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Annual Report & Accounts 2016/17. Registered Company No. 00925718 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. 255523. Financial period: 1 October 2016 – 30 September 2017 Programme / events: 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017. GA / LP – 11 th December 2017. Contents. Association Objective.
Annual Report & Accounts2016/17 Registered Company No. 00925718 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. 255523 Financial period: 1 October 2016 – 30 September 2017 Programme / events: 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017 GA / LP – 11th December 2017
Association Objective To promote the health, safety, welfare and wellbeing of working people and the organisations they work for by facilitating networking, sharing, learning, the adoption of good practice and continuous improvement. This extends to an organisation's physical assets, the environment, and the community which it serves or in which it operates with a focus on Birmingham and surrounding areas. ‘Welfare’ means facilities and provisions that are necessary for the comfort, convenience and wellbeing of working people such as washing, toilet, rest and changing facilities and somewhere clean to eat and drink during breaks. ‘Wellbeing’ means a good or satisfactory condition of existence or state characterised by health, happiness and prosperity determined primarily by work and which can be influenced by workplace interventions.
Organisation Structure 2016/17 [1] Co-opted April 2017. [2] Co-opted June 2017
Summary of activities and achievements Only achieved by the continuing voluntary effort by Trustees, Management and Council with support from others including the Secretary Liz Prophett and her assistant Janice Hemus. • HSE keynote and words from the President, Rosi Edwards at January 2017 AGM. • Continued strong programme of monthly events plus construction / SHAD events. • Annual seminar ‘Business Interruption’ - well attended, good feedback. • Harry Jakeman annual memorial construction event introduced. • Further development of visual, practical and simple aim, style and content. • Membership numbers slightly down but increase in attendance of ‘guests’. • Use of social media to aid promotion, publicity, networking and sharing. • Introduction and use of feedback form at all BHSEA events. • Sound finances maintained with investment income now well established. • Sale of Quinton (January 2017) allows for increased focus on charitable activities. • Further simplification, development and documentation of systems / procedures. • New Council and Management members co-opted but further new ‘blood’ needed! • Continued good support from HSE and others at many BHSEA meetings / events. • SGUK Alan Butler Silver Award 2016 (presentation at House of Lords - January 2018).
Summary of Meetings / Events – 2017Details on following slides / pages Continued
Programme of Events / Meetings - 2017 Event cancelled due to extreme weather conditions Average attendance: 2014 = 50; 2015 = 44; 2016 = 38; 2017 = 40 Continued
Members’ Corner - 2017short (10 mins) practical presentations at monthly programme meetings Presentations from Members needed on their issues and experience - HSE in practice! Continued
Construction Events - 2017 incl. Working Well Together (WWT) Events Note:March and October events: BHSEA Programme events / meetings. All other events: WWT including Safety and Health Awareness Days (SHADS) Thanks to the HSE, Neil Boon, Tony Hall, the Construction Section & other supporters / sponsors Continued
Health related presentations / events – 2017(included in previous pages / slides)
Partnerships, Key Contacts and Supporters Safety Groups UK Health and Safety Executive Birmingham City Council Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Engineering Employers Federation Construction Industry Training Board Federation of Master Builders National Metal Forming Centre Pinsent Masons Arco
Income & Expenditure Summary 2016/17 Excludes gains (£38,074 windfall profit) made on sale of Quinton premises Steady income stream now established following investment of proceeds from sale of Acocks Green premises in 2013/14. Increase in subscription income due to timing issues and chasing up outstanding payments. Operating expenditure mainly associated with cost of monthly meetings / events, WWT events and one-off costs associated with Quinton sale and closure. Quinton related expenditure now ceased but there will be some (small) ‘accommodation’ costs going forward. 14
Assets / Investments Summary 2016/17 • Free reserves currently circa £150k - mainly money in the bank from Quinton sale - will be reduced to circa £24k when further investments are made. • Most income comes from investments and circa £1M of investments is needed to enable the Association to operate and meet its charitable aims and activities. • Investment policy is to maintain the real value of the assets in order to provide an adequate income stream and secure sustainability of the Association.
Governance and Management (1) Articles of Association (revised in 2015) guide the way the Association is run and managed, and the Association continues to operate taking due account of Charities Commission rules, regulations and guidelines including those related to public benefit. Trustees (and the Association Secretary) regularly attend events which routinely include presentations on Charity Commission requirements and expectations. Management attention is routinely given to risk issues including finance/investments, organisational arrangements & succession planning, membership numbers, communication technology/developments and value added from Association activities. Investment / reserves Policy (see appendix) and performance and operational needs have been reviewed with free reserves, currently circa £150k mainly from Quinton sale, to be reduced from circa £45k to circa £24k by further investments. The EFQM business excellence model (adopted in 2013) continues to provide a framework for excellence, continuous improvement and good governance. The BHSEA ‘Event / Activity Calendar’ has been developed further and helps ensure all management, risk and governance issues are addressed in a timely manner. Recruitment and appointment of Honorary Officers / trustees (and others) is via nominations and member’s votes at AGMs (details in the Articles). Guidance on the various roles has been simplified and consolidated and helps ensure that appropriate information, guidance and training is provided to new and existing Trustees, Management Committee members and Council members. Continued
Governance and Management (2) ‘Strategic Planning & Monitoring’ tool - used to review the activities, performance and effectiveness of the Association and identify improvement opportunities, aims, objectives & priorities ‘Key Event / Activity Calendar’ - a day-to-day management tool to ensure actions are taken in a planned and timely manner. Linked guidance notes, tools & techniques indicate why , how etc.
Future Actions / Improvement Opportunities New BHSEA office accommodation following sale of Quinton premises. Succession planning and development for future honorary officers and secretary. Further recruitment to Council and Management. New BHSEA website with improved functionality and features - visuals, tools etc. Continuing to develop BHSEA simple / visual / practical ‘products’ and services Seeking increased participation and engagement of members. Continuing to organise and run an annual seminar (2018: ‘Mock Trial’). New and improved initiatives for gaining new members. Continuing improvement and documenting of internal processes and procedures. Investing remaining proceeds from sale of Quinton premises. Seeking further co-operation, learning and sharing with other safety groups. Helping to develop SGUK value-adding capability to benefit BHSEA and others. Seeking further ways of promoting health and safety.
Trustees report approved Chair of the Association (trustee): George Allcock Sig:…………………………… Date: …………… Vice-Chair of the Association (trustee) : David Hughes Sig:…………………………… Date: …………… Chair of the Construction Section (trustee): Neil Boon Sig:…………………………… Date: …………… Vice-President of the Association (trustee): Dalvinder Masaun Sig:…………………………… Date: ……………
Appendices / Additional Information- links to files / website Key Topics: Sub-Committees (Leads etc) Construction section / sub-committee members Investment Policy Previous Presidents, Chairs & Honorary Members Lists of Members & associated industry / sector etc Association Milestones 1930 ……. – A brief history
Key Topics: Sub-CommitteesLeads (L); Sub-committees members (m) Revised 25.10.2017 • Publicity / promotion & recruitment • Legal • Finance, investment & governance • Charitable activities & member services • 5. Technology incl. website & social networking • 6. Strategy, Planning & Monitoring • 7. Construction
Investment Policy (1) Investment / reserves Policy and performance and operational needs have been reviewed with free reserves, currently circa £150k mainly from Quinton sale, to be reduced from circa £45k to circa £24k by further investments.
Previous Presidents, Chairs and Honorary Members See BHSEA website
Lists of Members & associated industry / sector etc See BHSEA website
Association Milestones 1930 - 1966 1900 1930 1943 1948 1951 1956 1960 1966 • No ‘Safety’ beyond the Factory Inspectorate. • Many accidents in engineering shops around Birmingham. • Factory Inspectorate (Midlands) invited local industry to a meeting. • Birmingham & District Industrial Safety Group formed - first meeting. • Sub-committee formed leading to the present IOSH. • Junior Section established to introduce apprentices & young persons to the hazards at work. • First safety training course for power press operators. • Membership around 300. • Acocks Green premises purchased by the Group. • Many safety training courses by Group members & Factory Insp. • Full-time training director appointed. • Acocks Green / training handed over to (rented by) RoSPA following government grant to set up regional organisations, incl. Birmingham Continued
Association Milestones 1967 - 2015 1967 1968 1982 1990 2001 2005 20122013 2014 2015 • Part-time secretary appointed – safety talks and events organised. • Chair of Safety & Hygiene established at Aston (Group ‘input’). • The Group became a limited company, whilst still a charity. • Group talks included H&S legislation and safety during a recession. • Membership exceeds 300 for the first time since the 1960’s. • Continuing programme of meetings, events and annual seminars • Quinton premises purchased – Information/Advisory Centre opened. • The Association celebrates 75 years of existence. • Andy Chappell retires (RoSPA award), Liz Prophett appointed. • Acocks Green premises vacated by tenant (NHS) – a major loss of income. Premises sold with a view to less risky investment(s). • Members on-line survey followed by ‘Way Forward’ Workshop. • Proceeds of Acocks Green sale invested. • Construction Section 60 Years Anniversary Event (Barclaycard Arena) • Articles of Association revised (simpler, stronger, more flexible) Continued
Association Milestones 2016 - 2016 2017 • The sad loss of two Association stalwarts – Liz Chapell and Harry Jakeman. • Quinton premises sold • Harry Jakeman annual memorial construction event introduced.