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Road and railway potential accessibility of Poland in the European dimension. Piotr Rosik Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization; Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw , Poland. Introduction - purpose. P urpose of the paper is to : show a model of the demographic potential,
Road and railway potential accessibility of Poland in the European dimension PiotrRosik Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization; Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland
Introduction - purpose • Purpose of the paper is to: • show a model of the demographic potential, • allowing for performing of simulations of changes in the accessibility of the space of Poland due to the opening the model to the international dimension • Model has been carried out in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization in Warsaw Source: ESPON, Update of Selected Potential Accessibility Maps (2006-2007), 2007, Spiekermann&Wegener Urban and Regional Research (S&W), RRG Spatial Planning and Geoinformation
Methods of accessibility measurement • There are different approaches to the methodology of measurement of accessibility. On the basis of literature survey one can identify five groups of methods: • infrastructure-based accessibility measure – the regional infrastructure equipment is evaluated by its quantity and quality and the level of congestion, • distance-based accessibility measure (travel-cost accessibility) – distance, time or cost of travel where the activity is sought (a single destination or a set of destinations), • cumulativeaccessibility measure (daily accessibility) – assessment of set of destinations available in particular travel distance, time or cost from the origin, • potential-based(gravity-based) accessibility measure – accessibility is measured by the number of activities (opportunities) which can be reached in a certain distance, time or effort weighted by the travel distance, time or effort to do so, • person-based accessibility measure – analyzing accessibility at the individual level.
Potential model – some assumptions • The temporal scope of the study - the year 2008 for the socio-economic data (demographic) and the years 2010-2011 for the networkdata. • Railway timetables as of June 2010. • 2011 - waiting times of passenger cars and trucks at the border crossing points at the Polish borders. • In the case of road transport, 2 321 transport districts (travel origins) in Poland at the municipal level (in the analysis of accessibility to population). • In railway transport 60 transport districts (origins) at the subregional level. • This territory of Europe, outside of Poland, was divided for road transport into 212 transport zones and for railway transport – into 25 transport zones.
Potential accessibility indicator Population • Ai – accessibility of a municipality i, • Mi– own mass (population) of a municipality i, • Mj – mass (population) of a municipality j located in Poland (2321 transport zones), • Mk – mass (population) of a municipality k located outside of Poland (212 transport zones), • tii – time of an internal trip within a municipality i, • tij – travel time between the municipalities i and j. • tik – travel time between the municipalities i and transport zones k located outside of Poland Road network This accessibility involves three potentials in the form of the so-called: own potential, internal potential, external potential Β = 0.0347 (short trips) Β = 0.005 (long trips)
Travel speeds POLAND – Big push to roads (2004-2013) • 14 categories of roadsin Poland • 12 000 sections • Logitfunctions were used • Averagespeed was calculated for sectionsbased on: • traffic regulations, • number of inhabitants in a buffer zone of five kilometres, • the topographic features of the area. • 4 categories of roads out of Poland • Trafficregulations • Arbitraryspeedreductions
Results – road potential accessibility Short trips Long trips National dimension European dimension
Results – railway potential accessibility Short trips Long trips National dimension European dimension
Conclusions • The shape of the spatialdistribution of the potentialaccessibilitydepends the most upon the shape of the distancedecayfunction, and, first of all, the value of the beta parameter(exponentialdecayfunction). • Openingup of the potential model to the entireEuropeancontinentchangessignificantly the image of accessibility of the space of Poland. • For shortertripsthe areassituatedalong the German bordergain, mainlyowing to the proximity of Berlin, yet the highestaccessibilityremainsstill with Warsaw and Upper Silesia. • For longertripsthe most pronouncedaccessibilitycharacterises Lower Silesia, along with the areasbordering upon Germany and Czechia, and itdecreases in the north-easterndirection. • The railway accessibilitychanges to a much lowerdegreeafter the model isopened to the Europeandimension. • The results of the studymayfindapplication in the planninganalyses, in the strategies, concerningcohesion, regional and transport policies, also in the transboundarycontext
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Whypotential model isimportant for us?We needit for simulations!Programming period 2007-2013 (2015); relativepotentialaccessibilitychanges short trips; β=0,02 National accessibility long trips; β=0,005 National accessibility European accessibility
Thank you for your attention PiotrRosik rosik@twarda.pan.pl Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization; Polish Academy of Sciences