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15-19 November 2015


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15-19 November 2015

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  1. 2013 Norman Macrae Foundation co-publishers of World Record Book of Job Creation unacknowledgedgiant.com aims to link collaborations between all millennials summits wherever we can help -if you have ideas on how to help Atlanta show that twinning youth jobs summits can be more valuable to co-host than olympics please tell me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washington dc 301 881 1655 or contact committee member 15-19 November 2015

  2. WORLDS MOST EXCITING RACE: TO END POVERTY Over 30 years we have been researching why 2015-2030 is the most urgent time to invest in millennials and the goals they lives can solve as the most educated, connected generation As Partners in Publishing World Record Book of Job Creation, we invite you to play this game: rehearse how to search out 12 world record job creators Explore links of candidates tabled to see what job creation can be enjoyed by their alumni webs. Then edit in and out your own choice. Clue choose job creators who have collaboratively different social value but interconnecting impacts with the most human goals of any generation (our net generation), that way they can all win-win and your map of world record job creation will become simpler and simpler to celebrate with everyone you can reach Subscribe to newsletter sharing Job creating links chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

  3. I am Dbanj, and I am from Africa Believe in yourself | D'Banj | TEDxWBG I know you are thinking huh - that dark continent those backward people Well I'm an entertainer, before I entertain you I would like to tell you a story about that Africa and how we used music to touch , inspire and empower our community Yes the title of my story is Believe in Yourself So around late last year an organisation called One campaign owned by Bono approached me, and said DBanj I want you to champion a movement in 2014. I said wait: am I going to meet Bono. They said if you believe. I said Oh I believe - sign me up - what do I have to do> They say to me DBanj do you know that growth in agriculture is 11 times more effective at reducing poverty than any other sector? I said no- what about oil and gas. They said yes agriculture- so I said i want to be educated. I want to know what to do So they took e on a three and half hour drive in Ghana. Well I have been to Ghana many times to perform in beautiful places but this was bad roads, no water  ...when I reached there they said this is one of the biggest cocoa plantation.. I said no way. I got talking to the small scale women farmers, I got to realise that in Africa = most of the uncultivated land left in the whole world is in Africa to do agriculture. So I said wow it s very important to us to unravel that hidden wealth So I called upon my colleagues 18 of us. from 11 Afican countries and we did a song called coconut chocolate.. We did it because we wanted the farmers to know they are not alone, wanted them to know that agriculture can be trendy, very classy and you be a farmer and become wealthy We didnt stop there. We said we want to sign a petition, We want over 500000 youth to sign this petition that our african leaders know that youth are involved now., and if we're involved what you need to do is to commit at least 10% of the annual budget to agriculture so that we can end [poverty.. I was the first to sign that petition in Addis Ababa , and I am telling you that in 4 months we got over 2 million youth signing the petition -that agriculture id the way, the bedrock of our foundation and if we focus on it we can end poverty I am telling you for me personally my dream came true. I got to meet the legend Bono. And it didnt end there: at the just concluded african summit all the afican leaders signed petition to commit 10% of the annual budget.on agriculture. So yes as I say to you through music we touched, we inspired and we empowered our community because we believe. In conclusion, I am just this African youth, small boy from Lagos that believed in himself, that I can take this dream i believed in my passion , and so now what we started is why we are here: I am proud to tell you that if African youth are the future of Africa and Africa is the future of the world then I say it is important for us to empower youth, to educate youth so that when we know we not only end poverty but we eradicate hunger and are able to feed ourselves and the rest of the world. Now let me entertain you Young Superstar Society world bank group tedx transcripts of ending poverty For value chain transformation model www.universityofstars.tv see also www.women4empowerment.orgwww.fashion4development.com www.singforhope.orgwww.globalpovertyproject.orgwww.thegreenchildren.org

  4. Main Part 1 of Jim Kim Transcript from TEDX  Will the poor always be with us? | Jim Yong Kim | TEDxWBG - YouTube I came to this country (USA) when I was 5 years old. My father was a dentist and my mother, who is still alive, is a philosopher. My father was one of the most practical people on earth - Korean dentists are the most practical people on earth. My  mother, on the other hand as  a philosopher, interested me at an early age to the writings and work and life of Martin Luther King. She would always say to us I get the dad be practical thing but you know you have got to live your life as if for eternity. So she always filled our head with the best ideas and taught us that we had a responsibility to the world. We left a wore-torn country, my parents were both refugees from the war; we were one of the very very fortunate Korean families to have opportunities with education, so she always said you have a responsibility to the rest of the world So for most of my adult life I spent time in places like Haiti, and Peru in the prisons of Siberia , in Africa trying to provide healthcare. A very close friend and colleague of mine, Paul Farmer and I along with other friends founded an organisation called Partners in Health. At Partners In Health we lived by a very simple but difficult mission. We wanted to make a preferential option for the poor in Healthcare. Now what does that mean? For us, having had this amazing opportunity to study medicine and anthropology at some of the greatest institutions of highest education we felt that we had a deep responsibility to  bring the best of medical science to the poorest people. Now we started off fairly straightforward, we wanted to build clinics and bakeries and really pretty simple things then what we found out was that we could actually do a lot more - . we could actually treat HIV, we could treat tuberculosis and we could even treat drug resistant tuberculosis. One year we stumbled upon a epidemic of Drug Resistant (DR) tuberculosis in the slums of Lima Peru, 50 cases in a town of 100000 people which counts as an outbreak of DR tuberculosis.. DR Tuberculosis is one of the most difficult diseases to treat even in the best hospitals., its 18-24 months of treatments and for 12 months you have to give patients an injection 6 days out of 7 every week, Very difficult. But what we found was that these 50 cases were infecting others and transmissions was continuing so we had no choice . It turns out with tuberculosis that the only way to stop an epidemic is to treat those who are sick. So in other words from the human perspective is also te right thing to do from the public health perspective. Exactly the same problem we are facing today with Ebola. end of Jim KIm tedx script part 1 (PIH learning linksPartners In Health GHD  http://www.pih.org/knowledge-center  ... Haiti to Be World's First OPne University of Health? ) chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk writes:I wanted to break in here to suggest 2 ideas. First if you have any other favorite transcripts of Jim Kim or Paul Framer of Sir Fazle Abed (the 3 greatest networkers to scale bottom up health services) - please add them in this discussion area.Kim et all paper of transforming value chain of global health, Lancet 2013 Jim Kim2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc, 40 KB https://collaboration.worldbank.org/thread/3755

  5. Accountability Collaboration Transparency Sustainability Exponential –Young Professional Society The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.“ (Berners Lee, 2013) Being part of a social movement is going to be the most exhilarating memorable thing you are ever going to do. But understand how hard it is , and understand how serious you are going to need to be about everything it is going to take to get to the change you want, and then take it on as there is nothing better you can do (Jim Kim 2013) My life's work shows that even as a market's purpose is perfectly freeing human value multiplication its an extremely tense relationship system. This means that conflicts will start compounding inside the system unless enough people are openly accounting for the transparency of its contextual purpose ahead of time. (Business School President 1990) Man's technology is now probably turning the corner into the road that leads to final solution of the economic problem (ending poverty); but he is not yet in sight of providing the weakest of his own species the means to appeal from tyranny to God (Launch Entrepreneurial Revolution (ER) The Economist 1972) 2015-2030 worlds most exciting time: To Sustain or Not To Sustain generations to come valuetrue.com trilliondollaraudit.com online library of norman macrae— The Economist’s Unacknowledged Giant and 1972 founder of ER curriculum of net generation

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