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RedCLARA is a Latin American academic network that connects 13 NRENs and promotes collaboration in research and education. The network provides a strong regional infrastructure and offers a wide range of application services. The ELCIRA project enhances collaboration between Europe and Latin America by providing advanced network access, collaboration tools, and services.
Tania Altamirano Journalist / RedCLARA PR and Communications Area RedCLARA Communications and Public Relations LA NRENs PR Network TF-CPR Meeting TNC2013 June 2nd, 2013 Maastricht, Netherlands
Outline • About RedCLARA • Communications and Public Relations • LA NRENs PR Network
RedCLARA is the la academic network • 13 NRENs connected among themselves and with Europe, the US and the World. • Strong and redundant regional infrastructure dedicated to research and education. • NRENs organized in RedCLARAactively participate in international calls. • Dark fiber in the paths: Brazil-Argentina-Chile and Panama-Mexico (passing through 7 countries) • Gigabit links everywhere except Uruguay, and Mexico. • Application service provider in areas like video-conference, communities. management, content creation and delivery among others.
ALICE2 • In the framework of the Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on April 3 to 5 was held the official closure of the Project Latin America Interconnected with Europe 2 ALICE2. • Theprojectbegan in December 2008 and which date of closure, scheduledforSeptember 2012, was extended untilJanuary 2013. ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Thequality of the new network and itslowcost of operation • Thenumber and quality of theidentifiedUserCommunities • TheOperationalSustainability of RedCLARA • Theinterest of severalotherResearch Networks onRedCLARA Portal • Thealliancesbuilttocontinuethepromotion of collaboration in LatinAmerica • Theawareness of Regional Organizationsontheimportance of Research Networks • TheNumber of trainedtechnicians and managers
The ELCIRA Project takes off Tools and services to enhance collaboration between Europe and Latin America in research activities • Allows the easy and unified access to advanced networks through federations in Latin America for authentication, authorisation and identity (AAI) mechanisms and their integration with Europe’s eduGAIN. • Offers collaboration tools and services for research communities across Europe and Latin America by: • Setting the grounds for the development of a Europe-Latin America High Quality Video Conference Service integrated with eduCONF. • Creating and promoting a prototype collaboration Portal for user communities of both continents, based on a Cloud Style version of RedCLARA’s Portal enriched with open source tools developed in Europe. • Fosters the deployment of eduroam services in Latin America. • Promotes collaboration among Latin American and European researchers.
Virtual DaysSuccessful experiences of scientific collaboration in Latin America “Vir tual Days are an initiative under taken from RedCLARA in order to bring researchers together so they can see the potential of academic net works” Luis Núñez, RedCLARA’s Academic Relations Manager, responsible so far for put ting these thematic and remote meetings together.
RedCLARA Communications and PR From TNC2012 till now, we have done… Websites: • Regular updates of RedCLARA’s Portal (Spanish, Portuguese and English): contents, projects, news (we are currently working in new updates – contents architecture + services) • ELCIRA Website: www.elcira.eu (Only in English) + ELCIRA Dissemination Plan • I+CLARA Website (Only in Spanish) • TICAL 2013 Website
RedCLARA Communications and PR From TNC2012 till now, we have done… • 4 editions of the DeCLARA bulletin – EN + ES + PT (https://www.redclara.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=560&lang=es) • 28 editions of the RedCLARA Express newsletter – EN + ES + PT(https://www.redclara.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=629&Itemid=561&lang=es) • 25 editions of the news flash: DeCLARA al día – ES (https://www.redclara.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=630&Itemid=562&lang=es)
Communications and PR New material: • IllustratedRedCLARATopologyMapupdated • 2 new case studies • VC EspressoBrochure | November 2012 (SP-PDF) • Large files transfer | November 2012 (SP-PDF) • BookRedCLARA: Name, voice and instrument of collaboration in LatinAmerica | December 2008 - January 2013 (ES-PO-EN PDF) • RedCLARA’squestionnairefortheCompendium of Latin American NationalResearch and Education Networks 2012 (responses received and the material isbeinganalized) • Posters and promotional material for ELCIRA project • TICAL 2012 Conference(Perú – July 2nd and 3rd 2012) + website • 2 RedCLARA-ALICE2 membermeetingsorganization (Lima – July, Ecuador – November, 2012) • I+CLARA Innitiativebranding
LA NRENs PR Network 8th and final virtual meeting on September 2012 that includes: • A short ending of the work developen in the context of the ALICE2 Project • A big enthusiasm for a new period of work.
Opinions "I hope this does not end here, we have many mutual collaborative initiatives to follow.” JULIO CARDOZO "The group has been very important for the dissemination of community events. Every time someone need support to announce an event or share information in the Region there is a big door open to help and support each one of its members.”MARTHA AVILA "Working with (distribution) lists has been good. We must continue with the meetings. The importance of communicators is a fact.” CAMILO JAIMES "This group has been very important to raise awareness of the work of the network. It would be a shame to end. The last three years have been totally positive." CRISTINA FERNÁNDEZ "This group is a breakthrough in the dissemination of the work of the network. Thanks for the support for the dissemination of the projects." YSABEL BRICEÑO
CKLN collaborative portal • On line since February 26. • Use the same platform and services offered by RedCLARA, but with a personalised image and design. • It promotes and facilitates the interaction of scientists and academics from the Caribbean with their peers in Latin America and the rest of the world.
CKLN collaborative portal The services that will be available are: • Community management tools (news, photos, videos, forums, messaging) • SIVIC – H323 videoconference and webconference booking system • C@rib Cafe VC (based on RedCLARA’s VC Espresso) – Web conference system • Academic events and activities manager • Heavy file transfer
What comes next? TICAL 2013 TICAL 2013 willbeheld in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, onJuly 8 and 9, 2013. Building on the success obtained by TICAL 2012, held in Lima (Peru) on July 2-3, 2012, and of TICAL 2011 (Panama City, 20-21 June 2011), TICAL 2013 invites to engage in a new space for reflection, exchange of knowledge and good practices which address these issues, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement and optimisation of the region’s universities’ management and work. Aims to share good practices, to highlight and disseminate those of them that are replicable, and to get knowledge from all the learned lessons, thus contributing to the ICT management in universities which is a task that is more challenging and demanding every day.
Thank you! Questions? TANIA ALTAMIRANO L. tania.altamirano-lopez@redclara.net