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Persuasive Writing Persuade: giving reasons that cause someone to do something you want them to do or convince them to change what they believe in order to accept what you believe. O pinion R easons E xamples O pinion S imiles. Remember what you have already learned! Format your paragraph:.
Persuasive WritingPersuade:giving reasons that cause someoneto do something you want them to door convince them to change what they believe in order to accept whatyou believe.
Remember what you have already learned! Format your paragraph:
Remember what you have already learned! Apply it to new ideas in Persuasive Writing
Persuasive Writing with OREOSFirst Sentence:Introductory& OpinionOreos are America’s favorite cookie.Setting (where): AmericaPlot (what): Subject of Favorite CookiesCharacter (who): Oreo CookiesOpinion:All Americans choose Oreos as best
Persuasive Writing with OREOSSecond Sentence:Reason #1& Reason Annual sales exceed $550 million.Subject Matter (what): Annual salesReason (why): $550 million is a lot of money(that’s a lot of Oreos)
Persuasive Writing with OREOSThird Sentence:Reason #2& Example Oreo offers a wide variety of styles and flavors.Subject Matter (what): variety of styles and flavorsExample (why): people like options
Persuasive Writing with OREOSFourth Sentence:Reason #3& Opinion (restated)These cookies are America’s favorite cookie because they taste great.Subject Matter (what): America’s favorite cookieOpinion (why): they taste great
Persuasive Writing with OREOSFifth Sentence:Conclusion& SimileLike the sweet taste of freedom,Oreos are uniquely American.Conclusion (how): America’s favorite cookieSimile (what): Like the sweet taste of freedom
Oreos are America’s favorite cookie.Annual sales exceed $550 million. Oreo offers a wide variety of styles and flavors. These cookies are America’s favorite cookie because they taste great. Like the sweet taste of freedom, Oreos are uniquely American.