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The EventXray platform is a free resource that provides peer ratings and reviews. Using it, better decisions can be made. Businesses and participants can now use EventXray to read and write show reviews featuring topics ranging from venue services and materials to speaker panels and networking opportunities. Organizations can be more effective and reduce costs by exhibiting, attending, and or sponsoring those events that will best serve their needs.
Digimarcon East 2016 DIGIMARCON EAST 2016 Digital Marketing Conference will be held from May 11thto12th, 2016 at New York City, NY. DIGIMARCON EAST 2016 Conference showcases the most audacious and thought provoking speakers in the digital marketing industry, providing attendees with emerging strategies, the latest innovative technologies, best practices, and insights from successful digital marketing campaigns. Whether it’s building customer loyalty, increasing sales, improving lead generation, or driving greater consumer engagement, the DIGIMARCON EAST 2016 program has been specifically designed to help attendees develop their audience. Attendees will learn how to build traffic, create brand awareness, improve customer service and develop better use of digital tools internally to drive more productive business outcomes. Immerse yourself in topics such as Content Strategy, Web Experience Management, Usability/Design, Mobile Marketing, Customer Engagement, Social Media, Targeting & Optimization, Branded Search, Marketing Automation, Analytics & Data and much, much more! SANS Security Operations Center Summit and Training 2016 SANS Security Operations Center (SOC) Summit: As we see regularly in the news, the number of successful data breaches continues to increase. Adversaries seem to havetheupperhand,asmanyorganizationsfailtoeffectively detect and quickly respond to these breaches. Over 80% of all breach victims learn of a compromise from thirdparty notifications, not from internal security teams, and are often caught by surprise. As a result, executives are demanding that their security teamsprovide enhanced security posturing, monitoring, and detection to stop these threats. The Opportunity: Cybersecurity in organizations is often a silo distributed across different internal business units. The IT helpdesk/operations support group,logmanagementteam,pentestingteam, and forensics and incident responseteamareoftenadhocorunderdifferentmanagement, and do not always talk or work together. Many organizations do not evenhaveanadvance warning group such as a cyber threat team. Tomakemattersworse,inmanyorganizations, incident response plans are not routinely tested with the entire security team. SOC Summit: The SOC Summit brings together industry experts and peers to discussideasandsolutions to facilitate effective security operations for any organization from small businesses with limited IT security personnel to larger enterpriseswithadedicatedoperationscenter.You'll learn from the best in the industry, and SANS' handson and participatory approach will enable you to immediately apply what you've learned and start implementing effective security solutions the first day you return to the office.
HOW Design Live 2016 https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/19/howdesignlive2016/2731 Design’s premier eventtouchesdowninAtlantain2016.HOWDesignLiveiseverythingyou need to pursue a fulfilling, successful creative career in one essential event. HOW Design Live is the biggest (and, let’s not be modest, the best) gathering of creative professionals anywhere. You’re invited to join usinAtlantaMay1923withwhatissureto be the most inspiring, informational, educational, and talkedabout HOW Design Live yet. HOW delivers everything you need to pursue a fulfilling, successful creative career in one essential event! HOW offers BOTH the creative inspiration to rekindle your passion for your work PLUS the tactical, takehome information you need to achieve and advance in your career. HOWhas its finger on the pulse of the creative industry and delivers practical sessions that address the challengesyoufacetodaytheprogramchangeseveryyeartomeetyourneeds,andit’s never the same event twice. HOW Design Live is where creative professionals in all disciplines witharangeofexperiencecometolearnfromthebrightestmindsinthecreative industry and beyond. It’s where you can discover new ideas, new sources of inspiration, new skills, new connections with other creative professionals. HOW Design Live is where you can get facetoface with brand leaders, big thinkers and design heroes in sessions both large and small. IIE Annual Conference & Expo 2016 Institute of Industrial Engineers https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/21/iieannualconferenceexpo2016instituteo findustrialengineers/2149 The conference program comprises two types of sessions: Applied Solutions, showcasing proven solutions and applications from industry, and the Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), featuring research from academia and industry scholars. Attendees who need to drive bottomlineimprovementswanttoseeyoursolutions.Others may want to join your staff or advance their skills through your programs. Exhibit at this conference and you will meet them all. INTA Annual Meeting 2016 International Trademark Association https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/21/intaannualmeeting2016internationaltrad emarkassociation/2435 In no other venue will you make as many new contacts, have the ability to meet with existing partners and colleagues, obtain continuing legal education credit and network among the world’s finest lawyers a testament to the affordability and practicality of attending the INTA Annual Meeting.
Educational Programs: Learn best practices to protecttrademarkrightsworldwideandearn CLE and CPD points. Committee Meetings: Advance your committee’s work and discuss new projects. Exhibits: Connect with more than 100 service providers and vendors and display your products and services. Networking Opportunities: Developnewrelationshipstoexpandyournetworkofcolleagues and clients. 2016 NASDA American Food Fair (AFF) National Association Of State Department Of Agriculture https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/21/2016nasdaamericanfoodfairaffnational associationofstatedepartmentofagriculture/2681 NASDA's American Food Fair joins the National Restaurant Association (NRA) to represent, educate and promote the 945,000 restaurants who sell $660.5 billionintheU.S.restaurant and hospitality marketplace. NRA is the definitive membershipbased business association for the restaurant industry. With more than 30,000 members representing nearly 200,000 restaurants, the National Restaurant Association's membership includes tableservice restaurants, quickservice outlets and cafeterias, as well as professionals and academic institutions associated with the industry. NRA's Restaurant HotelMotel Show successfully combines an impressive collection of unique food and beverage products,cuttingedgetechnologyandequipmentwiththelatest in restaurant and lodging trends. The exposition works to provide a wealth of education, research, industry relations, government affairs services and the ultimate restaurant, catering and lodging exposition in North and South America. NASDA launched the American Food Fair in conjunction with the NRA Show to give U.S. food and beverage exporters an excellent opportunity to join the 2,100 exhibiting companies and 62,550 registrants of NRA's event. IMS 2016 International Microwave Symposium https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/22/ims2016internationalmicrowavesymposiu m/2150 The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society’s 2016 International Microwave Symposium (IMS2016) will be held 22 27 May 2016 in San Francisco, California as the centerpiece of Microwave Week 2016. IMS2016 offers technical sessions, interactive forums, plenary and panel sessions, workshops, short courses, industrial exhibits, application seminars, historical exhibits, and a wide variety of other technical and social activities including a guest program. Asusual,theMicrowaveWeek2016technicalprogram also comprises the RFIC symposium (www.rficieee.org) and the ARFTG conference (www.arftg.org). Unique to Microwave Week, a High School Science and Engineering Invitational will be held in 2016.
SID Display Week 2016 Society for Information Display https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/22/siddisplayweek2016societyforinformati ondisplay/2215 Display Week offers synergies unparalleled by any other display event, with attendees and exhibitors who represent the top engineering talent from all over the world, as well as leadership from both the commercial and consumer markets. Display Week is the ideal place to conduct business, discuss systems integration, networkwithcolleagues,andabove all, learn about the latest display technologies. More display innovations are introduced at Display Week thanatanyotherdisplayeventin the world. Other shows have new products; Display Week does too, but focuses on the technology that will drive the products of the future. At Display Week you get to see the prototypes of those future products. NAEP Annual Meeting 2016 National Association of Educational Procurement https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/22/naepannualmeeting2016nationalassocia tionofeducationalprocurement/2392 The NAEP Annual Meeting is the premier higher education procurement solutions conference in the country in 2016. Meet and network with 400 of your procurement colleagues from schools large and small, public and private, across the country. There are over 50 educational sessions along with a keynote speaker a day at NAEP 2016. There is something for everyone in higher education procurement. New this year, select the sessions you wish to attend when you register. While youarenot locked into attending your selected sessions, it will give us an idea on how popular a given session will be and we can session rooms plan accordingly. About NAEP: Since the 1920’s, NAEPhasbeenthenonprofitprofessionalAssociationprimarilydedicated to serving higher education purchasing officersintheU.S.andCanada.NAEP’smissionisto facilitate the development, exchange and practice of effective and ethical procurement principles and techniques within higher education and associated communities, through continuing education, networking, public information and advocacy. GFOA Annual Conference 2016 Government Finance Officers Association https://www.eventxray.com/event/2016/5/22/gfoaannualconference2016governmentfi nanceofficersassociation/2433
Thousands of public finance professionals gather each yearforthisthreedayconferenceto share ideas, develop technical and managerial skills, veiw new products, and network with peers. The annual conference presents general sessions that feature recognized leaders in the government finance profession and offers concurrent sessionsthataddresstopicalissuesin government finance. Our conference attracts attendees who strive to improve current practices and who see innovation as thekeytohighperformancegovernment.Theybringa willingness to share ideas and experiences as well as a readiness to network to take home the best ideas from their peer finance officers at the conference.