategic Vision Ensure that the U.S. Remains Second to None in Global Ocean Observations in Support of Forecasts, Warnings, and Planetary Climate Change Monitoring, Understanding, and Mitigation“

  3. Regional Collaborations and Successes • Very strong collaboration and communication between IOOS • and NDBC “front offices” • 24/7 QC, Engineering support, and Data services “help desk” • support provided by NDBC Mission Control Center to Regions • - Assistance with sensor calibration, meta data, communications • - Assistance with server/system/sensor outage or problem troubleshooting • Increase of Ocean Obs Data Dissemination to over 13M / YR • Successful IOOS QARTOD ( Dissolved O2 )

  4. Opportunities for Improvement • When NDBC is approached about opportunities to deploy • specialized or unique ocean observations systems or sensors, • achieving a more streamlined process for sharing those • opportunities with the Regions • Increasing the ingestion of ocean observations from Regions • into the Mission Control Center for Q/C and Dissemination • by NOAA • Increase routine day-to-day operational communications and • visibility between Region DMACs and Mission Control Center

  5. Opportunities for Strengthening our Partnership • Providing the Regions real-time “presence” in the MCC • ( so that U.S. & international visitors see RA presence – not just • NDBC operations ) • Hosting “guest sensors” on NDBC platforms to benefit Regions • - Lightning sensors for NASA/DARPA project • - Fish tracking sensor for NOAA NMFS • - “Smart Sensor” wireless technology makes it easier to add sensors • Offer real-time cameras on buoys to support Region interests • Work with Regions to pursue funding/resources to dramatically • increase U.S. ocean observations • “ I believe we (the Family) have a strong, effective Ocean Obs • Capability that Enjoys Strong Support and Advocacy from NWS • and NOS Leadership and Provides Significant Value to the U.S.” - HHP

  6. Supporting IOOS Regions 24 / 7 Manned MCC Electronics Labs Sensor Testing & Cal High Bay Fabrication Paint & Sandblasting Wind Tunnel & Environmental Chambers In-Water Testing Machine Shops NDBC Facilities are a Potential Leverage Point

  7. Supplemental NDBC Presentation Slides For Spring IOOS Meeting March 8, 2013 Helmut H. Portmann, Director National Data Buoy Center

  8. NDBC Mission Control Center ( MCC ) NOAA-NAVY Multi-Agency Mission Control Center For Global Ocean Observations OBSERVING SYSTEMS STATUS SITUATIONAL AWARENESS REAL-TIME CAMERAS • 24/7/365 Monitoring of Systems, Operations, and Data Q/C • Expansion Capability Glider OPS (30+ Glider Pilots & Growing) • Reconfigurable to Support Incident Response/Special OPS • WEB Dissemination Portal for NAVY Releasable Data • Teaming Partnership between NAVO GOC and NDBC MCC • An Opportunity for Leveraging / Participation by the Regions

  9. News Flash ! The First Real-Time Buoy Camera Deployed in GOM 0800 CST 11/01/12 0900 CST 11/01/12 Buoy 42039 in Gulf of Mexico NDBC Counter-Vandalism Camera System #1 in T&E Preparing for TAO Deployment

  10. News Flash ! The First Operational DART Wave Glider Deployed in GOM www.ndbc.noaa.gov Tsunami OBS Weather OBS OPERATIONAL

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