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Presented by the Livable and Inclusive Communities Project Team

Visitable Housing Small Steps to Make Waterloo a More Inclusive and Livable Community. Presented by the Livable and Inclusive Communities Project Team Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo. Background. Waterloo Community Action Forum

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Presented by the Livable and Inclusive Communities Project Team

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  1. Visitable Housing Small Steps to Make Waterloo a More Inclusive and Livable Community Presented by the Livable and Inclusive Communities Project Team Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo

  2. Background • Waterloo Community Action Forum • Aging and disabilities identified as a priority issue in 2008. • Livable and Inclusive Communities Project • SPCKW partnered with Canadian Centre on Disability Studies, Winnipeg. • Phase 1 – community members assessed Waterloo on key elements. • Accessible and affordable housing identified as important. • Visitable housing presented to Region of Waterloo for inclusion in Official Policy Plan. Canadian Centre on Disability Studies http://disabilitystudies.ca/blog/2010/06/08/livable-and-inclusive-communities/

  3. Visitable Defined To be visitable by anyone with a mobility challenge, a home has at minimum, the following: • At least one zero-step entrance at front, back or side • Located on an accessible route from the street. • Wider doorways on all main floor doors • Minimum 32 inch (813 mm) clear door opening. • At least a half bath on the main floor • Minimum requirements include a sink, toilet and a wider doorway. Visitability Canada, Canadian Centre on Disability Studies http://www.visitablehousingcanada.com/index.ht

  4. ASSIST Inc. http://www.assistutah.org

  5. Cost Effective • Costs are much lower to include minimum accessibility features in new housing: • Estimated cost at time of building - $500 – 600. • Estimated cost for renovations - $5,000-6,000. Concrete Change: Every Home Visitable http://www.concretechange.org/

  6. An Important Feature • A stable, firm barrier-free path of travel into the residence from the street: • May include a curb cut and a sloped concrete pathway. • The use of landscaping and site grading can provide the necessary means for an integrated pathway. • The slope of the pathway ideally should not exceed 1:20 or 5% slope, and should not exceed 1:12 or 8%. • The pathway width should be a minimum 36 inches (915mm). Visitability Canada, Canadian Centre on Disability Studies http://www.visitablehousingcanada.com/index.html

  7. Zero-step entrance proceeds from the driveway of steep lot. Concrete Change: Every Home Visitable http://www.concretechange.org/

  8. Private homebuilder is proactive. Concrete Change: Every Home Visitable http://www.concretechange.org/

  9. Accessible apartments above commercial space offer alternatives to inaccessible townhouses. Concrete Change: Every Home Visitable http://www.concretechange.org/

  10. Other Visitability Options • Wiring new homes to accommodate home automation enhancements as may be needed: • Visual and audio alerting systems such as smoke and CO detectors • Motion sensors for lighting • Security systems • Running structured wiring in an existing home may cost $1,000 to $3,000, compared to $600 to $2,000 for new homes. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/renoho/refash/refash_032.cfm#principles

  11. Why Visitability is Important • Increases opportunities for social interaction for wider range ages – a more inclusive & livable community. • Responds to aging population and desire to age in place. • Cost is much lower when home is built compared to renovations when mobility changes. • Adds value to a home and can easily be incorporated into other building innovations, such as affordable housing and green design strategies. • Allows more flexibility in daily living: moving furniture, carrying groceries, transporting a stroller or wagon and mobility aids such as scooters, walkers and wheelchairs. Visitability Canada, Canadian Centre on Disability Studies http://www.visitablehousingcanada.com/index.html

  12. Conclusion We support the inclusion of Visitable Housing as part of the City of Waterloo’s official plan. And have been in discussion with planning staff to have this in the policy. This can be an important part of Waterloo’s commitment to inclusivity.

  13. Livable and Inclusive Communities Project Thank You… Social Planning Council Kitchener-Waterloo ● An information hub. ● A connecting point for community partners. ● Supports mobilization of community resources. Contact: Nancy Cherry, CoordinatorLivable and Inclusive Communities Projectncherry@waterlooregion.org519-579-1096 X 3009

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