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ACP WG-F/31 WP08. Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Terrestrial C2 Frequency-Planning Activities in RTCA SC-228. Frank Box, Alexe Leu , and Leo Globus 22 September 2014. C-Band Terrestrial Frequency Planning. Characteristics of Strawman C2 System Coexistence Rules for Terrestrial C2 Links
ACP WG-F/31 WP08 Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Terrestrial C2 Frequency-Planning Activities in RTCA SC-228 Frank Box, Alexe Leu, and Leo Globus 22 September 2014
C-Band Terrestrial Frequency Planning • Characteristics of Strawman C2 System • Coexistence Rules for Terrestrial C2 Links • Channelization Planning • Very-High-Altitude UAS • Coexistence with UAS C2 SATCOM • Appendix: Sample Link Budgets
System Design Constraints • Available frequency bands: • L-band (960–1164 MHz) • C-band (5030–5091 MHz) • Maximum UA transmitter power per band for basic service: 10 watts • Required availability (per band) = 99.8% • Maximum UA groundspeed = 850 knots • Frequency instability: 1.0 ppm or better • Transmitter mask: GMSK (BT = 0.2) or comparable • Time-division duplexing • Synchronized among all users
Link Throughput Requirements * These video links (for takeoff, landing, taxiing) would each carry 217 kbps plus overhead. A need for a single nationwide emergency video channel that would use 435 kbps (plus overhead) has also recently been identified but is not considered in the above table.
Strawman System Configurations • System design is under review to improve spectral efficiency by: • Providing additional configurations with smaller information rates • Finding ways to reduce symbol rates for all configurations
3-D Cellular Frequency Plan 1/12 frequency reuse Highest altitude tier (50 kft) 1/3 frequency reuse (better) Lowest altitude tier (surface) INTERMEDIATE TIERS NOT SHOWN • “Cells” are airspace volumes • Frequency list for each cell, assignable as needed when UA in cell • Nationwide plan to be developed • Ground stations (standalone/gapfiller) can be anywhere in a cell
Low-Altitude Coverage and Gapfillers Coverage down to 4000’ • Likely cell radius 69 nmi • Central ground station (GS) cannot provide coverage down to ground throughout cell Down to 1000’ Gapfiller Down to ground • In most of cell, low-altitude UA need “gapfiller” GSs CENTRAL 100’ TOWER • When gapfillers are far enough apart, they may be able to share frequencies in same cell Gapfiller Gapfiller Gapfiller Gapfiller CELL BOUNDARY 7 69 NAUTICAL MILES
Examples of Potential Adjacent-Channel Interference (ACI) between Cells VICTIM UA POTENTIALLY INTERFERING UA DESIRED UPLINK VICTIM GS DESIRED DOWNLINK POTENTIALLY INTERFERING GS DESIRED GS • Uplink-to-uplink ACI scenario • Desired GS and interferer on (first) adjacent channels • Victim UA at edge of its cell • Both UA have omni antennas • Potential interferer must limit power radiated toward cell boundary • Adequate adjacent-channel rejection (ACR) also needed to prevent ACI • Downlink-to-downlink ACI worst case • Desired UA and interferer are: • On first adjacent channels • Roughly equidistant from victim GS • Both in victim GS’s main beam • Both UA have omni antennas • Here, ACR may be victim GS’s only protection against ACI
Intersite Coexistence Rules(1 of 2) • Interference prevention between cells • Power flux density (PFD) limits, in dBm/m2, at cell boundaries • Interference prevention within cells • Single-transmitter radiation limits • EIRP limits • Frequency-sharing rules for “gapfiller” and standalone ground stations • PFD, radiated-power, and EIRP limits will: • Be different for uplinks and downlinks • Depend on channel symbol rate (kbaud)
Intersite Coexistence Rules (2 of 2) • Free-space PFD at cell edge shouldn’t exceed what the potentially interfering link would need for good availability if its own receiver were there • In some scenarios, only protection against ACI is to ensure that ACR is large enough to provide link margin needed to allow for multipath, etc. • Ground-antenna diversity (if affordable) would reduce ACR requirements • C2 channel spacings must be set large enough to ensure adequate ACR • Although ACR is main threat, cochannel PFD limits also needed for very-high-altitude UA with very long radio lines of sight
Channelization Planning Decision Tree Channels Needed per Cell (20?) Max. Radio-Horizon Distance (261 nmi?) Max. Cell Altitude (45,000 feet?) Necessary Overhead Required Throughput Min. Acceptable Freq. Reuse, 1/K (1/12?) Cell Radius (69 nmi?) Max. UA Ground Speed (850 kn) Symbol Rate (e.g., 87.5 kbaud) Max. GS Distance from Cell Edge (69 nmi?) Required Availability (99.8%) Freq. Stability (1 ppm) Min. UA Altitude at Cell Edge (4000 feet?) Modulation (GMSK, BT = 0.2?) Necessary Multipath/ Rain/Airframe Loss Margin Receiver Mask Transmitter Mask Diversity Assumptions Frequency-Dependent Rejection Curve Necessary Adjacent-Channel Rejection (ACR) UA SWAP Constraints Max. UA Transmitter Power (40 dBm) Channel Spacing for Given Symbol Rate Necessary Ground-Antenna Gain (L-band: 19 dBi? C-band: 38 dBi?) Number of Channels Available Necessary Ground-Antenna Aperture (L-band: 1 m2? C:-band: 3 m2?) A A
How Much ACR Is Necessary? • Ensure, through GS power/pointing/location restrictions, that at cell boundaries (the worst case) free-space interference power flux density (PFD) will not exceed free-space signal PFD • Design link budgets to allow received interference power (after filtering) to equal receiver noise power (INR = 0 dB) • Sample C-band link budgets shown in Appendix A • Then the minimum ACR sufficient to allow 99.8% availability in the presence of potential ACI from an adjoining cell can be calculated as: * Assumes dual airborne-antenna diversity but no ground diversity. Using dual or triple ground diversity could reduce necessary link margins and ACR values by 9–14 dB.
Strawman C-Band Masks 0 Design assumptions: GMSK (BT = 0.2) 87.5 kbaud 850-knot Doppler shift 1.0-ppm frequency instability Attenuation (dB) Receiver Trans-mitter 70 80 122.5 160.3 39.5 21.9 Offset from Channel Center Frequency (kHz)
Frequency-Dependent Rejection (FDR) of87.5-kbaud C-band Transmitter and Receiver Red curve allows for Doppler shift and frequency instability
Channelization Goals • Spectral efficiency • Small channel spacings ( large number of channels) • ACI prevention • Spacings large enough to provide adequate ACR • Simplicity • Every channel spacing should be integer multiple of smallest spacing in band • Round numbers preferred • Harmonization • Consistency with channel spacings of other systems in band • MLS (300 kHz) • UAS C2 SATCOM (300 kHz?) • Not feasible to achieve every goal in same plan • Tradeoffs necessary; no perfect plan
Channelization Principles • Flexibility • Each C-band C2 radio may have full repertoire of channel spacings throughout its tuning range • No part of tuning range to be permanently tied to a single channel spacing • Channels of same size should be grouped together • Helps protect wide channels against ACI from narrow ones • Partitions between channel groups should be movable • Since relative utilization of symbol rates is unpredictable and will evolve over time • C-band needs wider channel spacings than L-band • Greater Doppler shifts and frequency instability
Possible C-band Channelization Plans NOTE: One or more smaller channel spacings (TBD) are also needed for narrowband signals.
Potential Cochannel Interference to and fromVery-High-Altitude UA (VUA) • Scenario: • VUA stays 65 kft above its GS (above highest C2 cell) • VUAS uses frequencies allocated to highest-tier cell beneath it • “Not-very-high-altitude UA” (NUA) uses same frequency as VUA • Since VUA > 50 kft AGL, K=12 cell plan allows ground/air RLOS to 6 “cochannel” cells (only one shown in picture) • Cochannel RFI (CCI) threatens VUAS uplink & NUAS downlink (VUAS downlink & NUAS uplink protected by earth curvature) VUA Potential Interference Path 65 kft NUA “Footprint” of highest-altitude tier of cells 12 10 7 7 8 NUAS GS VUAS GS 5 3 300 nmi ( 4.35 cell radii)
Key Findings of VUAS Analysis • CCI to and from very-high-altitude UAS (VUAS) can be prevented by: – Assigning to each VUAS a frequency that has been allocated to the highest-tier cell beneath it – Appropriately reducing VUAS uplink and downlink transmitter powers – Using highly directional VUAS GS antennas • To protect VUAS against downlink ACI, operational procedures may be needed to keep not-very-high-altitude UA (NUA) from staying too close to VUAS GS in its main beam for too long
Coexistence between Terrestrial and SATCOM UAS C2 Links (1 of 2) Note: This slide and the next summarize ACP WGF28/WP13(rev1), “5-GHz Band-Planning Considerations for UAS CNPC Links,” March 2013 • WRC-12 decided 5030–5091 MHz band can be shared by AMS(R)S and AM(R)S C2 links • Unless AM(R)S or AMS(R)S is absent in a given region, putting AM(R)S in center of band and AMS(R)S at high and low ends would have these advantages: • If AMS(R)S uses frequency-division duplexing, it needs to maximize frequency separation between Earth spaceand space Earth segments, because of filter-design constraints • Radio Regulations footnote 5.443C limits AM(R)S EIRP density to –75 dBW/MHz in the 5010–5030 MHz band, so large separation between that band and the AM(R)S segment would be useful
Coexistence between Terrestrial and SATCOM UAS C2 Links (2 of 2) • If band is partitioned between AM(R)S and AMS(R)S, boundaries between segments should be movable • Protects against having to make premature, binding decisions on relative terrestrial and SATCOM allocations • Boundary adjustments would be made infrequently based on capacity demand patterns • Allows for the possibility that some regions might use only one of the two types of 5-GHz link (terrestrial or SATCOM, but not both) • Allows common wideband RF filter (over the entire 5030–5091 MHz band) that would be: • Simpler to implement than narrowband filters • Usable by hybrid terrestrial/SATCOM terminals
Next Steps • Refine terrestrial C2 system design • Firm up necessary data and symbol rates • Redesign masks and recompute FDR curves • Develop firm list of channel spacings for each band • Recommend specific channel placements • Develop nationwide channel plan • Develop dynamic frequency-assignment procedures