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Miyokardit ve Perikardit

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Miyokardit ve Perikardit

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Miyokardit ve Perikardit Dr. Ercan TUTAR

    3. ETYOLOJI Infeksiyz Viral Bakteriyel Protozoal Fungal Nonenfeksiyz Toksik Ilalar Otoimmn (ARA, SLE, JRA) Idiyopatik

    4. Viral Miyokardit Enteroviruslar Coxsackie B3, B4 Echovirus Poliovirus Adenovirus CMV Kizamik Herpes Rubella Influenza Kabakulak EBV Parvovirus Varicella HBV, HCV RSV HIV

    5. SIKLIK ? Ani lmlerde % 4-5 % 16-21 Dilate KMP % 10

    10. Tanisal Testler Telekardiyografi Kardiyomegali, Akc konjesyonu Plevral effzyon, perikardial effzyon

    14. Tanisal Testler Biyopsi (Histolojik, PCR) Dallas kriterleri

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