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Good afternoon, We break ground next week for the Academic Success Center building on our campus that will house all of our programs, including drop-in tutoring. I have attached PPT slides that show the floor plans.
Good afternoon, We break ground next week for the Academic Success Center building on our campus that will house all of our programs, including drop-in tutoring. I have attached PPT slides that show the floor plans. Please note that we have made a few more changes since I received this rendering from the architects last fall, and I don't have an electronic copy of the updated floor plan. The building will be 35,000 sq. ft in 3 floors. I also attached the most recent rendering of the main entrance side. (The other side has like a second "main entrance", will be directly onto the second floor. The building will sit on a slope, on a main walkway from west to east campus and students will be able to pass through the building, and thus be exposed to our programs and space available for their use, etc. (:~) The first floor will consist of drop-in tutoring rooms (note that tables in these rooms will have a section at one end that is height adjustable to accommodate wheel chairs. We have been trying to follow Universal Design as much as possible - Student Disability Services is a part of our center and will be housed with us in the new building.), study lounges, a help center for the eportfolio (now a requirement for graduation), 2 small editing rooms and a case study auditorium. Second floor will be offices, test proctoring center and other administration spaces. The two classrooms have been modified to house our ePortfolio director (complete with a production studio) and a Creative Inquiry (undergraduate research program) director. Third floor will be all classrooms - for our use! We will now be able to have additional space for tutoring and to offer some SI sessions during the day. Our freshman seminar course will also be taught primarily in these rooms. There are now several small group project rooms in the building that students can reserve. We are very excited to see this building become a reality. The Class of 1956 took this on as their golden anniversary project and raised 25% of the total construction costs - so we will become the Class of 1956 Academic Success Center. We expect completion by the end of 2009. Right now we plan to be open from 8am - 12 midnight. Our library is adjacent to this space and is open 24/7. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about our new facility. Elaine M. Elaine Richardson, PhD Director and CU 101 Coordinator Academic Success Center Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634 (864) 656-6212 Fax (864) 656-6215
second floor plan third floor plan