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QPS supervision training for MP3 Access to QPS controls for BE-OP? TE-MPE on stand-by service

QPS supervision training for MP3 Access to QPS controls for BE-OP? TE-MPE on stand-by service. R. Denz. QPS supervision training for MP3. Present knowledge not sufficient for standard tasks Loss of LHC time Needless calls to MPE stand-by service and QPS hardware experts

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QPS supervision training for MP3 Access to QPS controls for BE-OP? TE-MPE on stand-by service

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  1. QPS supervision training for MP3Access to QPS controls for BE-OP?TE-MPE on stand-by service R. Denz

  2. QPS supervision training for MP3 • Present knowledge not sufficient for standard tasks • Loss of LHC time • Needless calls to MPE stand-by service and QPS hardware experts • Next training session as soon as possible • Reset and re-start of QPS systems • Basic fault analysis • Potentially dangerous situations • Access from home using RBAC piquet role • New version of QPS documentation available • Part of QPS user manual • Covers most of the situations observed during last weeks

  3. Access to QPS controls for BE-OP • For brainstorming only: • So far LHC operators etc. are not able to perform even very basic tasks due to the very restrictive access control • Calls to MP3, MPE stand-by service or QPS expert every time a problem is showing up  could become tedious in the long term • Advantage: MP3 etc. are always well informed about the state of the superconducting circuits • If access is granted one needs to define the roles and the scope • Generic accounts like lhcop not very safe • List of accessible command could be restricted • Proper training needed in all cases

  4. TE-MPE on stand-by service • Meanwhile fully established and operational • Members: G.-J. Coelingh (organization), G. D'Angelo (organization), V. Froidbise, R. Mompo, J. Mourao, K. Priestnall, G. Seweryn • Supervision: R. Denz • Phone: 168801 • WEB space: G:\Departments\TE\Services\MPE_on-call-service • Always two people on call: normal working hours / outside normal working hours • Scope: all CL, DFB, EE and QPS systems managed by the TE-MPE group • Training: • Currently two sessions per week + on the job training • Good progress so far • After one or two month the stand-by service should be able to cope with the majority (>90 %) of problems with the above mentioned systems

  5. TE-MPE on stand-by service – 1st experience

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