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Event Xray: Leading Place to Find Your Tradeshow and Share Tradeshow Experience 7th SETAC World Congress / SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry The 7th SETAC World Congress / SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting is a 5-day event featuring a variety of training, networking and learning opportunities. More than 2,000 scientists, assessors, regulators and managers will gather to share and discuss emerging research, regulatory developments and the latest methodologies in environmental toxicology and chemistry. The meeting draws a diverse group of scientists from academia, business and government representing more than 40 countries. Session objectives are explicitly articulated, and abstracts are vetted for appropriateness and quality. The multidisciplinary network of professionals offers a chance for cross-collaboration long after the closing session. The first day of the meeting is dedicated to full- and half-day professional training courses, ranging in topics from resume writing, interviewing and networking skills to industry perspectives on hydraulic fracturing; offering course levels appropriate for early career professionals or students as well as levels tailored to experienced researchers. Several sessions and keynote talks will be recorded and made available online after the meeting. The Exhibit Hall will feature more than 60 environmental businesses and organizations debating and discussing new projects and approaches, and demonstrating cutting-edge instrumentation. Find Meeting Reviews at Event Xray.
The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course Farmstead and artisan dairy processors and others interested in cheese that take this course will gain knowledge of the materials and processes used to make specialty cheese and learn techniques to improve their business. This 4 day course begins with a focus on the materials used for cheese making. Knowledge of milk composition and milk microbiology combined with good sanitation practices form the foundation for consistent manufacture of high quality cheese. Cheese making will be discussed with an emphasis on the chemical and microbial changes at each step in the process. Understanding changes that occur in cheese throughout manufacture allows cheese makers to adjust their make procedure to modify finished cheese properties or in response to variations in milk supply and other factors. Hands on laboratories include a microbiology testing session and making several varieties of cheese in the pilot plant. The sensory evaluation session integrates principles learned in lectures and labs and illustrates how cheese evaluation can be used to troubleshoot manufacturing problems. Food safety principles, including HACCP, are presented to enable cheesemakers to comply with current and anticipated regulations.
Engagement & Experience Expo Engagement & Experience Expo is a forum to openly discuss customer, brand and channel challenges and solutions. Discover how to optimize the customer experience at all touch-points and increase the impact of engagement throughout the customer lifecycle. Through a robust slate of best-in-class speakers and interactive discussions, attendees will learn about the latest theories, best practices, relevant case studies, emerging trends and strategies that drive measurable behavioral change and quantifiable results. Providing experiences that engage customers –and keep them engaged is more important today than ever before. Creating increasingly relevant, personal and customized experiences to build deep, sustainable and reciprocal bonds with customers is what will set brands apart from their competition. By elevating the experience and leading your customers down the path of engagement, you can develop long-term mutually beneficial relationships and brand advocates on the journey to loyalty. Engagement & Experience Expo 2016 will focus on the following topics: Customer Experience: Creating tailored and targeted customer experience structures and processes Customer Engagement: Proven strategies for generating strong long-term customer, brand and channel engagement and advocacy Customer Data: Identification and collection across mediums and channels for strategic analysis, segmentation and descriptive and predictive results Customer Intelligence: Building it in a manner that creates advocacy and long-term positive behavioral influence Emerging Technologies: Cross-over of new and traditional mediums to make the most of your overall customer-centric marketing initiatives Social Media: Lessons learned, case studies and data-driven insights for today and the future Mobile: Using it to enhance the customer experience, further build customer engagement and gain customer insight ROI: Equating engagement strategies to incremental revenue and return on marketing investment
Voice of the Customer: Designing effective strategies for creating robust customer dialogues and gathering and listening to feedback About Loyalty360: Loyalty360 is the professional association for loyalty marketers. We are committed to helping our members simplify the journey to customer loyalty. Members get access to our exclusive, market-driven and unbiased coverage of all facets of customer loyalty, including CRM, Customer Experience, Loyalty Programs, Brand Loyalty and Customer Engagement. Our members-only, peer-to-peer community enables members to connect with each other, network, share advice, news and insights. Find share conference experience at Event Xray Corporate Learning Week Corporate Learning Week November 7-10 Renaissance Downtown, Dallas TX http://bit.ly/2016CLW Strategic. Inspirational. Engaging. Community-Oriented Corporate Learning Week 2016 will focus on powerful new tools and capabilities to help you transform your learning organization to align with your organization’s core needs and core values, to strike the balance between best practices and next practices that will engage today’s dynamic workforce.
In the age of digital disruption and new learning expectations, discover new ways to keep pace with the speed of organizational change and competitive needs. -Reinforcing a culture of innovation -Clearly aligning with business goals -Exploring emerging models in leadership development -Mentoring millennials in the workforce -Integrating new learning channels -Proving/improving the impact of L&D For a full speaker line-up and session details, please download the program: http://bit.ly/2016CLWAGENDA Contact Info: 1-800-882-8684 | enquiry@corporatelearningnetwork.com 2016 IBWA Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) and the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) will again conduct two of their conferences over the same dates and at the same location. The two organizations have met together annually since 2012. Feedback from conference attendees indicated that the co-locations are successful. In 2014 joint attendance reached 1200 registrants, an increase over 2013. Attendees were able to experience a new level of networking and education through access to 150 exhibiting companies during the trade show and by participating in the 30 educational sessions that were offered. The IBWA registration fee includes access to all NAMA events. Highlights: 35+ Education Sessions offering 20 continuing education credits (CEUs) (inclusive of NAMA sessions) 150 Exhibitors at the Trade Show (inclusive of NAMA exhibitors) Network Meetings between bottlers and IBWA supplier members Keynote Presentations
IBWA General Session and Annual Business Meeting with Awards Ceremony IBWA Board of Directors and Committee Meetings Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) Casino Night Fundraiser at Gilley's Dallas Welcome Reception CPO Exam