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Orthopedic Imaging: Diverse Injuries and Arthroscopic Repairs

Explore a range of orthopedic injuries and arthroscopic procedures including ACL tears, medial knee pain, and shoulder lesions. This comprehensive guide covers imaging techniques, diagnosis, and treatment options.

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Orthopedic Imaging: Diverse Injuries and Arthroscopic Repairs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OCTOBER 6, 2005

  2. CASE: Collision in outfield Direct injury bone bruise

  3. 16M Cyclops Lesion

  4. Trauma Knee dislocation

  5. Acute on Chronic Hip Problems Hip dysplasia with stress fracture

  6. Recent Ankle Trauma Ankle fracture with blister

  7. DISH Possible ankylosing spondylitis

  8. Medial knee pain Meniscal cyst without tear

  9. 47 yo women who dropped bottle on ankle PTT tear

  10. 37 yo man who, upon lifting his grandmother into the car, had valgus knee stress Patellar Dislocation

  11. 5.12.05 initial MRI done on 5/12/05 27 year old male had initial MRI done on 5/12/05Then had ACL repair, ORIF of medial femoral condyle osteochondritis dessicans, and repair of bucket handle tear of medial meniscus

  12. New MRI 3 months post op Could bucket handle tear cause OCD?Repaired bucket handle

  13. Status post arthroscopy Insufficiency Fx S/P arthroscopy

  14. ACL Tear, ALRI, Posterolateral corner injury, and capsular rupture Injury

  15. Value of T2-weighted MR Arthrographic Images Perilabral Ganglion Cyst T1 FS MRa T2 FS MRa

  16. Enchondroma. 59 yo female with right shoulder lesion

  17. 18 yo male with knee pain Prominent tubular opacities around popliteal artery ? Cystic adventitial disease of popliteal artery

  18. Tear, posteromedial bundle of PCL, intact ACL, kissing bone bruises Hyperextension injury in 43 yo male with medial knee pain.

  19. 51 yo female with shoulder pain. Greater tuberosity fracture with entrapped fat???

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