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Hydro Development by Governments. How do interest groups assert their interests when the government considers proposed hydroelectric projects? What are the avenues of influence?
Hydro Development by Governments How do interest groups assert their interests when the government considers proposed hydroelectric projects? What are the avenues of influence? What does the UN Commission on Dams say about how large dam projects have balanced development and environmental interests? What role do the following factors play? • Wealth / economic conditions of the community/nation (developed vs. developing world) • Political / governmental regime type (democratic vs. other) • Awareness of ecosystem issues: development pre- or post-1970s
Large hydro vs. small hydro • UN commission on dams • Displacement of people • Cost / benefits analyses, with and without hindsight
HYDROPOWER • Themes: • 1. Ongoing interest group conflict over: • development vs. environment (universal) • public vs. private ownership • Intra-governmental and intra-agency conflict over control of resources, and of licensing process: from 1935 to present. • Introduction to administrative process
HYDROELECTRIC LICENSING TIMELINE 1700s-early 1900s:development of water resources by private mill owners Early 1900s:first development for power; first publicly-owned projects
HYDROELECTRIC LICENSING TIMELINE 1700s-early 1900s: development of water resources by private mill owners Early 1900s: first development for power; first publicly-owned projects NOTE: Federally-owned water projects do not require a license. Many of these projects are publicly-owned (BPA, TVA, etc.) • 1935: Modern version of Federal Power Act passed • requires federal license to build project
Licensing Process • Administered by agency (FERC) • Subject to statutory constraints • municipal preference • private intervenors • agency intervenors/commenters • owners (public and private) • Decisions appealable within agency and ultimately to the courts: grounds for appeal?
HYPOTHETICAL City of Jefferson in Madison, County wants more power supply and jobs. They solicit XYZ Corp. to build, own and operate hydro plant at undeveloped site on the Adams River. State EPA and local Sierra Club chapter oppose project because it will destroy scenic views and disrupt fish habitat. American Whitewater Kayakers Association favors project because it will regulate river flows, enhancing whitewater kayaking. Landowner owns all land and water rights at the site, and opposes the project.
HYDROELECTRIC LICENSING TIMELINE 1700s-early 1900s: development of water resources by private mill owners Early 1900s: first development for power; first publicly-owned projects 1935: Modern version of Federal Power Act passed 1944:First Iowa decision (see also CA v. FERC) Who has the last word in the licensing process? How has FERC traditionally resolved environmental conflicts at licensing?
HYDROELECTRIC LICENSING TIMELINE 1700s-early 1900s: development of water resources by private mill owners Early 1900s: first development for power; first publicly-owned projects 1935: Modern version of Federal Power Act passed 1944:First Iowa decision 1953:Namekagon decision 1960s:Scenic Hudsondecision
HYDROELECTRIC LICENSING TIMELINE 1700s-early 1900s: development of water resources by private mill owners Early 1900s: first development for power; first publicly-owned projects 1935: Modern version of Federal Power Act passed 1944: First Iowa decision 1953: Namekagon decision 1960s: Scenic Hudson decision 1969: NEPA EIS 1978: PURPA Small hydro 1986: ECPA pushed FERC to agree to environmental agency recommendations
HYDROELECTRIC LICENSING TIMELINE 1700s-early 1900s: development of water resources by private mill owners Early 1900s: first development for power; first publicly-owned projects 1935: Modern version of Federal Power Act passed 1944: First Iowa decision 1953: Namekagon decision 1960s: Scenic Hudson decision 1969: NEPA 1978: PURPA 1986: ECPA 1997: RELICENSING: Edwards Dam decision
NEXT CLASS: Coal Mining • Understand mining process(es) • Read at least one of the other two water pollution cases: • Kentuckians case = mountaintop removal • MMI case = acid mine drainage