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Status of the Project

Status of the Project. Alberto Di Meglio, Project Director, CERN ETICS 1 st EU Review CERN, Geneva - 9 February 2007. Introduction. General Status of the project, providing an overview of: Review Agenda Project Goals Achievements Workpackages Status Summary Deliverables and milestones

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Status of the Project

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  1. Status of the Project Alberto Di Meglio, Project Director, CERN ETICS 1st EU Review CERN, Geneva - 9 February 2007

  2. Introduction • General Status of the project, providing an overview of: • Review Agenda • Project Goals • Achievements • Workpackages Status Summary • Deliverables and milestones • Financial status • Manpower levels 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  3. Review Agenda Morning 09:00 - Welcome Frédéric Hemmer (CERN) 09:15 - Status of the projectAlberto Di Meglio (CERN) 10:00 - InfrastructureMiron Livny (University of Wisconsin) 11:00 - Services Marc-Elian Bégin (CERN) 12:00 - User feedbackLaurence Field (EGEE) Pedro Andrade (DILIGENT) Afternoon 14:00 - Demo Matteo Selmi (INFN) Paolo Fabriani (Engineering) 15:00 - Dissemination Andrea Manieri (Engineering) 15:45 - Future Plans Alberto Di Meglio (CERN) 16:30 - Reviewers Closed Session followed by Feedback 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  4. Project Goals To provide within a two year programme: • A professionally managed, integrated system of services and resources for running automated builds and test suites for distributed software projects • A repository of packages, test reports and interoperability information that development projects can use to develop, validate and certify their products • A forum where to discuss and promote software quality initiatives and collect common software engineering tools and processes, software configuration information and documentation. 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  5. Build system, software configuration, service infrastructure, dissemination, EGEE, gLite, project coord. Software configuration, service infrastructure, dissemination Web portals and tools, quality process, dissemination, DILIGENT The Condor batch system, distributed testing tools, service infrastructure, NMI Test methods and metrics, unit testing tools, EBIT The ETICS Partners 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  6. Project Structure 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  7. Project Structure Project Manager (PM) Project Management Board Project Technical Committee WP3 WP2 WP5 WP4 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  8. What has ETICS delivered? • Infrastructure • Three resource sites at CERN, INFNand UoW with more that 150 CPUsand more than 15 platforms • A Service Level Agreement anddocumented deployment procedures • Services • A set of web services and tools for configuring,building and testing software • Web and multiplatform CLI clients • An initial repository of reports and packages • Community Support • Build and test support for more than 10projects and in particular EGEE (gLite, mpi, GridWay), DILIGENT and OMII-Europe • Dissemination and Training • Three major training events (EGEE’06,DILIGENT TCOM, INFN-CNAF) • A Build &Test Community Group in OGF 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  9. The ETICS Timeline OGF CCG Launched July 2006 ETICS Beta programme started (gLite 3.1 managed only with ETICS), DILIGENT using for testing, OMII-Europe project created February 2007 ETICS Service v1.0 Released April 2006 ETICS Alpha programme started (first gLite components registered) • 1st Review All-hands meeting(Bologna) September 2006 ETICS Pre-release programme started, first major training event in Geneva All-hands meeting(Budapest) • Kick-off Jan 06 Jun 06 Dec 06 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  10. WP1: Administrative and Technical Management 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Goals • To ensure execution of the project in conformity with the Commission contract and the Consortium Agreement and interface with the Commission and report of project progress • To maintain the technical coherence of the project activities as a whole, organise and coordinate the production and fulfilment of deliverables and milestones • To ensure adequate collaboration among the WPs and resolve internal conflicts, manage risks, and perform contingency planning so that the project reaches its goals

  11. WP1: Administrative and Technical Management • Major Achievements • Set up of the project structure, communications channels and reporting tools • Set up and coordination of the Project Management Board and the Project Technical Committee, organization with the Partners of the project All Hands meeting in Budapest and Bologna • Production of the project Quality Assurance and Progress Monitoring Plan (deliverable D1.1), the Project Management Plan and the Activity Plan, the Quarterly and Year 1 Reports • Participation to several international events (like the EGEE User Forum and Conference, IGSS 2006, eIRG and IST events) to showcase ETICS and promote collaboration with other projects • Issues • Considerable effort had to be spent in ensuring that the monthly effort reports and the project deliverables are submitted within deadlines. In the future reminders will be sent sooner 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  12. WP2: Infrastructure and Service Management 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Goals • To set up and maintain the grid services and computing resources where ETICS testing, integration and validation activities are performed across the resource centres • To set up and maintain the software repository, possibly in collaboration with other resource providers and implement the packages management strategies during build/test execution • To define and publish the Service Level Agreements with resource providers and service users

  13. WP2: Infrastructure and Service Management 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Major Achievements • Deployment and maintenance of the three resource sites at CERN, INFN and University of Wisconsin with more than 150 CPUs running a variety of more than 15 different platforms • Production of the project Service Level Agreement (deliverable D2.1) and documented deployment procedures for all ETICS services • Set up of the ETICS repository infrastructure and procedures for deploying the ETICS service components • Issues • The time zone difference and distance between US and Europe makes sometimes difficult to have internal meeting. The face-to-face all-hands meeting have provided a reliable mitigation to this issue • Production use of ETICS by pilot projects (gLite and DILIGENT) has started sooner than expected putting strong pressure on the team

  14. WP3: Software Configuration Tools and Methodologies 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Goals • To provide a configuration information schema able to capture the configuration information of software developed by research project and allowing coherent storage of such information in the ETICS database • To provide a configuration, build and integration system based on existing or adapted tools able to perform build/integration tasks to be executed by the ETICS facility • To collaborate with WP2, WP4 and WP5 in deploying the tools, integrating the different ETICS services, clients and administration tools and defining metrics and generating reports, especially in the field of software interoperability and standard compliance

  15. WP3: Software Configuration Tools and Methodologies 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Major Achievements • Definition of a data model to describe configuration information and build/test operation in a secure, multiplatform environment. Implementation in a relational database system (MySQL) • Design and development of a web service to coordinate the work between the database and the various build/test tools and clients • Integration and extension of build tools and clients from EGEE and other projects to work in the distributed, multiplatform environments that ETICS must support (as described in D3.1) • Initial analysis of interoperability and compliance requirements (deliverable D3.2) • Issues • Not all resources available for the first three months. Partially compensated by reallocating some tasks to WP5 • Interoperability metrics definition/implementation delayed as a consequence. The activity has now started in January, new personnel being recruited to compensate initial delays

  16. WP4: Testing Tools and Methodologies 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Goals • To collect requirements for unit, functional and regression testing • To deploy, adapt and maintain the software testing tools in addition to collect and adapt the related testing methodology • To identify quality metrics, and evaluate the different methods and tools based on them, provide measurement collectors for the reporting engine

  17. WP4: Testing Tools and Methodologies 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Major Achievements • Analysis of more than 50 different testing methodologies and 20 test tools and products (documented in D4.1). • Provision of Test Plan templates to help other projects • Analysis of testing requirements of projects using ETICS, their implementation in the system, especially in the NMI framework; definition of test metrics and prototype implementation of test plugins (documented in D4.2) • Issues • It has been difficult to identify open source unit test, coverage and metrics analysis tools for the C and C++ programming languages. Most existing tools have commercial licenses. Initial focus has been given to Java and Python, which in any case constitute a large fraction of the code of the current pilot projects. The ‘plug-in’ mechanism offers the possibility to user to use commercial tools with their own license

  18. WP5: Dissemination, Certification and Web Tools 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Goals • To set up the project portal for the wide aggregation of user community and to supply the ETICS services • To disseminate project results and organise dissemination and training events; promote awareness about the need for quality in research projects software development activities • To investigate and collaborate with similar initiatives to the definition, applicability and scope of quality assurance policies and standards • To investigate the feasibility of a certification process for software developed by research projects and outline a roadmap for its implementation

  19. WP5: Dissemination, Certification and Web Tools 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • Major Achievements • Design and implementation of the ETICS project identity (logo, web site, templates, posters, flyers) • Design and implementation of the ETICS web portal to give users access to the ETICS services (Configuration Manager, Repository and Report Browsers, administrative applications) • Organization of three training events and related material • Proposition and organization of a Community Group on Software Certification in the Open Grid Forum (OGF), which acts as the ETICS Expert Board • Issues • In the first quarter some WP3 tasks have been reallocated to WP5. This issue together with the need to follow the OGF procedures has slowed down some other tasks like the certification process feasibility study. The activity will ramp up in year 2, but we may have to shift D5.7 by two months (currently foreseen for PM20)

  20. Relations with Other Projects 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007 • ETICS has spent considerable effort in establishing relationships with other projects: • EGEE: SA3 (certification), JRA1 (development), NA4 (applications) • DILIGENT: integration and testing • OGF: co-chair of a Community Group on Build, Test and Certification of grid software • OMII-Europe: provider of the build and test infrastructure • EUChinaGrid: implementation of plugins for IPv6 compliance tests • ICEAGE: participation to the Grid Computing School 2006 • CERN openlab: co-organizer with EGEE of the HP workshop on gLite industrial readiness • ETICS has actively taken part to the EC/IST activities: • eIRG Workshops (Linz, Espoo) • IST Workshops and Concertation Meetings (Bordeaux, Helsinki)

  21. Deliverables and milestones • All deliverables/milestones (PM1-12) done • 15 deliverables and 8 milestones in 12 months • All deliverables submitted within deadlines • only one exception (D4.1, two weeks late over the summer) 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  22. Deliverables List 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  23. Financial status • The provisional Financial Report covering the 1st reporting period shows a total cost of 603 664 € and requests a total EC contribution of 579 633 €. It represents 42% of the total maximum EC contribution as per the Annex I of the Contract. • Internal Cost Claims (Form C) are being submitted by all partners to the coordinator and should be ready by the February, 15th deadline. Commercial companies have longer and stricter internal auditing procedures, which makes it difficult to have official data in short periods of time • The breakdown of expenses is as follows: • Direct Costs: 76% • Indirect Costs: 24% • Personnel: 89% • Travel, subsistence and other costs: 11% 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  24. Manpower levels • PPT tool to monitor project effort consumption (timesheets) • 28 people registered across Europe and USA • Total equivalent of ~ 10 FTE/year 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  25. Summary ETICS is closely following the planned work program and it has delivered a first fully functional prototype of the ETICS Build and Test Service and a fully managed infrastructure It has exceeded the expected number of supported projects and users for Year 1 and has 3 projects (EGEE, DILIGENT and OMII-Europe) using its services for production tasks ETICS has established strong relationships with other projects and initiatives in the field of software quality assurance and certification and its rapidly establishing itself as a reliable service provider and partner The project is close to the expected levels of effort and budget and all the tools and procedures to monitor the progress and assess and resolve issues are in place 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

  26. Thanks http://www.eu-etics.org 1st ETICS Review – Status of the Project - CERN, 9 February 2007

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