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FY 2015 Regional Administrator Meetings. Chancellor – John Carey Senior Vice Chancellor – Gary Cates State ABLE Director – Jeff Gove ABLE staff – Donna Albanese, Sharon Brannon, Cheryl Brueggeman, Nikia Fletcher, Marquita Mitchell, Cindy Zengler
FY 2015 Regional Administrator Meetings Chancellor – John Carey Senior Vice Chancellor – Gary Cates State ABLE Director – Jeff Gove ABLE staff – Donna Albanese, Sharon Brannon, Cheryl Brueggeman, Nikia Fletcher, Marquita Mitchell, Cindy Zengler PDN staff – Jody Angelone, Beth Crawford, Kate Fergus, Melissa Ross, Christina Terrell
Meeting Itinerary • 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Welcome, introductions, updates from state ABLE • 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. FY 2014 Program Improvement Consultation Plan (PICP) Debrief • 10:45 – noon Review PICP directions, clarify overarching goal, review program data • Noon – 1:15 p.m. Lunch • 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Strategies and action steps
Regional Meeting Objectives • Provide information for a successful start to the new fiscal year • Define the PICP process and the overarching goal • Finalize sub-goal selection for local programs • Review data relevant toward strategy selection • Create action plans for goal completion • Develop measures of program success
Expected Outcome • The goal is for every local program to leave the regional meeting with a solid draft of their FY 2015 PICP. • Draft plans should be shared with individual program staff members before submission to able-grants@regents.state.oh.us .
NRS Cohort Definitions, Assessment, Distance Education, Professional Development and Learning Disabilities (LD) FY 2015 Policy Clarifications
NRS Cohort Definition The clarification impacts the cohorts “obtained employment” and “retained employment”.
Assessment Approved Assessments: • WorkKeys and CASAS Employability (ECS) may not be used for National Reporting System (NRS) reporting • CASAS Life and Work is still an NRS approved test
Assessment Continuing students in ABLELink: • Test scores may be rolled forward and reported in ABLELink for the new fiscal year. Enter a copy of the most recent assessment as a new progress record with the original scores and a date of 07/01/2014. • The first assessment of each fiscal year becomes the initial assessment, although ABLELink will continue to refer to assessments rolled forward as progress.
Assessment Student initial placement: • If the student scores at the highest scale score for level 6 completion in all subject areas at placement, he/she is not eligible for ABLE services. This includes students with or without a high school credential.
Assessment Scale scores: • Test scores are most reliable when they fall near the middle of the distribution of scores. • Retest as soon as possible if the scores are outside the standard error of measure – either too high or too low
Confidentiality/ABLELink Personally-identifiable information (PII) • Records may be transmitted electronically using secure (encrypted) transmission methods. Data containing PII cannot be stored in cloud storage such as Google Docs, Dropbox, iCloud, or OneDrive.
Confidentiality/ABLELink • Data stewards responsible for PII or other institutional data should designate where sensitive information should be stored. Generally, this is in approved folders on the agency’s secured server. • Communicate this policy to all of your ABLE staff and partners. Fiscal agents are responsible for ensuring confidentiality of records.
Distance Education • Programs wishing to recommend distance learning curriculum for approval may submit a New Curriculum Approval Application New Curriculum Approval Application is on the web at www.ohiohighered.org/able/reference
Professional Development • New Staff Orientation (NSO), New Administrator Orientation (NAO) and New Teacher Orientation (NTO) – online - are currently under revision. • Assessment Fundamentals is a required course for new administrators and new teachers and any new or existing staff prior to administering assessments. • Trainings for specific assessments (TABE 9&10, TABE CLAS-E, BEST PLUS, CASAS Life and Work) are required for all staff (new or existing) prior administering assessments.
Professional Development • Distance Education (DE) Basics is required of all new administrators and Distance Education (DE) 101 is required of all DE teachers. • Intro to Learning to Achieve is required for new administrators and new teachers. • Teachers’ Academies will be held fall of 2014 and spring of 2015 with dates and locations to be determined.
Learning Disabilities (LD) • There is no longer an LD Portal or an LD Directory. The LD Plan has been redesigned as a fillable PDF form and the LD Guide has been updated as a separate document, both of which are available at www.ohiohighered.org/able/reference . • Requests for services regarding LD support should be emailed to OhioPDN@literacy.kent.edu. Be sure to include “LD” in the subject line. • The “free” psychological assessments are no longer available due to marginal utilization.
SMART Goal Setting Specific Is the goal unambiguous, significant, precise, and sustainable? Measurable How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met? Achievable Can the goal be accomplished? Is it appropriate, agreed upon, attainable and actionable? Relevant Are the goals feasible, rational, practical, and important to my overall organization? What are the timelines, milestones, deadlines, and delivery dates? Timely
A snapshot of the local program data Preliminary FY 2014 data
SMART Goal Evaluation • Assist teachers in using technology on a weekly basis to support instruction.
SMART Goal Evaluation • Increase the number of classes structured as managed enrollment to at least 3 classes
SMART Goal Evaluation • Increase student average hours to 45 hours per student.
SMART Goal Evaluation • To increase student persistence to meet or exceed all EFLs at the acceptable level.
SMART Goal Evaluation • Students in all program classes will practice the skills required for success in post-secondary education.
SMART Goal Evaluation • Increase student persistence by 14% over FY2013 reported data for an overall average of 57 hours per student by the close of the current fiscal grant year (June 30,2014).
Think-Pair-Share • Do your goals meet the criteria of a SMART Goal? • Is there opportunity for refinement to include the elements of a SMART goal?
Our Process Definitions • Overarching goal – Broad vision for the process, the mission • Goals/Sub-Goals – General statements of what the program seeks to accomplish; outcomes based • Strategies – Plan for accomplishing goals • Action Steps – Actual steps that must occur for successful completion of the goals
ABLE Overarching Goal • Increase student transitions to post-secondary education by 10% over FY 2014 • Successful completion of the overarching goal is measured by achieving an additional 6 students in this measure (69 students) reported in the desk review of FY 2015
Let’s reflect • How do you believe your goals contribute to the overarching goal? • What led you to believe that selecting this goal will help you achieve your overarching goal?
Let’s continue to reflect… Status Check: • We understand the implications of our overarching goal to our local program • We have SMART goals/sub-goals and our peers agree that they are SMART. • We are ready to begin drafting strategies and action steps.
Work Session Strategies and Action steps
Resources Available • State ABLE staff including the PDN • Administrators from other local programs • Strategy and source matrix information from the FY 2014 Administrator Summit
Next Steps • Communities of Practice (CoPs) – Will be determined once the program goals are set • There will be 1 CoP with multiple discussion threads. • There will be a virtual focus group to debrief on the CoPs from FY 2014. If you are interested in participating in the focus group, there is a sign up sheet circulating.
PICP Timeline Submit the initial PICP form no later than September 5, 2014. • During this first quarter, the plan will be developed and implementation will begin. • Quarterly form updates are due – • October 15, 2014 • December 31, 2014 • March 31, 2015 • June 30, 2015 • All PICP submissions should go to able-grants@regents.state.oh.us .
Regional Meeting Objectives • Provide information for a successful start to the new fiscal year • Define the PICP process and the overarching goal • Finalize sub-goal selection for local programs • Review data relevant toward strategy selection • Create action plans for goal completion • Develop measures of program success
A special THANK YOU to our hosts - Miami Valley Career Technology Center, Great Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Development, Penta Career Center, DAS Training Bldg., Buckeye Career Center, Pike County Career Center, Trumbull County Career Center, Marion Technical College, and Polaris Joint Vocational School District Thank you for participating!!