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inTo the green. Team PEDIBUS CALCANTIBUS : Edoardo Berardino , Giulio Berra , Andrea Buzzi, Carlo Pasquali, Ashley Rambo , Paolo Sartori, Guido Teghille. Area.
inTo the green TeamPEDIBUS CALCANTIBUS: Edoardo Berardino, Giulio Berra, Andrea Buzzi, Carlo Pasquali, Ashley Rambo, Paolo Sartori, Guido Teghille
Area Everyday in Turin, in additionto the normallocaltraffic, there are more than420.000vehicleswhich just cross the city, creating a lotofexternality EXTERNALITY: Externalitiesmaydamage the welfare of a populationcausedby the unbalanced relation betweencosts and gains
Problem Turinisoneof the mostpollutedcities in Europe so wethoughttoconsider the entireurban area as a target and not just a restricted zone.
Target: taxi Despite the limitednumberof taxis wetookthemasexamplebeacausetheyconsist in 1500 vehicles in constantmovement. Thisconceptshouldbeextendedto public services, likepolice, postmen, couriers, healthservices and more. These data are alsousefultounderstand the limitedpresenceofhybrid, electric or otherecologicalvehicles.
Target: bus In Turinthere are more than200 public transportlineswithanaverageof 6 vehicleseach. Public transportwillbeconvertedintoecologicaltransporttoo
Problemsolution • promoting a ZTL in lesscrowdedareaswithincrementalprogressionduringyears • Timecontrolsystem, forvehicleswitholdengines (diesel/petrol) according to a mechanism based on points in ZTL area, with a limitationof 1h/week, exceptforresidents • Discountsfor people whodo notspendtheirpoints • each citizen startswith a default pointamountbuteveryone can buy some • after2021 no free points are givenanylonger
Problemsolving • engineconversionfor taxi/bus tohybrid or electric • governmentincentivesforpurchasinghybrid or electriccars • promotingthe useofpublic meansoftransportforbothcommutersand residents
Economicbenefits The followingdatasheet, intended more as a roughindexratherthana precise value, isbased on an accurate study on data regarding the taxi dailyaveragecoursesaswellas the enginetypeandfuelconsumption, consideringits price increase. The data statesclearlythat the higherhybridvehiclecostisfullyrecoveredwithinthe first year, excludingenergycosts, and from the secondonethereisa gainofabout 5000€
Conclusion PROS CONS Environmentimprovments Citizen displeasure Economicgains Long termeffect Betterviability Exsternalityreduction