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Status of the AGATA Project June 2013 on behalf of the AMB. Local Campaign Managers (LCM). AGATA MANAGEMENT BOARD AND TEAMS. A. Gadea (Project Manager). Boston, G.Duch êne, E. Farnea(LCM LNL), A. Korichi, P. Reiter and J.Nyberg. H.J.Wollersheim (LCM-GSI), E.Clement (LCM-GANIL). Detector
Status of the AGATA ProjectJune 2013 on behalf of the AMB AGATA Collaboration Council meeting June 2013
Local Campaign Managers (LCM) AGATA MANAGEMENT BOARD AND TEAMS A. Gadea (Project Manager) • Boston, G.Duchêne, E. Farnea(LCM LNL), A. Korichi, P. Reiter and J.Nyberg. H.J.Wollersheim (LCM-GSI), E.Clement (LCM-GANIL) Detector Module P.Reiter Detector & CryostatBart Bruyneel Detector Characterisation Bart Bruyneel Detector CAT &Testing Helen Boston R & D on gamma Detectors & Applications Resource Manager(Deputy PM) G.Duchêne AGATA Working Groups AMB Chairman Project Manager A.Gadea Pre-Amplifier DigitizerAlberto Pullia Global Trigger & SynchronizationMarco Bellato Pre-processing Ian Lazarus Slow Control & FEE MonitoringEric Legay Front-end Electronics (P.M.) Software: Flow, Services & GRID Xavier Grave Hardware: Local Infr. & NetworkHenning Schaftner Comp. Det. Elec. and DAQ Integration Data Flow A.Korichi AGATA TASKS Data Analysis & TRACKING Olivier Stezowski A. Lopez-Martens PSA Algorithm DevelopmentR. Gernhauser. GRID Data managing and Analysis Data Analysis A.Boston Detector array InfrastructureBénédicte Million Complementary Detectors J.J. Valiente Mechanical InfrastructureA.Grant Infrastructure.Comp. Det. E.Farnea† Thanks Pete! AGATA CommissioningC. Domingo-Pardo AGATA Physics & exp. SimulationMarc Labiche Enrico departed on14 April Compatibility EMC, Interfacing Specification Control Quality Control and security Documentation Performance and Simulation J.Nyberg Technical Coordinator Engineering Advi. GSI Darmstadt H.J.Wollersheim INFN-LNL Legnaro E.Farnea GANIL-SPIRAL2 Caen E.Clement
The AGATA Phase 1(2010-2015) • The first “real” • tracking array • To be used at FAIR • HISPEC, SPIRAL2, • SPES AGATA Demonstrator AGATA > 1p 2010-2011 LNL5ATC 2012 GSI/FRS~3ADC+5ATC 2014 GANIL/SPIRAL2 5DC+~8TC 2 3 4 5 1 AGATA + VAMOS+ EXOGAM AGATA+PRISMA AGATA @ FRS Total Eff. ~6% Total Eff. > 10% Total Eff. ~ 15%
AGATA Capsules Summary IKP-Köln, Uni. Liverpool, IRFU-Saclay 32 detectors delivered: A001,A002,A003,A004,A005,A006,A007,A008,A009 B001,B002,B003,B004,B005,B006,B007,B008,B009,B010,B011,B012,B013 C001,C002,C003,C004,C005,C006,C007,C008,C009,C010 Detectors with leakage current at Canberra (waiting repairing order): A005 (leakage current at LNL after warm-up to room temperature)B005 (leakage current after annealing)B009 (leakage current segm. A1 at LNL, increased current A1 after annealing) C002 (leakage current at LNL of segm. A5, leakage current of D6 after annealingC004 (leakage current of segm. B4 after annealing) To be paid with 2012, 2013 and probably 2014 Operation Costs NewDetector Purchases (price for 2012 182 k€ for 2013 187 k€). 3 new crystals (2 France, 1 Spain) in 2012. Delivery mid 2014 Usage of the available detectors in the last experiments: A008, A003 A002 A004 A001, B001, B003 B010 B004 B002 B008 B012 B011 C003, C005 C001 C004 C006 C010 C008 20 Capsules mounted, 27 available. Efficiency is limited by missing B and C-type. 15 Capsules delivered after May 2011 only 1, B013, suffered from leakage current. 6 ATC and 5 ADC cryostats available. 2 more ATC cryostats purchased CAT performed by IKP Cologne, Uni.Liverpool and IRFU Saclay ATC1 ATC2 ATC3 ATC4 ATC5 ATC6 ATC7 ADC1 ADC2 ADC3 ADC4 ADC5 Colorcode: Working broken CAT pending
AGATA-Canberra Agreement and Capsule Repairing The pro-rated Warranty offered by Canberra to compensate for the leakage current issue: Repair conditions Canberra commits to decrease the repair time of AGATA detectors to a maximum of six(6) months by investment in spare mechanical parts. To obtain this repair lead time objective Canberra will be helped by a continued backlog of AGATA detector orders. IKP-Köln, Uni. Liverpool, IRFU-Saclay, TU-Darmstadt
Future Electronics INFN-Padova / INFN-Milano: Solution for the 2013-2015 period • Partially compatible with the present Electronics • Pre-processing and ADC Electronics already at pre-production stage (firmware implemented and tested for 38 channels) • Cost ~20 k€/capsule ADC Card mounting Pre-Processing ADC Card Control Card Production completed for mid 2013 • Three cards under development, the digitiser (Milano) the pre-processing (Padova) and control (Padova). • All prototyped and tested standalone. The cards have been integrated and are under test now in Legnaro with a segmented Ge detector. • Firmware still being debugged but resolution obtained is good. • The digitiser cards are already in production phase; the other 2 cards small PCB changes following testing. • Production will start for pre-processing and control cards within one month. • The aim is to have production of all cards ready before 2nd half of 2013.
Early Phase 1 AGATA Data Flow NARVAL at GSI • A substantial upgrade was done to the Data Flow Farm for Early Phase 1. • Presently 22 Work Stations with LINCO cards (anodes) are ready at GSI and the standard procedure to set the anodes is done. • The Data Flow software and hardware has performed in a very stable way during the first part of the AGATA-PRESPEC campaign. • Transfer of data to GRID archiving has been an issue for long time at GSI. Now decided to go in a two-step transfer to solve the issue. Narval-MBS A new version of Narval 1.14.3 has been installed, tested and it is working. The new data format has been discussed, new version of the ADF Library available. The status of Narval is that Event Builder, Data Flow and Data Flow Analyzer are ready and under test. New version of event builder installed at GSI, Troubles with merging at the event builder are solved. About 100% efficiency for the data transfer and EB are obtained. Changes in experimental condition may invalidate the patch. O. Stezowski (IPN-Lyon) updated the libraries and the DAQ watchers. IPN-Orsay, CSNSM-Orsay, GANIL, INFN-LNL,GANIL, IFJ-PAN-Crakow, IPN-Lyon
GEC and Run Control • Synchronisation between Topology Manager and AGATA database. Improving GUI to monitor global information and access to Topology Manager • Priorities for the GEC team: • 1. VHDL1 before October • 2. Future new electronics : • - Slow control and integration in the GEC on the new hardware • - Check if DAQ structure requires modification • Concerning the run control, presently Narval is launched with scripts, the krakow GUI is not being used. • Efforts to have a working AGATA Global Run Control for the GANIL campaign and beyond. • No major issue for the GANIL campaign as all the GANIL instruments are using Narval coupled to the GANIL Run Control. But necessary to have a stable system and not worth changing the Run Control for every AGATA campaign • Agreed that GANIL and Legnaro teams join their efforts to work together in order to improve the GANIL Run Control and makes it more flexible, portable and evolutive. This clearly will full fill the AGATA requirements for future experiments in other sites. IPN-Orsay, CSNSM-Orsay, GANIL, INFN-LNL,GANIL, IFJ-PAN-Crakow, IPN-Lyon
Infrastructure: Detector Support System AXIS LVPS: Following the installation at GSI, issues were discovered with the 48V LVPS modules, now ongoing repair. Patch boxes: boxesThe new generation patch boxes are completed (LV filter). The LN2 level measuring circuit under test. Hardware BSD under production. HV System R&D: A loan request has been sent to the Gammapool in order to keep the CAEN system, presently used at GSI, up to the end of the GANIL campaign. This would give the collaboration the time find an optimal solution for AGATA. Autofill system:The AGATA autofill system is installed, commissioned and working. Ongoing upgrade of the PLC software. Construction Database: New Data-Base GUI being deployed. Including Item pictures. Used at the Producing Institutes and Host Laboratories CEA Saclay, GSI, STFC-Daresbury, JYFL-Jyvaskyla, IPHC-Strasbourg, GANIL, INFN-LNL, INFN-Padova, INFN-Milano
Infrastructure: Mechanical Infrastructures The mechanical infrastructures have been installed in the S4 area in February 2012 according to the schedule. The support frame splits in two halves and the honeycomb structure can rotate around its axis in order to facilitate the mounting of the detectors. Modifications performed to avoid vibrations during the rotation of the honeycomb. The know-how on mounting and aligning transferred to the GSI colleagues through a visit of the Padova experts. Maintenance of the structure at the end of 2012 Now STFC is designing the AGATA @ GANIL support structure Mechanical Design and Construction STFC-Daresbury & the Mechanical Infrastructure Working Group (A.Grant, J.Strachan, R.Griffiths, I.Burrows, P.Morrall, B.Szczepanczyk)
Data Analysis, Pulse Shape Analysis & Tracking The 2nd EGAN School on AGATA Data Analysis GSI from 3rd – 7th December 2012. 24 students participanted at the school. ENSAR funds were made available to support the students. The programme was well received and had contributions as follows: Lecture: AGATA Data Analysis LNL (Olivier Stezowski, IPN Lyon) Lecture: Production and identification of radioactive beams at relativistic energies (Plamen Boutachkov , GSI) Lecture: Coupling and triggering in Prespec/AGATA (Stephane Pietri, GSI) Lecture: PreSPEC Library, a tool for online/offline analysis(Frederic Ameil, GSI) Lecture: Data analysis on the Grid (M. Kaci, IFIC Valencia) Electronic copies of all the presentations and training instructions http://ns.ph.liv.ac.uk/EGAN/programme-school.html. A GRID howto is available. Another school is planned December 2013 in Paris. Use of the GRID: Following the school 75% of the students were registered to use the GRID. IPN-Lyon, CSNSM-Orsay, INFN-Padova, IRFU-Saclay, TU-Munich, Uni. Liverpool, IPN-Orsay, GSI-Darmstadt, IFIC-Valencia
Simulations, Experimental Commissioning and Performance Experimental Commissioning and Performance: The team has contributed to the design and deployment of the AGATA - PRESPEC commissioning. Next task to contribute to the AGATA – GANIL commissioning. Simulations: Presently concentrated on the configurations for the second part of the GSI campaign and in particular on the coupling of Miniball with AGATA. Promising increase of efficiency for the coupled setup. Started as well the simulation of the GANIL AGATA + EXOGAM2 configurations They are necessary for the mechanical design and for optimal use of the two arrays. Uni. Uppsala, INFN-Padova, STFC Daresbury, IFIC Valencia, GSI
Report and Discussion on Technical Publications The following technical publications have been review by the AGATA AMB -“Response of AGATA Segmented HPGe Detectors to Gamma Rays up to 15.1 MeV”F.C.L. Crespi et al. -“Pulse Shape Analysis for Segmented Germanium Detectors implemented in Graphics Processing Units”E. Calore et al. -“Improved energy resolution of highly segmented HPGe detectors by noise reduction A.Wiens et al. - “Direct determination of the hit locations from experimental HPGe pulses” P. Desesquelles et al. -“AGATA counting rate measurements for Plunger experiments”A. Goasduff et al. - “Correction for neutron damage in AGATA detectors using Pulse Shape Analysis“ B. Bruyneel et al. -“Agata modules as Compton polarimeters for the measurement of gamma-ray linear polarization” P.G. Bizzeti et al. All technical publications within the AGATA framework must go through a revision by the AMB. Contact person Johan Nyberg <johan.nyberg@physics.uu.se>
Acknowledgement to the AMB, AGATA Teams and Local GSI and GANIL Collaborators