Armadillo TECHNICAL DISCRIPTION Ultra light weight, high autonomy, 4WD SUGV with two front driver/situational awareness cameras & microphone. Powered by a highly efficient future soldier technology, rechargeable battery pack, & communications (1.1 to 5.8 GHz) options of analogue or digital COFDM video & telemetry control. Includes digital compass, tracksorb wheels, picatinny rail, & Scout Controller (single hand operation). Highly rugged aluminium chassis, man-portable, & deployable by being thrown into targets (up to 7mtr), & operates in any orientation. Options; GPS, thermal cameras, 12vdc power & data connector, & FMCU controller (ruggedized playstation style). TEMPLATE OPERATIONAL DISCRIPTION CONTACT INFORMATION The MacroUSA Armadillo is a 2.5 Kg (5.5 lb) SUGV The Armadillo is designed to provide dismounted air portable forces, such as light infantry, airborne forces, reconnaissance & special operations teams with the ability to deliver a remote controlled, mobile, Electro Optic, & audio sensor capability into dangerous and/or inaccessible targets, for search, surveillance, reconnaissance, & inspection missions. The Armadillo design intent is to provide a capability that does not significantly impact on the load of forces operating without the benefit of support vehicles. MacroUSA 5782 Price Ave., McClellan, CA 95652 Tel: (800) 840-6706 Web: www.macrousa.net