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RAIR Lab. John Licato licatj@rpi.edu Selmer Bringsjord Department of Cognitive Science Department of Computer Science Lally School of Management Rensselaer AI & Reasoning (RAIR) Lab Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy NY 12180 USA Selmer.Bringsjord@gmail.com RPI 2.1.12-1200NY.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RAIR Lab • John Licato • licatj@rpi.edu • Selmer Bringsjord • Department of Cognitive Science • Department of Computer Science • Lally School of Management • Rensselaer AI & Reasoning (RAIR) Lab • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) • Troy NY 12180 USA • Selmer.Bringsjord@gmail.com • RPI 2.1.12-1200NY

  2. RAIR Lab Approach: Logic-based: AI & Computational CogSci Reasoning

  3. Our Future Autonomous lethal robots on the battlefield. Autonomous “lethal” robots in our hospitals. Autonomous lethal robots in law enforcement. ...

  4. Problem, More Specifically • How can we ensure that the robots in question always behave in an ethically correct manner? • How can we know ahead of time, via rationales expressed in clear English (and/or other natural languages), that they will so behave? • How can we know in advance that their behavior will be constrained specifically by the ethics affirmed by ethically correct human overseers?

  5. Another not-too-technical introductory paper, addressing this problem:

  6. Analogico-Deductive Reasoning • Moral reasoning has a lot to do with analogical reasoning • ADR: The combination of analogical and hypothetico-deductive reasoning

  7. What is relevant –Do Fish Feel Pain? Feels Pain Feels Pain ? Me Fish Fish are like humans; therefore they feel pain like humans

  8. R&D Thrusts • Engineer radically new system able to prove Gödel’s incompleteness theorems from scratch. For Air Force. • Engineer the world’s first artificial conductor/educator: Handle; CAIRA. For National Science Foundation. • Answer the biggest questions about AI and the human mind. • E.g., “Can a computing machine grasp the infinite?” • For John Templeton Foundation. • Mini-robotics demonstration of X for military. • Save the world by championing & engineering ethically correct warfighting robots. • Introduce a new way of teaching programming that (unlike eg LOGO) produces cognitive transfer, and addresses the “STEM-dearth” problem. • Engineering cognitively robust synthetic characters. IBM, Disney, … • AI & Economics: A new form of LAI-based economics ... • NLP: Logico-mathematically intense; very technical. • Formalizing physics => formalizing cancer-relevant biological processes. Embryonic.

  9. RAIR Lab • John Licato • licatj@rpi.edu • Selmer Bringsjord • Department of Cognitive Science • Department of Computer Science • Lally School of Management • Rensselaer AI & Reasoning (RAIR) Lab • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) • Troy NY 12180 USA • Selmer.Bringsjord@gmail.com • RPI 2.1.12-1200NY

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