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Creating More Livable Communities in the Adirondacks . Mercy Care for the Adirondacks. A renewed mission sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy The Sisters first came to the Adirondacks in 1895 to establish Gabriels Sanatorium to treat tubercular patients
Mercy Care for the Adirondacks • A renewed mission sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy • The Sisters first came to the Adirondacks in 1895 to establish Gabriels Sanatorium to treat tubercular patients • Established Mercy Care for the Adirondacks in 2007 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to enhance the fullness of life of elders living independently in their communities • Governed by a local Board of Directors and operated by a three-person staff
Mercy Care Programs • Friendship Volunteer Program—Recruited and trained over 60 volunteers who are assisting elders living independently in the community with informal supports such as transportation, grocery shopping, and referral to other community services • Parish Nurse Program—10 Volunteer Parish Nurses recruited and trained in the Tri-Lakes who provide health education and spiritual care • Education and Advocacy Program—Educational Forums for the public and professionals on topics related to aging; Community Empowerment Action Plan
The need is great • Almost 17% of community members in Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, and Tupper Lake are over age 65, compared to 12.9% in the state as a whole and 12.4% nationally. • According to a 2010 housing-needs assessment in the Tri-Lakes, Cornell University projects that during the period 2015 – 2035, residents below the age of 50 will experience double-digit population declines, while the cohort of residents 50 and older will experience double digit increases.
What do elders want and need? • The Aging in Place Action Plan is responding to the unprecedented demand for the care of elders, especially in their own homes. Public policies are increasingly encouraging elders to stay in their own homes for as long as possible to delay or prevent nursing home placement. But to do this, the community needs to develop the vision, plans, and services that will support them to “Age in Place.”
Elders in the Tri-Lakes • In a survey conducted in February 2010, 93% of elder respondents in the Tri-Lakes stated that they would or probably would like to live in their present home for as long as possible.
How did this project get started in the Tri-Lakes? • In September 2009 Mercy Care for the Adirondacks was awarded a competitive grant from the New York State Office for the Aging. It received a grant to empower community development of a plan to age in place in the Tri-Lakes.
Project Partner • In order to support its technical needs, Mercy Care for the Adirondacks initiated a partnership with the IDEA Center, State University of New York at Buffalo in the beginning of 2009. Susan Hunter, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, contributed to the project the Center’s nationally recognized expertise in community planning, universal design, and Aging in Place communities.
How was the work conducted? • Over a period of 9 months in 2009 and 2010, Mercy Care and its more than 30 community committee volunteers and partners in the Tri-Lakes undertook planning activities to empower communities to develop a plan for residents in the Tri-Lakes to Age in Place more successfully. • (Elders, professionals working in health care and aging services, clergy, local government)
Key Survey ResultsTri-Lakes • Two hundred survey responses were received from elders in the Tri-Lakes age 55 and older. • 70 respondents were from Saranac Lake; 60 respondents were from Lake Placid; 40 respondents were from Tupper Lake; and another 30 respondents were from surrounding communities. • 44% of respondents have lived in the Tri-Lakes for 40 years or more. • 96% of respondents reside in the Tri-Lakes year round and 4 percent are seasonal residents. • 21% of respondents were 85+ year of age; 27% of respondents were between the ages of 75 – 84; 32% were from respondents between the ages of 65 – 74; and 20% were from respondents between the ages of 55 – 64. • 31% are working full or part-time now.
Elder Contributions to Community • 46% of respondents stated they have knowledge or abilities which they would like to use more to benefit their community. • 56% of respondents are volunteering now.
Housing • 68% of respondents live in a single family house; 20% of respondents rent their home • 51% live alone and 41% live with a spouse or partner; 7% live in other situations. • 5% live with an adult son or daughter and 6% live with another relative or friend. • 36% said their home will need modification or repairs in order for them to continue to live there comfortably as they grow older. • 50% of respondents stated they are concerned or somewhat concerned that they may not be able to afford to stay in their own homes as they grow older.
Health & Human Services • 51% of respondents said that if they needed some information about health or human services for themselves, friends or family members, they would know how to get the information. 35% said they would know how to get information for some services but not for others. • 68% of respondents stated they preferred to fill out only one application and have the information shared if needed to obtain Social Services, Public Health Nursing Services, Offices for the Aging, and other services; 32% answered they would prefer to fill out separate applications, which may not be shared, for each service.
Friendship & Companionship • 28% of respondents stated they strongly agree or agree with the statement, “In my present living situation I sometimes feel rather lonely.” • 41% of respondents said they would like more opportunities to socialize and do things with other elders. • 30% of respondents indicated they would like or might like a Mercy Care Friendship Volunteer to visit them to provide friendship and companionship, to do things with them in the community, and to assist them as may be needed with other particular needs.
Transportation • 80% of respondents said they drive a car themselves or someone in their household drives them when they need to get somewhere in the community. • 80% of respondents stated that transportation within the community or the Tri-Lakes is not a serious problem.
Implementation Highlights – 10.1.11 • The Adirondack Community Housing Trust has expanded the population it serves to assist elders financially to help them remain in their homes as they age • Mercy Care partnered with the Research & Education Foundation of the NYS Builders Association to develop an educational forum on Harnessing the Power of the Built Environment to be present by Esther Greenhouse on October 20 at Paul Smith’s College • MC worked with NYSBA to bring CAPS (Certified Aging in Place Specialist) training for builders & contractors to the Adirondacks (training to be undertaken at Paul Smith’s College on October 18 & 19
Results • Universal Design brochures have been provided to Building Codes Officer in Lake Placid and Saranac Lake, who are distributing them with building permits • Through Task Force, Will Rogers (Independent Living Facility in SL) and Harrietstown Housing Authority connected to help residents at Will Rogers who qualify to received $200-$400 reduction in monthly rent
Results • Physician home visits are available with established Dr./Patient relationship in some practices in SL • Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living is hiring 3 new people to do free home modification assessments • The Village of SL has put together an inventory of the condition of all village sidewalks and has drafted cost estimates for abandoning, removing, and replacing some of them, as well as creating new sidewalks
Results • New bus service established by the Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living for out-of-town shopping and medical transportation accessible to elders in all three Tri-Lakes communities • LP Friendship & Companionship Task Force has partnered with the Essex County Complete Streets coalition to hold a public workshop and assessment training on October 17 • LP Task Force has developed an Aging in Place Services Card—public and private high school student volunteers—yard work/snow shoveling (adaptable to other communities
Results Continued • Mercy Care Volunteer Parish Nurses and the Essex County Public Health Department have presented advance directives information to professionals working with older adults and to Mercy Care Friendship Volunteers • A Mercy Care Tool Kit is being developed to assist other rural communities who wish to establish Friendship Volunteer & Parish Nurse Programs.
Interest, Enthusiasm, and Engagement • Implementation is an ongoing process of engagement with community leaders, volunteers, and local government to create more livable communities better places for people of all ages to live
Mercy Care for the AdirondacksContact Information Donna Beal, Executive Director Mercy Care for the Adirondacks 185 Old Military Road Lake Placid, NY 12946 518-523-5581 dbeal@adkmercy.org www.adkmercy.org